
Return of the Strongest Angel

"Are you sure you can beat this game?" It was a question quite commonly asked of Gabriel, all of his friends and family were worried for him. All because of his obsession with this game of his. They knew of its hellish difficulty and were worried it might consume his life. But Gabriel was not, as even with doubts coming from every person he talked to, he still persevered. And finally, after so many years of playing, Gabriel did it, he beat the game. But that was not the end, a cryptic trait, one that foretold something. And as of the next day it was finally revealed. Not only was he pulled into the game, but it was turned into reality, his stats, his hard earned character. It was all gone. But this did not deter Gabriel. All he did was smile, grasp the stars in the night sky. "I will conquer this again." There was no doubt in his mind, for he had done it once, and even if this was reality now, the whole world taken to this hellish tower, there was no doubt that he would beat it, after all he had already done it once. What was a second time.

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Cliff - 6

Blood spewed from the mouth of the golem, barely even a moment before the man leaped to the side, his gait interrupted by the hole in the ground.

It was mere luck that brought him his life, as for a moment, barely even more than that, and he would have died. There was no doubt about it.

But he gulped, gripped his weapon with greater force than necessary and picked himself from the ground.

All in wait, for an angel, a savior. 

So too were the others, they leaped, dodged and fell. All in order to buy even one more second of time. All in hope, that maybe, that there might be a chance that they could conquer this hill.

Yet even then, he felt a doubt weigh over his mind, as he gripped his sword even tighter, blood rushing through his veins and a rush of adrenaline.

He stepped once more, then backstepped as the molten ground turned into some sort of blood construct.

It grabbed at him and before he could even react he was thrown to the ground. He tried to stand, only to be thrown to the ground once more.



A grunt echoed through the cave, brought forth by the blood that spilled through his mouth. He stood once more and when the golem tried to grab and slam him once more he retaliated.

His hand lashed out with speed and gave way to a great stab. The sword fell out the other side of the golem and turned it back into residual blood.

There was a moment where his eyes flickered to the side, all in call of some screen. But there was nothing, not even a notification.

So, with a curse on his lips, he ran once again, this time to a depressed rhythm. 

"The fuck is he doing" He muttered under his breath, watching the situation play out.

There was no sign of the angel, and no matter where he looked he could only see destruction. Naught but a kaleidoscope of black and red. 

He grit his teeth once more and found his way to his teammates, they too seemed pissed, as if they had been abandoned.

Which they most certainly felt like they had been.

"You alright?" One of them asked, the smallest of the runt, his stature even lower than the rest.

But he didn't underestimate him. As the dwarves trait brought with it great strength. Strength that was used for a purpose.

"Ready Howard?" He asked and the dwarf responded with an affirmative. 

"Ready as can be leader, but what about the angel, what if he messes with the plan?"

"Then we fight, both, though focus on the golem first. They said this would work and we just have to believe them."

"If that's what you say," Howard replied, his voice quite solemn, "John and I are gonna head out then, if that's good with you, Ryan?"

"Yep, go, I'll distract the thing. After all, I've got a sense for his movements now."

Howard nodded and went to find the others. While Ryan, he ran. As fast as he could.

And with one final leap made it to the arena, where the blood golem had found its place. It growled and turned its arm on its hinges.

Once it had done that it pointed to Ryan and countless tiny golems found their way towards him. But he did not panic.

No, he found his gait and put foot after foot, death after death.



Ryan took a glance at his HP and with it grimaced.


He could not take more of this. As for each one that he kicked, killed, and threw, another would come and take a stab at him.

And sure most were unsuccessful but they were hard to kill and hit. And with the numbers they had it was almost impossible to keep up with their pace.

"Come on…" He muttered under his breath, watching both the golem, the battlefield, and the ceiling above him.

It was barely a spark, a flame that told of nothing but its resolute desire to fade into the background. But that was enough, and as he watched Ryan, his dear friend, overwhelmed by tens of smaller golems.

All as the origin nodded off in boredom, he could no longer watch.

And even if the spark was tiny, with barely any power to it, he still found that it would serve its purpose.

He grabbed at the bag at his side. With it he took out the bomb within. Primitive to his eyes, but to the people here, it was practically a miracle.

They knew nothing of chemistry, nor of explosives.

They had alchemy, they had magic. But that had stumped their growth. It had made them rely on mana, and because of that they had nothing scientific.

Or at least that was what it was like to their eyes, as even with the low development they still had many things.

But he digressed, his mind in a sort of tizzy because of the danger his friend was in. So he turned his head, took the spark and lit the flame.

A silent count.




And go…

He threw the bomb. It went unnoticed, all until it bloomed into a giant explosion.




He flinched before he threw another, and three seconds after that another.

All until he was out. 

Smoke turned the air into a veil, one that took away his vision. But he turned to his side and watched, waiting for the screen to pop up.

Only to hear a voice, one of celebration. It was his partner, over at the other side, he looked down and cheered on the explosion.

He grimaced, and with all of his strength tried to hush his partner. But it was useless as a second later, for all his strength. For the trait he had worked hard for.

It was useless, as with a scream he was gone. A spear, made of red blood, pierced him.

'A second phase, idiot' He thought to himself, silent tears running down his face.