
Return of the Royal wolf

blackwolf_317 · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

chapter 1

<p>Beep, beep, beep is all I could here as my alarm was going off at 6:30 in the morning to let me know that it was time to get up and start getting ready for work which meant getting a shower first then making a cup of coffee in the new coffee maker that I just got this year. "French vanilla seems like it would be good for today, I need to get me some more since I only have enough for three days before I run out of my favorite blend." As my cup was making I went to the freezer to see if I had any waffles for breakfast so that I could be out of the house before 7:15 and at work a little before 8 so that I could get an early start on the characters for the new robot building game. At this same time the princess of the humans even if she was a pantherian was getting up and ready to go explore the woods that were within the castle grounds and little did these two know that fate was about to throw these two into an unexpected but eventful meeting. "Miss are you ready yet you have four meetings with the princes that will be participating in the up coming contest to determine who will be your fiancé." But she had already left her room by the time her royal guard jack came to get her for the first meeting "Princess where are you this is not funny and not the time to be playing around you have official business to attend to." <br/><br/>"Wow these woods are awesome, huh what was that flash of light oh well I just hope it wasn't jack trying to locate me using that annoying location spell like last time now lets see what its like up near the top of that tree" Said Aria. "Hey Alec how you doing this morning" "I'm doing great since I have my coffee Jim oh and congrats on getting Samantha to say yes to marry you only took you four years to build up your courage." "Shut up man when are you going to ever get a girlfriend and stop with all work and no play huh you...." I never got to here the rest of that sentence because right at that moment a portal opened up beneath me right as I got to my station and set my coffee down as well as my bag with my laptop. "Alright I just need to jump to a few more branches and I will be at the top of the tree" "Princess where you are at you need to get back to the palace you have meetings you must attend to." Little did jack know that the princess had been in the process of jumping to a high branch and when he spoke it broke her concentration and when she went to land on the branch she was unable to get the right footing. "Ugh what the hell I feel like something just landed on top of me" I lift my head just enough to look straight in front of me and all I can really see is a pair of very bright and very white panties. And right as I was about to try and move away without looking at this girls panties again she sits up and is now sitting on my chest and she ask me "did you see them did you see my panties" "I am so sorry I didn't mean to its just that I felt something land on me and they just happened to be the first thing that I saw when I came to." "May I ask who you are and what you are doing on the palace grounds" "the name is Shirio and last thing I remember is walking into my workstation with my coffee and laptop then all of a sudden a hole opens up underneath me and well here I am now may I have your name as well miss." <br/><br/>"My name is princess Aria and I am a pantherian, so please tell me what race has pure white hair on there ears and has a pure white and sort of fluffy white tail and what country are you from and what do you hope to gain by telling lies." "I am not lying and last time I checked I don't have fur" "really then I want you to take your hand and touch your head" "fine I will touch my head but I'm still tell...., what the why do I have animal ears on my head?" "Hey jack I'm over here and I caught some one who was trying sneak into the castle so I think a lie detection interview is needed because I cant seem to get him to tell the truth." "Really princess did you catch him from the tree top yes take him to the dungeon and interrogate him using the truth bell so that if he tells any lies I give you permission to hit him till he tells the truth." "Very well princess I will do as you say, come on you lets take you to the dungeon and see how long it will be to get the truth out of you. " "I'm telling the truth I swear I am so, wait did you say dungeon, um may I ask what year this is" "Yes it is the year of 1635 the year that I caught some one sneaking around the royal palace." <br/><br/>"Alright lets go there is a cell with your name on it and I need to get the bell along the way so come on and please don't make a fuss or anything like that cause then I will have to get rough with you" Said Jack "Very well I will do as you say cause that is the only way for you to see that I am telling the truth then lets go and get this over with, oh and I would like to see the king if possible I can cause I can sense people with very bad intentions in the direction we are heading sir." "Oh can you now well the place were going is below the castle where you will tell me the truth of who you are and where you are from." He stops at the gate to talk to two guards "sir who is that behind you" "get me the bell of truth and bring it to the dungeon immediately" "yes sir I will go do that now" "good and you go see if the king will see me this afternoon" "yes sir I'll get on that now sir." We started to walk down a long hallway when we encountered a butler who looked quit old as soon as his gaze fell upon me he dropped to one knee and said "your grace it is good to see that your family has come out of hiding though I'm not sure why you guys hid in the first place." "Johnathan what do you mean by that" "the pure snow white hair is the sign of one who is of the royal family of the wolf clan" "you mean the ones that supposedly disappeared almost a centaury ago?" <br/>jack looked at the butler and asked "Johnathan how do you know who he is?" Jonathans reply shocked jack when he said "a couple of generations ago my family use to serve the royals of the wolf clan and before they left they entrusted my family with their twin daggers. The king of their clan told my great grandfather that they were going into hiding for a while so please keep these daggers till one of the royal family reappears in your world then give him the daggers and it will give him all the knowledge of our clan and why we decided to hide for a