
Return Of The Magician

Journey through time and realms in this captivating fantasy. A boy's accidental arrival in a magical world grants him extraordinary powers. Armed with wisdom, he returns to the interstellar realm, fusing ancient magic with cutting-edge science. Explore the transformative power of knowledge and witness the rebirth of two intertwined worlds. Brace yourself for a spellbinding adventure where fantasy and science collide. *MC brought a Magic Tower with him. *No harem *Don't expect romance. *please review and comment and if you find it in your heart you can also give me power stones. support me on Ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl This is my discord link https://discord.com/invite/kAjrpychcS

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41 Chs

A New Era

As the rigorous training continued for Cyan and his comrades, significant changes were occurring within the Federation. The Federation had begun collaborating with external businesses interested in shadow bane production, with the help of the pharmacists association. The production process was progressing smoothly, and as a result, more people were able to afford shadow bane. For those who couldn't, the Federation provided subsidies to ensure accessibility. Despite the presence of family interests within the Federation, the leaders in government worked diligently to prioritize the well-being of the populace.

Cyan's altruistic actions, including his donations, were driven by his desire to give back to the Federation. While the Federation was not perfect, the government remained committed to protecting and providing for its people. It was these subsidies and support that allowed Cyan and his comrades to survive and thrive. This commitment to the people is also what continuously draws new individuals to join the military, each ready to protect the borders and brave the dangers of the forest.

On a momentous day, the decision-makers of the Federation, including government officials, military leaders, heads of powerful families, prominent mercenaries, and representatives from the pharmacists association, gathered at the Federation government building. This building was renowned for its unparalleled security measures, but today, security was heightened even further due to the presence of these esteemed individuals within one of its halls.

The head of the Federation did not belong to any of the Tier 1 families, yet he commanded deep respect from all. A grandmaster in cultivation, his level of mastery remained unknown to the general public. Amongst grandmasters' there are different levels of mastery.

Julian Alvarez, renowned for his accomplishments both on the battlefield and in the political arena, possessed a stern and imposing presence. Years spent in military service had honed his expression into one of seriousness and determination. His well-toned physique and powerful aura demanded respect and attention.

Clearing his throat, Julian Alvarez took a moment to address the assembled individuals in the room, ensuring that all eyes were fixed on him. The anticipation in the air was palpable as he began to share the purpose behind their gathering.

"I have called upon each of you today to discuss a matter of utmost importance," Julian Alvarez began, his deep and commanding voice echoing throughout the hall. "In recent times, we have witnessed the extraordinary effects of beast blood and the new techniques derived from it. The possibilities it presents for our people are immense."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Through extensive testing and experimentation, we have seen firsthand the undeniable effectiveness of this new physical body training. It has proven to be transformative, pushing the boundaries of what was previously thought possible."

The room buzzed with subdued murmurs as the individuals present exchanged glances. The significance of this revelation was not lost on anyone. The potential benefits of the new training method had the power to revolutionize the way people practiced and cultivated their skills.

Looking around at the gathered experts and influential figures, Julian Alvarez continued, his tone filled with a sense of urgency and determination. "I believe it is time for us to devise a systematic approach for introducing this training to the public. We need to ensure that every citizen of the Federation has access to this new path of physical enhancement and cultivation."

He gestured towards a large screen that illuminated beside him, displaying graphs, images, and data showcasing the progress made thus far. "As you can see from the results of our rigorous testing, the benefits of the beast blood training are undeniable. It has the potential to unlock hidden potentials within individuals, boosting their strength, speed, and endurance to unparalleled heights."

Julian Alvarez's gaze swept across the room, his eyes alight with unwavering determination. "I urge each and every one of you to contribute your expertise and collectively come up with a systematic plan to introduce this training to the public. We must ensure that proper guidance and resources are provided, even as we monitor and evaluate its impact."

He concluded with a firm nod, leaving no room for doubt about the importance of their task. The room fell into a contemplative silence as the assembled individuals absorbed the weight of their responsibility.

And so, the minds within the room began to stir, "I think it would be rash to introduce this to the general public before extensive testing. My suggestion is to let the military and the top families test it out first. So we can curb the detriments immediately" Calvin Carlton said righteously.

