

The setting takes place in Zelrun, a fantasy planet filled with magic and monsters. It's a world filled with adventures, beauty and darkness, all that is however going to be disrupted as the threat of invasion from "people" of another dimension which even took the lives of the "Magic Gods", a title given to the strongest group of people thousands years ago to stop the threat only temporarily, appears again. Some of those standing at the top have started their preparations for survival, some of them having different clashing paths to survival, Some who just want to watch the world burn, all of them clash. It isn't just the battle of a generation, It's a war of an era. An era that lasted from the God's end to date, nears it's chaos filled end. Can they survive the threat? or will they all die? is peace...possible? There is a boy however, who has an unseen or rather....forgotten power, who couldn't care less about this shit. _________________________ This story follows Nier Silvernova, a man who is and wants to be alone, he wants to just die but before that he must do something, he is on a journey through the world searching for the forest of judgment, a relic of the Death God...driven by the past. On this journey, he'll come upon various people, cultures, places....all with both sides of darkness and beauty, as the threat of annihilation of the world as he knows lingers...but in all this..may be he'll find true purpose. _________________________ I'll leave some notes here and give a brief review later - Mc maybe unlikable to some/most in the start, but i assure you that he is forever changing and will have character development though it would take long - all side characters will be 3d and have motivations and the antagonists will have great motivations, great backstories and development and you might end up rooting for them sometimes and sympathize with them - Romance is an important part of Mc development and FL will not just be a trophy driven by mc but a mutual development with great buildup and just mc saving damsel in distress, she will have all qualities in point 2 - characters will be gray, and if you want an emotionless ultra badass op mc with useless harem then just leave since Mc will have emotional moments - massive worldbuilding - battles will be strategy focused - characters will die :) (The cover artwork doesn't belong to me, all rights are the owner's) Alternative titles- Epic of Lord Moon-Eye, Moon-Eyed Searcher

The_Honoured_One · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: Testimony

"You shocked me...that was sudden.." Magnus said looking at Nier who had woken up from his nap just nearly 1 hours later.

'A nightmare? Is it possible...'

"Well anyways...you woke up at the right time- I've confirmed what you've told me. There is indeed a glacier found on the Highlandal's Cleave and the fact that you took that mission earlier. As for what you said regarding the people that targeted you- can you give the details of your fight?"

"Oh...well. It wasn't much of a fight really...they had some sort of dome set up but fire girl had a one time use inscription that got us out...fire girl beat water boy who exploded himself in a last term effort which injured glass guy who then turned into a deadman walking and fire girl burnt him completely...yeah that's about it." Nier told in a monotone voice.

"Where do you come in all of this?"

"Oh..well, I guess I brawled with glass a guy for a bit before the ice injured him. I was fortunately in a safe distance at that particular time"

"How do you know that he became a 'deadman walking'? Was he dead by the end of your confrontation? Who killed him"

"The injury from the core detonation was lethal and fire girl told me that his heart wasn't beating anymore" Nier said.

'There isn't exactly a way to confirm everything about this since there are no bodily remains of the attackers but the important part is-'

"If what you said about him becoming a 'deadman walking' is true then...would you be willing to give a sort of testimony?"

"What? What testimony?"


"You know that our world is divided into 3 realms? The chaos realm which is Zelrun itself, the spirit realm and lastly the nether or abyss realm."

"No shit"



"Why do you think that this person turned into a 'deadman walking'"

"I am not sorry but am I giving some test? Do I look like a child?..."

"Hmm...then please stop acting like one- and since you refuse to answer...I'll give mine- that man was probably corrupted from abyss mana and that's what needs your testimony-"

Nier was about to rebuke but hearing the upcoming problem and remembering his needs. Nier set aside any sort of ill intent talk in his mind and decided to focus on the important subjects.

"-The abyss slayers organization which oversees the matters regarding the abyss have their ways of detecting the presence of abyssal mana and have likely found out about its use in the kingdom. The organization is independent and supported by almost every superpower out their. They will probably dispatch someone and your testimony will be required."

"You know- I want my reward...like every thing that I'm owed and more and as long as my brain isn't tampered with without my will- it's fine. I guess."

"Ah yes- about that...don't worry- I'll give you that and you don't have to worry- I've made sure that no body knows about your involvement with her in her last moments and also- would you be willing to tell her brother the news about her death and her last moments? Off course- I'll make sure you are safe in all that"

"Well...I thought you'd be better. Didn't she say that no magic knight can be trusted...and her brother- from everything I heard seems to be shady and hates her."

"Don't worry. He can be trusted...that's my promise."

"Make a soul bind with me"


'No hesitation! Soul magic is extremely dangerous and potentially harmful to the soul. Breaking it results in the destruction of the soul. This guy...'

"I'm fine with it" Magnus said.

"The terms of the contract would be- You will not attack or harm me unless I have attacked you in any situation till at least the mastermind or whatever is found. My reward will have to be paid and you have to make sure that no harm occurs to me from your ideas where I don't agree to be subjected to it- Is that all right?"