while." Jack looked at the butler for a little longer still in shock then said "please go and get the daggers and give them to him and you, guard at the end of the hall tell the king that we need an audience with him and the princess, because this matter is urgent and needs to be dealt with now!" Johnathan walked three doors down the turned left walked into his room grabbed the daggers then returned to where Jack and I were standing and handed me a cloth which I unwrapped and looked at the daggers one was a bright crimson red almost like blood that had just been taken from the body of a man who had just been killed. While the other one looks as if it had been carved out of ice that had had been magically formed at the back of a cave that was located on the tallest mountain in the land. <br/><br/>As soon as I touched the hilt of the crimson blade it felt like my mind was going to explode from the amount of information that came flooding from the dagger and it started by letting me see who our first ancestor was all the up to why we had left this world. As soon as I had finished taking in all the information the guard that Jack had spoken to just a little bit ago said "the king and princess are waiting for you and our guest in the grand chamber and he request that you both come at once." Jack looked at me and said "follow me your highness we are going to meet the king and please put those blades on your belt or something and try not to anger the king, now lets go we mustn't keep the king waiting any longer than we have too." As we walked I took each blade and put them on my belt but I did not put them on the side of my belt, I put them at the back in an x pattern cause I thought that would look best and as I did this I noticed that they both had the crest of a wolf on them which I guessed to be the royal crest. We walked for a little longer before we got to a very large door, then Jack knocked on the door and said "it is Jack plus the guest who was caught on the palace grounds." As soon as he was finished talking the doors to the room opened and then we proceeded to walk down the long carpet that lead to a couple of thrones where one was occupied by a rough looking gentleman who I assumed to be they king and standing beside him was the princess. <br/><br/>"So Jack may I ask what is this urgent matter you speak of and who is the guest you have brought to see me and the princess" Jack dropped down to one knee before he spoke and said. "This person is the important matter your grace apparently the young man that the princess caught just a little while ago is part of the wolf clan that went missing almost a hundred years ago." the princess looked lost and said "father what is Jack talking about I thought that the wolf clan was just a myth" the king looked at his daughter and said "they are not a myth they have just been in hiding and this is the first time anyone outside of the mountains range that have seen them considering that they are a very secretive clan." I looked at the king and said "excuse me sir but the wolf clan weren't just hiding we actually left this dimension but before doing so left some summoning circles that would summon the eldest son of the current generation." The princess gasped and said "so I guess that is why I saw a flash of light come from behind me I guess that I must have stepped on one of those summoning circles when I was exploring the woods this morning." then I said "now that I have been summoned all other summoning circles have been destroyed and my existence has been wipped from the dimension that I came from so I can not go back unless I find some information as to the spell that was used to send us there in the first place." <br/><br/>The king looked at me and said "I heard that the clan had a large library with a wide variety of books but it has yet to be found so I would like to ask you how do you intend to find this library that no one else can." Right as he finished that sentence I felt like some kind of invisible string was beginning to pull me towards the mountain so I looked at the king and asked "would you allow me the princess and this man named Jack to go to the mountains for a couple of days and retrieve a few books from my clans library." The king looked as if he would say no to my proposal but instead he said "on one condition you will enter the tournament to find the strongest prince in the kingdom and you must give it your all as well because this determines what kingdom is the strongest." I looked at him with a fire that I never knew that I would have in my entire life and said "very well I shall agree to your terms and enter this tournament of yours and if I win I would like to reclaim all the land that my family use to have before we left this dimension." the king nodded his head in agreement then said "guard them both Jack and don't let them out of your sight, you guard at the door get a carriage ready for their journey and pack them at least sixteen days of food for three. I will need you three to be back here in sixteen days am I understood Jack" jack looked up at the king and said "you have my word your highness I will have us back by then then the king rose from his chair and said "now go and young man I want you to protect my daughter as well with everything you have and if she comes home with one scratch there will be a punishment." He then turned to his right and went up to a door that was connected to the chamber then he said something that I couldn't quit hear and the door opened as if he had used magic. I heard the clinking of armor as Jack stood up and said "the both of you need to get into some new cloths for the journey and princess Aria the maids will attend to you while I take care of Alec here." I looked at him and said "I will be fine with light armor cause I feel that anything like your armor will just slow me down and make all my movements slow which if we get into a fight I want to move as if I am light as a feather." he looked at me as if he wanted to hit me with his fist but instead said "why don't you try to magically make your own armor you plebian who knows nothing of this world or the people who inhabit it." I stood up and looked at him in confusion and said "is it possible to do that and what is a plebian cause I have never heard of that word before." Me and Jack both turned our heads towards the princess cause at first she had just been snickering and just as we faced her she burst out laughing I was becoming even more confused cause I didn't know what she