
Return of the Silver Devil

Torn from his friends and family after the brutal death of his Mother, a Young Zariel is tossed into the Nine Hells for the Sin of Existing. Viciously tormented by the Lords of Hell, he escapes with the help of the Weave. Broken and Defeated by Hell's torment, he awakens in a foreign world within the Realm of Aether, lost and alone. Destined to be the Eternal Villain, Zariel arms himself against Gods and Demons and the Heros of Myth and Legends: King Arthur and his Holy Sword, Excalibur. Sigfried and his Demonic Blade, Gram and Beowulf, and his Devil. Zariel sets out on a journey toward the Eternal Heavens and the Nine Hells, unsure of what awaits him.

Lord_Damocles · Kỳ huyễn
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115 Chs


"What are you doing here, Professor?" Zyila asked suddenly, unable to pull her gaze away. She couldn't explain it, but there was something different about him. Perhaps it had been height, for he seemed a head taller, or the way his skin seemed to glisten beneath the morning dawn. Whatever it might have been, she was enthralled by it. 

"I'm on the hunt for Atrium," he said when he remembered something. He added, "Do be careful. Some rats seemed to have managed to escape detection of the professors watching." He smiled coldly at the silver bracelet broadcasting everything. "A couple of homunculus with a dragon lineage are here." 

"Are they dangerous?" Aurelia asked. 

"Depends if you find the Atrium first," Altair said. He tapped Morningstar at his hip and stared deep into Aurelia's eyes. "Don't forget to call it forth if you're ever in trouble. Consequences be damn. Now then, I'll be on my way."