
Return of The Super Soldier

This is the era of the Cosmic Village, where many civilizations compete and coexist in the known universe. One day, an escape pod floating in the infinite space was discovered by a group of pirates. A soldier was awoken from his long sleep when pirates open the escape pod to rob his battle suit and then throw him out in the desolate space to die. From here, starts the journey of a soldier to live a life in new reality... Note:- [ For Advance chapters, join my Patreon : Unskyd [ I mostly post on Scribble Hub under the pen name 'Unskyd' ]

Lord_MENTOSZA · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Slaughter, Trapped

Ryker's eyes were filled with redness and his heart was heavy with a sense of bitterness. This feeling wasn't because the pirates on the spacecraft were trying to kill him, but rather due to the duality of his memories.

From his perspective, it seemed that he was naturally inclined to killing. How else could he be so skilled in using a variety of weapons, such as daggers and handguns?

Furthermore, when facing a group of enemies wielding different weapons, he saw them as nothing more than a flock of sheep.

Ryker's heightened senses allowed him to detect the location of any hidden enemies within the spacecraft's cabin, as soon as he entered it. This was made easier by the fact that all hatches on both sides of the passage had opened due to an alarm issued by the spacecraft system.

Even if an enemy tried to shoot at him, Ryker's quick reflexes and heightened perception would allow him to sense the attack in advance and launch a counterattack.

"Boss, please, open the door!"

"You can't throw us out like this!"

"Boss… bossss….please."

The hallway was filled with the sounds of people crying, begging, and pounding on the isolation door.

Accompanied by these sounds are the gunshots from time to time in a place not visible on the other side of the passage. Different from the burst sound of assault guns, submachine guns and other weapons, the sound of handguns is short and relatively weak.

The pirates near the isolation gate could hear the distinct sound of handguns firing rapidly, indicating that the opponent was using the weapon with high frequency and approaching them rapidly like a devil.

These pirates may have boasted about their courage and lack of fear towards death, but when faced with an invincible enemy, especially when they are on the brink of death, their fear and cowardice cannot be suppressed.

It's possible that the devil had been defeated, as no ordinary person could have faced so many armed pirates and emerged victorious. However, the pirates were too afraid to go back and check, hoping that the danger had passed.

Ryker found himself in a cabin located in Area B, which was a highly valued room among the pirates. It was uncertain whether the previous occupant of the cabin had been operating the control system when the alarm went off and then left without turning it off, but this gave Ryker an opportunity. As soon as he saw the control system, Ryker immediately approached it and began typing on the light screen with his fingers.

Ryker quickly placed his two handguns to the side and his fingers moved so fast they were almost a blur as he inputted a series of codes on the light screen.

"Warning!, System is under attack…"

"Warning!, System is under attack!..."

The main system voice of the spacecraft began to sound in Area A where Captain Manuel was, but it gradually slowed down, as if the voice was being stretched out.

Captain Manuel quickly turned his head and called out to a pirate with triangular eyes, urging him to help with the ship's system.

Triage, a technician on the spacecraft, was staring at the light screen in front of him which displayed a message in bold red letters saying 'Access Denied!'. This meant that the attacker had already revoked his authorization to access the system. Despite his good technical skills, Triage was still just an ordinary pirate and if the system itself couldn't defend against the enemy, what could he do?

Captain Manuel realized that he also faced same problem as his authority to operate the spacecraft was revoked. The screen in front of him displayed the message 'Access Denied!' as well. He commanded his crew to prepare for combat.

The heavy machine guns and the assault guns deployed long ago, did not give the pirates in Area A a sense of security.

"It can't be them, didn't they disappear long ago?" Captain Manuel thought of a possibility, but he immediately shook his head.

He guessed Ryker's 'real' identity from his combat style and was reaffirmed by battle suit, but a serious question arises, isn't that 'Initiative' was abandoned a long - long time ago.

But Captain Manuel couldn't understand, besides the legendary 'them', who else possesses such combat power.

Ryker's combat approach differs significantly from that of the Saints, who rely solely on their own abilities rather than utilizing firearms. All the Saint needs to do is reveal their identity, and the pirates will be forced to surrender.

The spacecraft's sirens and flashing lights abruptly ceased and returned to normal, causing Captain Manuel to feel extremely uneasy. He knew that the only possible reason for this was that the spacecraft's system had been successfully breached. As expected, the isolation doors between the A and B areas began to rise slowly.

"We won! No one needs to die!" The remaining pirates in Area B, ignorantly thinking that the intruder had been killed, cheered in front of the isolation door that was about to be opened.

"Fire!" Hearing such a simple yet cruel command to kill one of their own. Nonetheless, they followed the command.

The heavy machine guns immediately started firing, unleashing a barrage of thousands of bullets per second that formed a deadly net.

The pirates who were previously cheering in the passage were caught off guard and some of them were hit by the bullets before they could even react.

The pirates that just came in Area A took up their weapons to fight back, the resistance was quickly overpowered by the heavy machine gun and other assault rifles. Only one pirate in the passage managed to survive due to his position near a main structure beam that provided cover from the attack.

"Why, Boss? Why are you killing us?" The pirate yelled frantically, the pain in his leg and the unwillingness stemming in his heart from the fact that he is going to die from bullets of one of his own kind.