was laughing for but I glanced over at Jack and he looked as is he was really annoyed. <br/><br/>I thought to myself why don't I try to use magic to change my out fit and as soon as I finished my thought the daggers on my belt started to glow then the light enveloped me and was so bright that the Jack and the princess both had to look away. Jack asked the princess "miss do you have any idea what is going on cause i surely don't have a clue as to what is happening ." As soon as he was finished with his question the light faded just as fast as it had appeared and once it was totally gone I was in a full set of light armor made of leather and a small amount of metal. Jack looked at me and asked "how did you change your outfit cause I didn't think you would have the know how I order to use magic to do that kind of stuff" I looked at him and said "I don't know but I think the daggers are responsible for the transformation of my clothes cause all I remember is thinking that it would be a good idea to change my outfit using magic then a flash of light and I was wearing this armor." The princess cleared her throat and said "I think his theory is correct cause the light came from behind him but it makes me think you might be able to do other things as well so I would like you to see if you could change something like the length of your daggers or something like that." I looked at the princess and thought it might be nice to see her in a full set of light armor as well, as soon as I finished that thought a light shot out from behind me and raced toward the princess. The light enveloped her and it was too bright for either Jack or I could look, so he looked at me and asked "what did you just think of that would cause this." I said " I thought about how I would like to see her in a light armor outfit then my blades responded to that thought and I think she is being fitted for light armor" then as the light disappeared I could see a little bit of leather shorts. <br/><br/>after the light had disappeared me and Jack could see the results of what my daggers had done to the princess as far as light armor for girls the shorts accentuated the curves of her slim waist and as for the top. It fit her so well you could clearly see that she was between a b cup and a c cup which made me look away while I was blushing and the princess saw this and asked "why did you just blush after the fact that this is your fault that I'm dressed like this." I said "well the reason I am blushing is because I think that you look very beautiful in that type of armor but if you like I could change your outfit back." She looked taken aback then said in a quiet voice "I don't mind this look at all especially since you said that" I looked at her and said "what was that princess" then she looked a little angry and said "I didn't say anything." Then jack claps his hands and says "why don't we go and see if the carriage along with our supplies are ready to go so that we can be back in time for the tournament." me and Jack both wait for the princess to pass us then after she did pass us Jack was the next one to leave then I followed both of them letting them lead the way to the main door where two guards opened a door each to reveal a two horse drawn carriage. I looked at Jack ad asked "this is not what I was expecting when the king said to get a carriage ready" then jack said "we need to blend in so that no one will think to follow us plus not very many people have seen what the princess looks like for fear that someone would try to kidnap her and use her as leverage to get what they want from the king, not to mention what they might do to her physically." <br/>Then we heard the clack of high heels behind us and so me and the princess turned around and there was a women in a lab coat walking toward us and as she was about to pass the thresh hold of the door I could see a young girl that couldn't have been more then fifteen or sixteen. Then Jack said "Lisa what are you doing here and why have you brought Rain with you" Lisa looked at jack and said I have been directed by the king to send at least one of my apprentices with you and I chose Rain because she needs to get some field experience or she will never truly grow as a mage." I took a look at the little girl named Rain and she noticed then hid behind Lisa and Lisa said "its ok Rain he isn't going to bite you isn't that right young man" I looked at Lisa then Rain. Then I said "that is right ma'am I wouldn't hurt no matter what" Rain looked at then said "you promise" then I replied "I promise that I will do everything I can to make sure you come home safe and sound on my honor as a big brother." Rain and the others looked at me in surprise then Rain asked your a big brother" I looked down at the ground for a second then looked back up at Rain. Then said "I use to have four younger brothers before I came here so you can count on me if you ever need my help or even if you just need someone to talk to I promise I will be there no matter what ok." <br/><br/>Rains eyes looked as if they were sparkling like a night sky full of stars and then she said "ok I will trust you" then she came out from behind Lisa and then Lisa said "Rain you must take what I have taught you and put it into practice and I know it might be scary at first but you have to remember that your mana is just an extension of you. It will do as you say but if you keep acting scared of people and things like that you will never advance do you understand." Rain looked back at Lisa and said "yes ma'am I understand and I will work hard while I'm on this trip to improve myself and my magic as well so thank you for this opportunity Ms. Lisa and I will try not to slow them down." Then Lisa looked at me and said "please look after her as if she was your own family member" I looked at Lisa and said "I will protect them all with my life" then Jack said "alright everyone I would like to be at the edge of the mountain before the sun goes down because we have to hike the rest of the way cause there is no clear trail up to the clans castle ruins." After we all climbed into the carriage and as the door was about to be closed I heard the rustling of a bush and was about to mention it to Jack when I felt a small tug on the leather sleeve of my armor. So I looked at Rain and said "do you need my help with something Rain" she looked at me then opened her book and showed me a page with a script of a spell that looked like it was for communicating with another through their thoughts.</p>