
Return Of The Magician

Journey through time and realms in this captivating fantasy. A boy's accidental arrival in a magical world grants him extraordinary powers. Armed with wisdom, he returns to the interstellar realm, fusing ancient magic with cutting-edge science. Explore the transformative power of knowledge and witness the rebirth of two intertwined worlds. Brace yourself for a spellbinding adventure where fantasy and science collide. *MC brought a Magic Tower with him. *No harem *Don't expect romance. *please review and comment and if you find it in your heart you can also give me power stones. support me on Ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl This is my discord link https://discord.com/invite/kAjrpychcS

Shuregurl · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Negotiation with Carlton family

Upon arriving at the restaurant, Cyan was guided to a private room where the representatives of the Carlton family awaited. The grandeur of the private room mirrored the family's standing and influence.

Inside the room, two individuals awaited Cyan's arrival. One had a goatee beard, while the other was a thin man with sharp features. The goatee-bearded man spoke first, his tone dripping with contempt.

"Some people think they're the young master and can keep us waiting," he sneered, attempting to belittle Cyan.

Cyan, however, paid no attention to the man's words, recognizing his futile attempt to provoke him. Instead, his focus shifted to the other man in the room, who had kept his eyes closed since Cyan entered.

Interrupting the goatee-bearded man's attempt to further provoke him, the man with closed eyes intervened, clearly holding a position of authority in the room.

"Enough," he stated firmly, silencing his companion. He turned his gaze towards Cyan, emanating an air of authority and coercion, attempting to assert dominance. But Cyan remained unaffected, thanks to his soul power.

Cyan met the man's gaze head-on, his own eyes reflecting determination and resilience. He had no intention of backing down or allowing himself to be intimidated. He stood his ground, refusing to be swayed by coercion or empty threats.

"Let's not waste any more time with unnecessary posturing and insults," Cyan spoke, his voice calm yet firm. "Since you are here on behalf of the Carlton family, state your purpose clearly. If not, I have no interest in partaking in such empty gestures."

The man with closed eyes nodded, seemingly impressed by Cyan's unwavering demeanor. "Let me introduce ourselves since we didn't get to do that yesterday I am Vincent, representing the Carlton family," he introduced himself, his tone devoid of contempt. "This is Thomas, my associate."

Cyan acknowledged their introductions with a nod, his gaze shifting between Vincent and Thomas. He doesn't have a good opinion about them, especially Thomas, the way he ridiculed his mother yesterday still left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Finally, he spoke, cutting to the chase. "Let's finalize everything today." There's no point wasting time with this minions he already knows what they are here for and he also has his demands.

"Who wants to waste their time in this slum" sneered Thomas.

Cyan maintained his composure as Thomas sneered at him, belittling the meeting location. Vincent's commanding tone quickly silenced Thomas, putting an end to any further unnecessary comments.

Vincent passed documents for Cyan to review and sign on the terminal. As Cyan read through the contents, he couldn't help but chuckle. The terms presented did not reflect his true worth and potential. The offer of five million points in exchange for relinquishing any claim or right to the Carlton family's inheritance paled in comparison to his own findings about their wealth.

A wry smile played on Cyan's lips as he turned his gaze towards Vincent. "It seems that your sincerity is lacking," he remarked coolly. "I conducted extensive research on the Carlton family yesterday and discovered that the wealth I would be relinquishing is worth far more than a mere five million points. It appears that you are attempting to toy with me, possibly due to the influence of that woman."

The individual who had been attacking Cyan since his arrival couldn't hide his disdainful sneer. "Do you truly believe that as an illegitimate child, you have any chance of experiencing the glory and wealth of the Carlton family? You would do well to wake up and understand your place," he mocked.

Unmoved by the man's derogatory remarks, Cyan ignored him and focused his attention on Vincent, the figure of authority.

"While I do not oppose signing the documents and forging an agreement," Cyan stated firmly, "the current offer lacks sincerity. If the Carlton family truly wishes to proceed with our arrangement, they must consider my conditions and ensure they are met."

Cyan paused, allowing the weight of his words to fill the room. His cultivation and hard work had led him to his current position, and he refused to accept anything less than what he deserved.

"I have my own demands," Cyan continued with resolute determination.

Thomas, the man who had been barking sarcastic comments, was about to speak when he was abruptly interrupted by the man with the goatee. "Enough, don't forget our orders," Vincent reminded him sternly.

Cyan looked at the man Thomas, who appeared frustrated and constipated, and couldn't help but chuckle at his discomfort. This only further infuriated him, but he refrained from making any more sarcastic comments and instead glared at Cyan.

Vincent, recognizing the need to proceed, asked Cyan, "What are your demands that would convince you to sign?"

Cyan nodded, his gaze focused and determined. "I appreciate dealing with intelligent individuals, I won't beat around the bush," Cyan replied, the corner of his mouth curling into a satisfied smile. Thomas glared in response, but wisely chose not to say anything.

"Firstly," Cyan stated boldly, "I want a hundred million points. Nothing less will suffice."

Thomas, unable to hold his silence any longer, sarcastically remarked, "Why don't you just rob a bank?" However, Cyan simply ignored him, undeterred by his provocations.

"Secondly," Cyan continued, his voice unwavering, "I want it explicitly stated in the document that any future relationship between myself and the Carlton family is completely severed. I demand that my life and death have nothing to do with them. They will have no power to interfere in any aspect of my life. It will be as if I don't exist to them."

A glint of contemplation appeared in Vincent's eyes as he absorbed Cyan's demands. He asked cautiously, "Are you absolutely sure about this?"

On the other hand Thomas eyes lit up with joy, this is the best news he has heard throughout the whole negotiation. The madam will be pleased, he could use this to reap more rewards. So when he heard Vincent's question he was displeased "why are you asking him, it's good that he knows his place"

Cyan's response was firm and resolute. "I am sure. Please convey these conditions to your boss."

With that, Vincent left the room, to make the necessary call to his boss. As he departed, Thomas also chose to exit the room. Cyan couldn't help but think about Thomas being the minion of the woman who had caused him trouble before. He hoped that the message of his demands would reach her as well, serving as a deterrent against her targeting him again.

Leaving Cyan alone with his thoughts. It was now a waiting game to see how the Carlton family would respond to his bold demands.

wow! we have gotten to a milestone first 10 chapters. Thank you for reading so far, I really appreciate the support.

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