
Revelation of Destiny

In a world where magical awakenings determine destiny, Arin, a poor boy, dreams of a better life for his struggling family. After a bullying incident, Arin falls into an old well and discovers a mysterious ring that bonds to him, granting him extraordinary powers. Keeping the ring a secret, Arin prepares for the official awakening ceremony, hoping it will elevate his family from poverty. During the ceremony, the ring's power triggers a unique and powerful awakening in Arin, bestowing him with rare summoning abilities. Now able to call forth mythical creatures, Arin embarks on a journey to master his powers, protect his family, and confront his former bullies. Revelation of Destiny follows Arin’s quest to rise above adversity, uncover the secrets of the ring, and navigate the complexities of his new abilities in a world filled with magic, danger, and intrigue.

DaoistMrEMYm · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: Carcasses Sale

Arin moved quickly through the now-deserted part of the dungeon, his wolves by his side. The once-teeming corridors were eerily silent, and he knew that until the dungeon reset in a month, there would be no new creatures to hunt or treasures to find unless he defeated the dungeon's main boss. But that required more preparation. Upon reaching the exit, he dismissed his wolves and stepped through the portal.

When he opened his eyes on the other side, he was met with a bustling scene. Many students from his school were present, along with newly awakened students from nearby towns, identifiable by their insignias and uniforms. Among them, Arin noticed the three bullies who had made life difficult for the poorer students: Marcus, Edmund, and Jackson Blackwood, the baron's son. They were organizing a group of adventurers, their sneering faces and arrogant demeanor unmistakable. Arin quickly decided to avoid them, slipping past unnoticed as they were preoccupied with their planning.

The area around the dungeon exit was lively, filled with temporary stalls and shops. Vendors were buying and selling various materials, herbs, and monster parts, providing a quick way for adventurers to make money. The local guards had cordoned off the area, allowing only those with proper authorization or an awakened badge to enter. The influx of students and adventurers from nearby towns had turned this place into a hub of activity, with countless new faces mingling and trading.

Most of the newcomers were wealthy, their fine clothes and the presence of servants and attendants indicating their status. Among them, Arin spotted a few poorer students from other towns, trying to make their way amidst the sea of opulence. These students moved cautiously, often sticking to the edges of the crowd to avoid unwanted attention. Their determination was evident, each step a testament to their resolve to carve out a place in this competitive world.

Noticing that the prices offered here were reasonable, he knew that better deals could be found in the wealthier parts of the city. He decided to head there, where specialists would likely offer higher prices for the items he had collected. Moving quickly through the throng, Arin made his way toward the more affluent districts.

Upon entering the wealthier part of the city, he saw even more people around. The streets were filled with students, adventurers, and merchants who had come to capitalize on the influx of awakened individuals. The shops and stalls were numerous, with many vendors displaying their wares. It was clear that the merchants knew about this event and had come prepared, expecting a rush of business.

The city itself was benefiting greatly from this influx. The high dungeon entry fee of twenty gold per person was filling the city coffers, but it was not enough to discourage the newly awakened from joining the easiest dungeon in this dukedom. The number of adventurers and merchants in the vicinity suggested that there were one or two thousand people ready to explore the dungeon, just as Arin had observed.

His first stop was at a well-known materials shop, part of the "Gilded Leaf Hansa," a large and reputable trading guild. This shop specialized in buying and selling rare materials from adventurers. The guild's emblem, a golden leaf, hung prominently above the entrance, signalling its affiliation and prestige.

Inside, the shop was bustling with activity. Shelves lined with various potions, herbs, and monster parts were meticulously organized. The shopkeepers, busy negotiating with other adventurers, barely noticed Arin as he approached the counter. He knew that the Gilded Leaf Hansa would offer fair prices and potentially more for high-quality materials.

Waiting for a moment, he approached the desk after the customer left. "Hello, sir, how can I help you?" the shopkeeper asked. "I would like to sell carcasses," Arin replied. "Of course, please put them there on this special butcher table." He handed over the carcasses he had collected. The shopkeeper examined each carcass carefully, nodding with approval before offering a sum of gold. For the majority of the carcasses, Arin received full price, but a few of them were damaged, so he got slightly less. In total, he earned ninety-one gold coins.

Noticing Arin's collection of gold, the shopkeeper immediately began offering various items for sale. "We've got a fine selection of potions, magical trinkets, and other useful items. Perhaps you'd like to take a look?"

Arin shook his head politely. "Do you sell spell scrolls or books here?" he asked.

The shopkeeper shook his head. "We don't specialize in those. But across the street, you'll find 'Scriptorium Scribes,' a smaller local guild that deals specifically in scrolls and books. Their main office is here in the city, and while they don't have the largest selection, their prices are quite reasonable."

Taking one last look around the shop, Arin found many of the items intriguing, but he couldn't afford them at the moment. What caught his eye, in particular, were the various staves designed for high-level magic users, rings and necklaces with attributes-boosting properties, and astral rings similar to his own. He also noticed some armor attribute-enhancing items, which puzzled him since his own armor didn't display any attribute points. This was another question to ask Maloren about later.

Arin thanked the shopkeeper, collected his gold, and left the store. He crossed the busy street and headed towards the Scriptorium Scribes, eager to see what they had to offer and hoping to find answers to his growing list of questions. Meeting with Maloren was his top priority, as Maloren, being a companion of the duke, had given Arin valuable gifts and was known to possess extensive knowledge and experience. Arin hoped Maloren could shed light on his unique situation and the mysteries of his abilities.

Upon reaching the Scriptorium Scribes, he stepped through the door and was greeted by the scent of candles and the warm glow of light. The interior was bright and welcoming, with several scribes busy at their desks, writing books or scrolls. There were numerous display cases filled with various scrolls and books, and a few customers browsing through the items.

Noticing an older shopkeeper who seemed to be the only one free at the moment, Arin approached him. The shopkeeper greeted him with a smile and asked how he could help.

"This is my first time here," Arin began. "Could you explain how things work here?"

"Of course, sir," the shopkeeper replied. "We specialize in books and spell scrolls. If you're looking to sell, we can appraise your items and offer you a fair price. If you're looking to buy, we have a wide selection of scrolls and books for all sorts of magical needs. And since you're awakened, you have access to certain privileges that others do not."

The shopkeeper explained that the store was equipped with a detector at the door, allowing only those with the awakened mark on their right hand to enter the second floor where more advanced items are available. This was one of the many privileges of being awakened, granting access to shops and resources that regular people couldn't use.

As the shopkeeper showed him around the store, he explained the different types of scrolls and books available. The shop was truly a scribe's paradise, with shelves and display cases filled with a wide variety of items, each labeled with a description and price.

The prices of scrolls started at around 200 gold coins each, and the prices of books began at a thousand and up. When Arin saw the prices, he realized that he was still an absolute pauper, as his total gold coins after selling the carcasses he had collected was only 91 gold.