
Return of the Eternal Hero

"Return of the Eternal Hero" is a fantasy adventure novel that follows the story of Zane, the world's strongest and most powerful man who has suddenly been imprisoned in a dungeon that appeared out of nowhere 15 years ago. After spending what feels like a lifetime inside the dungeon, Zane has finally found a way out and is faced with a world that has changed dramatically since he left. As he navigates the dangerous world around him, Zane must confront both his past and present and uncover the secrets behind the appearance of the dungeon and the people who trapped him there. Along the way, he faces challenges and dangers like he's never faced before, and must rely on his wit, strength, and determination to survive. Through his journey, Zane learns to trust others and to let go of his past, as he fights to discover the truth behind the dungeon and save the world yet again.

ForeshadowZen · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter Two: The Adventure Begins

Zane stood outside of the tall hotel building, looking up at the imposing structure. He had finally escaped the dungeon after countless years, and he was determined to find his enemies and take his revenge.

He made his way to the hotel lobby, where he caught sight of a group of people huddled around a table. They looked like they were discussing something important, and Zane couldn't help but listen in.

He approached the group, his ears perked and his senses alert, ready to learn what he could. And as he listened, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

It was a cult, a cult that was planning to summon a dark lord by the name of "Zion", a being that was said to possess unimaginable power. And they were planning to sacrifice Zane, the man they had once revered, to fuel Zion's power.

Zane couldn't believe his ears. It was like all of his worst nightmares had come true. But he wasn't going to let them get away with it. He was going to hunt them down, and he was going to take his revenge.

As he walked out of the hotel, a fire burning inside of him, Zane knew that his real journey had just begun. And he was ready for whatever lay ahead.

Zane walked the streets of the city slowly get calmly, his sword at the ready, his senses sharp. He had been walking for what felt like hours, searching for any sign of the cult that had imprisoned him. And then, finally, he saw them. A group of people, dressed in dark robes, gathered around a large fire at the edge of the city.

They were chanting, their voices rising and falling in a strange, otherworldly way that filled Zane with unease. It was like they were trying to summon something, something evil, something powerful.

Zane approached cautiously, his sword held loosely at his side. He didn't want to give away his position, but he didn't want to be caught off guard either.

As he drew closer, he caught sight of a figure standing in the center of the circle. It was a tall, powerful man, dressed in black robes, his face hidden in the shadows. Zane knew that this was the leader of the cult, the man who had orchestrated his imprisonment and near sacrifice.

But before he could launch an attack, a figure stepped forward from the shadows. It was a woman, dressed in leather armor, her face hardened by years of experience. "Stop right there," she said, her voice firm and authoritative.

Zane hesitated, his sword still raised, but his attention was drawn to the woman. He had never seen anyone like her before, a warrior, clearly, but her bearing was different, her confident aura was almost... supernatural.

"Who are you?" Zane asked, lowering his sword slightly.

"I am a member of the Adventurer's Guild," the woman replied. "And you look like a fighter. Are you interested in joining us?"

Zane paused, taking in the woman's words. The adventure's guild, a group of warriors who traveled the world, seeking out new challenges and facing down danger. It was like something out of the stories he had heard as a child, a dream he had forgotten until now.

"Yes," Zane replied. "I would like that very much." He thought that maybe this way not only could he find more powerful allies but also find out where his old "friends" are at and he's ready for revenge.

Zane and the woman sat at a tavern, his sword leaning against the wall, as he listened to the woman who had approached him on the streets. She called herself a member of the Adventurer's Guild, a group of warriors who traveled the world in search of new challenges, and Zane couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.

"Tell me about the world," Zane said, his eyes fixed on the woman's face. "What... has happened for the past 10 years?... I've been off somewhere else"

The woman looked at him, her eyes narrowing, as if she was trying to gauge his intentions. "The world has changed a lot." she said, her voice heavy with the weight of centuries. "There are new kingdoms, new lords, and new dangers. But there are also new opportunities. For those who are willing to fight."

Zane nodded, his mind turning over the woman's words. He had been isolated in the dungeon for so long, cut off from the world outside. The thought of exploring, of facing new challenges, filled him with a sense of purpose.

"I'm ready," Zane said, his voice firm. "I want to be a member of the Adventurer's Guild. To fight, to explore, to see what the world has to offer."

The woman smiled, her face softening. "Then it is settled," she said. "You will have to pass the initiation trials, of course, but I have no doubt that you will succeed. You have a fighter's spirit, Zane."

Zane's heart swelled with pride. He had lived so long in the darkness, fighting for his life, but now he had a chance to be something more, to be a warrior, a hero, a legend.

"Thank you," Zane said.

The woman nodded, her eyes sparkling. "Now, let's go join the Adventurer's Guild. The world needs heroes."

As they made their way through the streets, Zane couldn't help but be struck by the sense of energy and excitement that filled the air. Everything seemed to be in motion, as if the world itself was restless and eager to move on to the next stage of its journey. He could sense that Arya felt the same way, her eyes taking in everything around them with a rapt attention that made him feel like he was in the presence of an expert on the world.

