

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · Thành thị
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86 Chs


The Kurtz appeared in the court at Birmingham for the first time, after receiving the writ of summon from the court. I and my parents were present at the court, with the attorney in charge of our case. We had every evidence to back up our claims.

Mrs Kurtz was the one standing at the left side of the bench, while I was standing at the right side of the bench. My parents were seated admist others that were present in the court. Sebastian was also present at the court, with his siblings and his father.

The judge in charge of the case, read out the case to the hearings of everyone. The Kurtz informed the court, that they were not guilty of the charges laid on them. The judge ordered them to come back to the court with their attorney with evidences that will back up with the claims, which they have made. The judge issued a date for our reappearance in the court again. The date was on further notice, and the court promised to inform us on when next, we would be appearing in court.

**Outside the courtroom.

I was with my family, speaking to our attorney. The Kurtz approached us, wearing angry faces. I was ready to face them, not minding whatsoever comes out of the case.

"You're entirely shameless." Mrs Kurtz said to our face.

"Seems you've forgotten where you are at." Mother reminded her.

"Are you going to record my voice and use it as an evidence now?". Mrs Kurtz asked her.

"Ma'am, your be guided with your words. Every utterance you make, can be used against you in the upcoming trial." Mr Jefferson, our attorney cautioned her.

Sebastian pulled his mother backwards, exchanging glances with me. I scoffed, throwing my eyes away from him. I wasn't feeling any mercy for him, because they wronged my family first. Mrs Kurtz was still giving us some deadly looks, and my mum was ready to face her, because she didn't have enough opportunity to do that in the past.

"Mark my words today, we'll win this case." Mum challenged them.

"Let's see to that." Mr Kurtz replied back.

"You started the fire, and we will quench it." Dad said.

"Enough, let's leave this insane family. They have no manners." Sebastian mocked us, leaving with his family.

After they had walked away, mother fell into my arms weeping. She tried her best to look strong infront of the Kurtz. Deep down within her, she didn't like the fact that one day, she would end up fighting her close friends as she was doing now. Mother really had a soft heart, and it wasn't even easy for me at all. I was obviously challenging the family of my daughter. She would surely hate me so much in the future.

**The Kurtz Apartment**

Mrs Kurtz fell on top of a couch at the living room, breathing so fast. She was very stressed out obviously. Mr Kurtz headed upstairs with Hazel, who also came back for the case.

"Any update from Liam?". Mrs Kurtz asked him.

"Yeah. He has found an attorney for this case." Sebastian replied.

"Bianca made a mistake the very first day she decided to bring up this case." Mrs Kurtz said.

"She will regret this." Sebastian said with a cold tone.

On the other hand, was I and my family at the hotel we were lodged in. We were at the eatery of the hotel, having our lunch at a table. The meals we ordered for lunch was very nice and appetizing.

"This is exactly what I needed." I said, scooping in a spoon of ice cream into my mouth.

"You look very happy Bianca." Father noticed.

"Of course I'm. We are one step ahead of the Kurtz now. You could clearly see how scared they were earlier." I said.

"I pray that we win this case." Mum said.

I nodded my head with a smile, assuring her that everything would turn out fine. I served her some rice balls into a plate before her, and I made sure she took a bite.

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Jasmine was back from work about entering her room, when Zoey stopped her. Zoey eyes were red and it got Jasmine very worried.

"What's wrong dear?". Jasmine asked her.

"What are these?". Zoey showed her the print outs of the case files.

"Where did you get them from?". Jasmine asked her, snatching it from her hand.

Zoey just needed an explanation. She wasn't understanding anything at all. Jasmine dragged Zoey by her hand, taking her into her bedroom. She sat Zoey down on the bed, cupping her face.

"Those are lawsuits, filed against the Kurtz. I can remember vividly that Mr Sebastian's surname is Kurtz too." Zoey said.

"Zoey don't get yourself involved in this." Jasmine pleaded.

"Why did she file a case against his family? How can she hate him so much?." Zoey asked in tears.

Jasmine left Zoey immediately, going outside of the bedroom to give me a call. When she called me, I just finished taking my bath and was cleaning up my body with a towel. I heard my phone rang, and headed over to the bed where it was lying. I picked up my phone and noticed it was Jasmine calling.

I answered the phone call immediately, and the background was messy.

"Hello Jasmine, how're you? and Zoey?". I asked her.

"I'm fine, but Zoey is not. She found those files concerning the lawsuit against the Kurtz. She's mad at you right now." Jasmine revealed.

I was very surprised at how she laid her hands on those, and it really got me very worried. I tried responding back, when I heard Zoey's voice over the phone. She was crying over the phone.

"Hello mommy, why would you do that to cute uncle? He's not a bad person." She said naively.

"Zoey I'll explain everything to you when I return." I tried calming her down over the phone.

"Mum no, just cancel the case. If you don't, you'll lose me." She dared me.

My phone fell from my hand, while tears danced down my cheeks. Her dare was alarming to me, and Zoey was the last person I would want to lose in this earth. Mum overheard everything, because she was standing behind me. She walked up to me,picking up my phone from the ground.

"Is that your daughter?". She asked.

"Yes mum. Zoey said I should cancel the case or else I'll lose her." I opened up to mum.

"She's just talking out of her age. She doesn't even know anything about that man. We'll find a way to distract her from this." Mum said.

I nodded my head, while mother dragged me into her arms. She consoled me, while I weeped like a baby. Zoey wasn't making any of these easy for me, and it was because she was overly attached to Sebastian now.