"Hmm...that's not a problem however you will suffer backlash...Do you really want to do this? Do you really need to be so distrusting?" Magnus calmly asked

"I am fine with it"


"Do it"

"You don't know how to initiate it properly?"


"Haha...no worries- I'll do it"

Magnus closed his eyes as a gold peaceful aura enveloped him. A circle emerged below the two men who weren't able to see it due to the table blocking here views but Nier understood what it was as he felt a tug on his...soul?

'Am I feeling my soul? Woah...'

"Feels good? You won't feel so good in a bit so enjoy it while you can...I am warning you again- you don't seem to know all the consequences-"

"Better to get harmed to the soul than getting backstabbed"

"The spell is getting unstable...the more you start distrusting me and the process- the worse. Please say all your demands- If I don't agree to something- it'll automatically cancel"

Nier repeated his demands and added some things as Magnus agreed. The circle vanished as suddenly Nier leaned forward and blood spurted from his mouth crazily.

"Aaaaakkkk...k-k" unintelligible groans came out of Nier's mouth as he held his throat. The pain he felt was almost the greatest he felt only behind that one time.

"Soul magic- no, soul bind is a spell that can by anyone regardless of their element since it is theorized to be engraved in the soul as a part of nature...or well the myth of the two brothers but using it is extremely dangerous regardless if you break the contract or not. The backlash you received is the result of the shackles that bind a part of your soul. I may look completely unharmed but even I am feeling little pain despite having stronger mana and soul. Sorry- I don't have medication for your pain here since it is soul damage but it should go away soon-"

"I-I am never- never doing that again" Nier said in a hoarse voice as he swiped off his sweat.

"That...was quick" Magnus said with raised eyebrows.

"Heh...this was nothing compared to some shit I went through back in he day- People like you won't know it"


"Can we talk about my reward now"

"Sure- so ignoring the original rewar-"



"Instead of money- I'll like a six petal sun lotus"

Magnus raised his eyebrows hearing what Nier said.

"Huh...that's way above what the reward offers-"

"I put my life on the line!"

"Some one literally died, I can't just give them a six petalled sun lotus-"

After quarrelling for some time Nier excepted defeat and chose the second option he had-

"Then let me go to Seasonshore! With your approval- I can officially go there"

"It does not work like that- there has to be mutual agreement and for the most part- it's them who initiate the deals. Not because they are desperate or needy but because...it just works that way..."

Nier finally used the first and main option.

"What about that test that is going to happen? I know some sort of team is being made up- I am not asking for anything else..but that"

Magnus' eyes widened in surprise hearing Nier's words. Hesitation came on it but-

"You know...*Sigh..Oh! Right...I should have thought of this earlier. You see- we recently found a possible location of an enemy leader. We are supposed to send a team there. Normally the team would have knights but if you can pass a test I give- You can go in our squad's team to confirm and capture the enemy and if you are alive and possibly successful then- I'll make sure you can go to Seasonshore"

"Eh, is this connected to the trial I mentioned?"

"No...I guess, though- I feel like you could have passed it. What I suggested might actually be less tougher in a way for most but is very much more dangerous- life threatening even.

"What!? What was the other trial suppose to be?"

"I'll you that if you can pass mine"

"What's that?"

"Fight Skar"


"You know- the one who just went out- the vice leader of the iron mountain squad. Fight him"

"HAHAHA.....I just remembered something. Anyways- am I supposed to win?"

"I guess"

A smile came on Nier's face as he leaned back-

"But before that- can you take a bath?"

"Where? I am broke"


"You can take it here...- I don't mean my room but here in the HQ. By the time you are back- the stage will be ready"

Soon Magnus called someone and sent Nier to the bathroom as he sat silently with his thoughts.

[A/N : After much consideration, I feel like I effed up the technological advancement of Zelrun. I wrote it in a confusing way.p so I'll spill the beans right here so that no one will complain about it later. cars (which are not really that advanced as modern-day cars as some of you might have imagined) and everything of that nature are very new and the why is technology finally improving in a world that doesn't need it will be answered later. Why did some random guy at the coast which I have again and again mentioned to be poverty stricken has a car? which while not important to financially capable people is still a commodity to weak and poor? The guy stays there to get more customers and isn't from the coast.

Electricity is used as a basic commodity like modern day.

Things you might consider useful like phone and all do not exist because they have better replacements but also won't work in mana rich environment. Telephones exist but rarely used and rarely seen. Rockets exist because not even the strongest people can explore it freely so everyone focuses on that. Don't imagine Earth rockets to Zelrun. Both are very different. Overall, don't compare Zelrun's technology to some era of the earth. It's just very muddled. Though places do exist which you might think of as a Mega urban city. Something that might come later :)]

I have changed when Nier attached the fingernail. Instead of it being in the carriage at last. It was used when he bought the water bottle

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