One of the mercenary regiment leader laughed in mockery, "so typical you top families wants to monopolize this, you don't need to dress it up in a fancy way just come out and say it straight".

The mercenaries regiments have never been in good terms with the top families although they do business together that didn't stop them for not looking favorably towards each other.

This made Calvin frown, as he was about to offer a rebuttal a brusque voice interrupted "what do you mean by generalizing? Carlton family doesn't speak for everyone he speaks for himself" Anthony Forgean interrupted.

Another regiment leader laughed at Anthony "can you sincerely say you all don't acquiesce to this behavior, look around you the selfish nature of always caring about your interests first as made the Federation to decay."

A lot of neutral parties agreed with what the mercenary said. Although there's nothing wrong with each family trying to secure their interests but there must be a bottom line and limits. Recently, some of top families greed has no bounds and it's becoming detrimental to the Federation. This is giving them headache in the government but this families also have influence in the government.

As the room simmered with tension and arguments, Julian Alvarez's commanding voice cut through the noise, capturing everyone's attention. His words held a weight that demanded respect and brought an immediate silence to the room.

"I did not convene this meeting to delve into the myriad issues plaguing the Federation. We will address those matters at another time, rest assured," Julian declared with authority. "Our purpose here is to discuss the introduction of this technique and training to the general public. It is clear that this cannot be monopolized by any individual or government. It belongs to the people of the Federation."

Julian's words resonated with the audience, reminding them of their shared responsibility towards the greater good. The allocation of power and resources must not be held solely in the hands of a few, but rather be made available to all who sought it.

He continued, his voice filled with determination and conviction. "It is beyond question that we will provide this training to the public. What we need now are constructive suggestions on how to release it in a manner that ensures the highest degree of effectiveness and accessibility. It is a training that comes with technique that will allow them to train to the Expert level realm."

Julian emphasized the necessity of a thoughtful and inclusive approach, where every citizen could benefit from the training. The room filled with a renewed sense of purpose as the individuals shifted their focus to find a solution rather than dwelling on their differences.

"We have a new equipment that could further enhance the effectiveness of this body training. There's a gravity equipment that a junior in the family came up with but we didn't introduce it to the public due to the people of the Federation not training their body."

The room fell silent as Elizabeth Emerald's announcement captured everyone's attention. Her revelation of a gravity equipment that could enhance the effectiveness of the body training sent a wave of anticipation through the gathered individuals. Here was another opportunity to push the boundaries of physical cultivation even further.

Elizabeth continued, her voice filled with conviction. "Before introducing this equipments, techniques, body training to the general public, it is essential to carry out comprehensive testing. This testing should involve individuals from various sectors, ensuring a diverse range of participants. By meticulously evaluating and refining the training methodology through extensive testing, we can gather the necessary data to guarantee its safety and efficacy."

Elizabeth continued, outlining her vision for the future. "Once we have sufficient data, I propose that the government provides basic training facilities or invites private entities to open various training facilities to the public. These facilities could be available for a reasonable fee, ensuring access for all who are interested. We should also establish a structured system to measure mastery in physical body training, possibly through the use of a comprehensive strength-testing machine. This will help individuals understand their current level of strength, providing them with perspective and goals."

Nods of agreement filled the room, as everyone recognized the importance of thorough testing to validate the effectiveness and safety of the new equipment and training.

Her suggestions resonated with the gathered individuals, who recognized the need for accessible training facilities and a clear framework for progress. The room erupted into a symphony of agreement, affirming the path forward proposed by Elizabeth Emerald.

Julian Alvarez's voice rang out again, his command permeating the room. "I appreciate the constructive suggestion put forth by Elizabeth Emerald. It is clear that collaboration between the government and the Emerald family is necessary to provide the facilities and resources required for testing and training. We shall begin the process of building a dedicated training facility to carry out these comprehensive tests, involving individuals from the general public. The data collected will provide invaluable insights and ensure the effectiveness and safety of the training. Let us reconvene in four weeks' time to present our comprehensive plan for the introduction of this training to the public."

The collaboration between the government and the Emerald family was met with widespread support, as their resources and expertise would be instrumental in the successful implementation of these plans.

The vision for a future where individuals could unlock their physical potential was becoming a reality.

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