As they walked, they talked, their voices blending together in a familiar way that made Zane feel like he had known Arya for years, even though they had just met a few hours ago. They discussed everything from the state of the world to the nature of bravery and destiny, their voices rising and falling in a way that made it seem as if they were uncovering some deep and hidden truth about life itself.

And then, when they arrived at the Adventurer's Guild's training ground, Zane found himself standing before a towering structure, its walls made of thick, chiseled bricks, its doors made of solid steel. It was a place of history and tradition, a place where the great heroes of the past had cut their teeth, and a place where Zane would soon be doing the same.

Arya put a hand on his shoulder, her grip firm yet gentle. "Are you ready?" she asked, her voice filled with a determination that made Zane feel like he could take on the world.

Zane nodded, agreeing to arya.

After the tests were over which had took place and made Zane clear the tests to prove his worth as an adventurer.

"Impressive," Arya said, her eyes gleaming with approval. "You've passed every test with flying colors, Zane."

"But there is one more test," Arya said, her voice serious. "The final test, a test that will push you to your limits and beyond. It is a test of bravery, determination, and skill, and it is one that very few have been able to pass."

"I'm ready," he said, his voice stronger than he had ever heard it before. "I'm more than ready. I will pass this test, and I will become a member of the Adventurer's Guild."

Arya smiled, the corners of her mouth curling up in a way that made Zane feel like he could take on the world. "That's the spirit," she said. "Now let's go. The final test awaits."

They approached a large stone gate, set in a towering stone wall that seemed to stretch up to the heavens. As they drew closer, Zane noticed that there were three doors leading out from the gate, each one seemingly leading off into different directions.

"You must choose one of these doors," Arya said, her eyes fixed on Zane with an intensity that made him feel as if the fate of the world rested on his shoulders. "The door you choose will be your final test, your final challenge. Choose wisely."

Zane took a deep breath, and began to look at the different doors intensely.

"I choose... this door," he said, pointing at the door farthest to the left.

Arya smiled, the warmth in her eyes making Zane feel like he could take on the world. "Very well," she said. "Now, the door will only open if you possess the necessary skills and bravery to proceed. Remember, this is your final chance to prove yourself."

Zane nodded, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was ready, he was more than ready. And with Arya's words echoing in his ears, he stepped through the door and into the final test.

Zane stepped through the door into a vast, empty space that seemed to stretch on forever. As he walked, he felt the memories begin to flood back, all of the horrors that he had been forced to see over the years. He could see himself, standing alone against an army of undead monsters, his sword held tightly in his hand as he fought for his life. He could see himself, locked in a dungeon, the darkness surrounding him, the screams of the damned resonating in his ears. He could see himself, abandoned by those he loved, left to fend for himself in a hostile world.

But with every step he took, Zane felt his power coming back, his strength returning to him. The memories that had once been his tormentors now became his allies, each one serving to remind him of his determination, of his resolve. He raised his sword, holding it aloft as he walked on, the memories trailing behind him like the ghosts of his past.

And then, as he turned a corner, he saw it. A memory that had haunted him for years, a moment that had left him feeling powerless and alone. But now, with his power at his side, with his strength returning to him, he felt a sense of determination that he had never felt before. And with a roar that sounded like a lion that has fought for his entire life filled with life, spite, and joy for the sport of fighting. He charged forward, facing his fears head-on.

As an hour had passed, Zane felt the memories fade away, his power returning to him with every step he took. The weight of his past no longer weighed on him, and he felt himself growing stronger with every passing moment.

Zane, with a roar of triumph, he burst through the door, his power now fully restored, his sword held aloft, ready to face whatever the future held.

Suddenly a strong energy radiated from Zane's sword, transforming into a newly completed sword was palpable, a force of nature that could be felt by all those present. The sword, now possessing the strength of a lion filled with stripes of a snake, was a weapon to be feared, a weapon that could strike down even the most formidable of foes.

As Zane took up his sword, the weight of its power resting in his hand, he knew that he had now become something more than a human, he had ever seen this type of power before, yet he knew that now he was a force to be reckoned with, a warrior whose power was unmatched by any in this world.

And with this newfound strength at his side, he now faced the future with a determination and a courage that had never been within him before. The sword was his, and he was now ready to conquer whatever came his way.

Arya approached Zane, her expression one of both awe and admiration. "You did it," she said, her voice filled with respect. "You've proven yourself to be a true adventurer, one worthy of the license that you now hold.

Zane smiled, he felt the weight of the world was now off his shoulders, and responded to Arya, "I'm going to be the best there is. I will do it with my own power and the power of whatever I can do." He says clinching his hand together about to walk away.

The others suddenly approached, also offering their congratulations and best wishes. "You're one of us now," one of them said, a grin spreading across their face. "We're all here to help you, Zane. You're never alone in this."

And with that, Zane felt a sense of purpose and belonging that he had forgotten about. With his sword at his side and his adventurer's license firmly in his hand, he was ready for whatever dangers lay ahead, knowing that he had a team by his side, ready to support him in any way possible.