"Throw a plasma grenade and give him a quick ride to hell!" Captain Manuel ordered to the first mate.

At this time, the hierarchy can't be confused, since there is even more terrifying enemy coming for them.

The first mate nodded, took the plasma grenade from the side, pulled out the trigger and threw it out.

The destructive power of plasma grenade is a fixed radius of three meters. This kind of grenade is extremely beneficial to a narrow battlefield.

The principle in spacecraft battles is to minimize damage to the spacecraft. This is because regardless of who wins, the spacecraft must survive, as its destruction would result in everyone being lost in space.


The plasma grenade flew out in an arc. The first mate's bombing level was very good, which is why Captain Manuel asked him.

When the plasma grenade flew to a high point, two gunshots sounded, then two bullets grazed the plasma grenade at the same time, changing it's trajectory.

"Take cover!" Captain Manuel and the first mate exclaimed at the same time.

As they scrambled away from the plasma grenade, some of the pirates operating the heavy machine guns and other weapons failed to react in time. They were caught off guard as the grenade flew back into their midst, detonating with a blinding white light that engulfed the entire pirate group. The silence that followed in Area A was deafening.

Not long after the detonation Ryker's figure appeared in the passage, and the handgun in his hand raised lightly, killing the pirate with the wounded leg in the passage.

The approaching sound of his combat boots echoed eerily as he walked towards Area A, stepping on the bloodied ground. The sound seemed to signal the impending arrival of death, and Captain Manuel and the First mate couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

"Can we talk?" Captain Manuel shouted from behind the console, trying not to show himself even a little bit.

Now all his men are dead, and he and the first mate have no chance of winning.

Ryker posed the question, "Who am I?" as he advanced towards them with steady steps.

When Captain Manuel heard this question, he couldn't help but curse in his heart. Of course, he knows who Ryker is, although he's not completely certain for many reasons. He knew that his response might be the only chance he had to save his life from the lethal Ryker.

   "My lord, based on your combat suit and design of military insignia, it's likely that you were a Super soldier!" Captain Manuel replied.

Ryker's brows frowned, his memory was missing, he didn't know whether this man was speaking truthfully or not. But, it is strange that he felt his heart skipped a beat the Super soldiers were mentioned.

"Super soldiers?" Ryker repeated softly.

The crimson in his eyes disappeared, and the murderous intent on his body was also receding.

Captain Manuel only felt the pressure on his whole body lighten, and the feeling of facing a demon was also weakening.

   "I've survived!" Captain Manuel let out a long sigh of relief, and secretly rejoiced.

Captain Manuel felt safe, but suddenly his first mate next to him, wanting to take advantage of Ryker's distraction, seized an opportunity to take out his assault rifle and prepare to shoot.

"No…" Captain Manuel reached out to stop.

A sudden gunshot interrupted him. The first mate standing next to him was hit and fell to the ground with a heavy thud. His eyes were filled with regret as a bullet hole appeared in the center of his forehead.

Ryker was now standing in front of Captain Manuel with his eyes glowing red, again. Captain Manuel wanted to plead for mercy, but Ryker didn't give him another chance.

After another shot, Captain Manuel also fell beside the first mate, his eyes were fixed on the first mate's face, until the last moment of his life, what he hated most in his heart was not Ryker, but the ignorant first mate.


Ryker took the captain's seat and put his identification card on the console in front of him. He then used the light curtain, using his fingers to operate it. The identification card started to recharge, and as a military card, it had the capability to self-absorb different types of energy.

Without energy sources, the identity card cannot function properly in the escape pod as there is no external source of energy available for it to absorb.

After the identity card finished recharging and displayed "hidden information," Ryker examined it carefully. As his memories hadn't returned completely, this identity card was the only proof that he had any understanding of himself.

Ryker accessed the information on his identification card using the small display function…

Name: Ryker Rivera

Occupation: Super soldiers

Affiliation: Chawen Star Academy

Military rank: Lieutenant

Birthday: May 10, 19001

Ryker was able to glean his identity from the basic information displayed on the identity card, which revealed that he was a Super soldier with a military rank of Lieutenant. However, since he still had no recollection of his past, he couldn't confirm the accuracy of the information.

Ryker possesses exceptional combat instincts that cover a wide range of skills, including the use of knives, handguns, and even hacking into control systems. He seems to have a natural ability to handle these items with ease.

Judging from this, the probability that he is a Super soldier is very high.

Ryker began to look at the contents of System. From System, he knew the origin of the spacecraft, which was an armed pirate spacecraft.

However, he was unable to control the two Gauss cannons on the ship because it required at least two people to operate them and the ship didn't have a sophisticated AI control system that could handle it.

Ryker realized that he was trapped in space again, as he learned from the system that the pirate spacecraft required at least five crew members to control and navigate.

"System, send an emergency signal for help!" Ryker commanded in a deep voice.

Ryker was about to get up, but found a display on the light curtain, and he couldn't help but stay in a daze.

"System, tell me the today's date?" Ryker asked again.

"Today is March 1, 19525!"

"How could this be?" Ryker took out his identity card, looked at the fate on it, and muttered.

On the identity card, his birth year is 19001, and now it is 19525, which is a difference of 524 years. If the identity card is correct and the system is correct, then his age will be 524 years old.

Even if his memory is missing, he knows that human life cannot reach more than 500 years.