
Return of the Eternal Hero

"Return of the Eternal Hero" is a fantasy adventure novel that follows the story of Zane, the world's strongest and most powerful man who has suddenly been imprisoned in a dungeon that appeared out of nowhere 15 years ago. After spending what feels like a lifetime inside the dungeon, Zane has finally found a way out and is faced with a world that has changed dramatically since he left. As he navigates the dangerous world around him, Zane must confront both his past and present and uncover the secrets behind the appearance of the dungeon and the people who trapped him there. Along the way, he faces challenges and dangers like he's never faced before, and must rely on his wit, strength, and determination to survive. Through his journey, Zane learns to trust others and to let go of his past, as he fights to discover the truth behind the dungeon and save the world yet again.

ForeshadowZen · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter Three: Mission Start

After driving to the nearest actual city instead of a small village/small city. "Wow," Zane said, taking in the bustling streets of the capital city. The noise and smells of the bustling city were almost overwhelming, and he could feel his heart racing as he tried to take it all in. "I can't believe I'm really here!"

Arya laughed, a warm sound that made him feel more at ease. "I know, it's a lot to take in at first. But you'll get used to it. And I'll be here to guide you through it all. This city is a hub for adventurers, a place where they come to seek new challenges and prove themselves. And I have a feeling you're going to fit in just fine."

After walking around the extremely crowded, sparkling city. Zane decided to follow Arya to where the guilds center was to accept quests.

After walking following Arya to the guild building, Zane stepped into the guild building, his heart pounding in excitement as he approached the quest desk. The person behind the desk was busy writing in a ledger, but they looked up as Zane approached.

"Welcome, adventurer," the person behind the desk said, a smile on their face. "What can I do for you today?"

Zane took a breath to steady himself before speaking. "I'd like to accept a quest, please," he said, trying to sound confident.

The person behind the desk nodded. "Of course, adventurer. Do you have any preference for the type of quest you'd like to accept? We have a variety of options available, ranging from gathering quests to monster hunts and more."

Zane thought for a moment, weighing his options. He wanted a challenge that would allow him to test his skills, but he also needed something that he could complete quickly. "I'd like a hunting quest, please," he said finally. "What do you have available?"

The person behind the desk smiled. "We have several options available for you to choose from. We have a quest for a fierce griffon that has been terrorizing a nearby village, a quest for a pack of wild dogs that have been attacking travelers on the road, and a quest for a rogue elemental that has been causing havoc in a nearby forest. Which one would you like to accept?"

Zane considered each option carefully before making his decision. "I'll take the quest for the rogue elemental," he said finally. "It sounds like it would be a good challenge."

The person behind the desk nodded and handed Zane a map and a list of items he would need to complete the quest. "I wish you luck on your quest, adventurer. May the gods be with you!"

As Zane approached the village following the map, he could feel the ground trembling beneath his feet, and a faint red glow could be seen on the horizon. He picked up his pace, his heart pounding in his chest, as he realized that he was approaching the rogue elemental.

When he arrived at the last known location of the rouge, he found it preparing a large area skill using elemental magic. The rogue was surrounded by a swirling vortex of fire and earth, and Zane knew that he couldn't afford to waste any more time. He charged forward, his sword drawn, and the battle was on.

The elemental was quick and powerful, and casted a spell using both proproties of fire, and earth striking at Zane swiftly and powerfully. However, Zane was faster and stronger, and within seconds, he had overpowered the rogue using sheer force. But as he struck the final blow, the rogue let out a roar that echoed across the countryside, and the spell that it had been preparing was released.

Zane saw a bright light enveloping him, and he knew that he had to act quickly. He channeled all of his magic and energy, and with one massive burst of power, he managed to dispel the spell just before it reached the village.

The village was safe, but Zane was exhausted from the using so much power when he had just got his strength completely back and wasn't yet use to it on earth. He leaned against a tree, catching his breath, as he watched the elemental's remains turn to dust in the wind. He knew that the villager's would be grateful for what he had done, but he also knew that he had a long journey ahead of him.

As Zane made his way back to the guild, he reflected on what he had just experienced. He knew that he had to get use to his strength, and quickly before the cult leader that he once fought becomes powerful to the point of succeeding in summoning the dark lord "Zion".

After walking for quite a while, Zane felt a warm sense of satisfaction as he approached the guild desk and handed over the item he had collected from the Rogue Elemental. He had completed the quest, and he was ready to receive his reward.

But as he was about to speak with the person behind the desk, he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling his name. He turned around to see Arya standing there, a concerned look on her face.

"Hey there, Zane," she said, her voice laced with worry. "How did the quest go? It looked like it was pretty difficult."

Zane nodded, a smile spreading across his face. "It was definitely a challenge," he said. "But I managed to overpower the Rogue Elemental and complete the quest in the end."

Arya let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear that," she said. "But I have to admit, I was worried about you. That elemental looked pretty powerful from the photo, and I wasn't sure if you'd be able to handle it considering you just got that crazy new power up and you probably haven't had time to adjust to it yet."

Zane laughed. "Don't worry about me, Arya," he said. "I'm a trained warrior, and I know how to handle myself in combat. But I have to admit, it was a tougher fight than I expected, and I guess you're right about not being adjusted to it yet..."

Arya led Zane through the city, pointing out various sights and landmarks along the way. They passed by bustling marketplaces, elegant palaces, and bustling city squares, each more impressive than the next.

Finally, they reached Arya's guild, the "Black Rose's." It was a tall, elegant building with a sleek black exterior and a red rose etched into the stone above the entrance. The air was filled with the sounds of steel on steel as adventurers from all over the world trained in the guild's practice yard.

Arya greeted several members of the guild as they walked inside, and eventually led Zane to a group of adventurers who were sitting around a table discussing their latest mission.

"Guys, this is Zane," Arya said, gesturing towards Zane. "Zane, these are some of the people I work with. This is Max, he's the guild's healer and is easily one of the best in the business."

Max nodded in acknowledgement. "Pleasure to meet you, Zane," he said, his voice deep and melodic. "Arya has told me a lot about you, and I'm looking forward to working with you."

Arya continued, "This is Lara, she's our magic specialist and can pretty much cast any spell you can think of. And this is Jason, he's our tank and is practically indestructible. You'll see what I mean when we're out on missions."

Jason chuckled as he extended a hand towards Zane. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Zane," he said, his voice booming as he spoke. "I've heard a lot about you, and I'm looking forward to working with you."

Arya smiled. "I think we have a great team here, and I know that we'll accomplish great things together. So, what do you say, Zane? Are you ready to join us on our next mission?"

As Zane agreed to work with the Black Roses on their newest mission, the group of adventurers gathered around a table in their guild hall, discussing the details of their upcoming quest. Arya stood at the head of the table, flipping through a large stack of parchment, while the rest of the team exchanged ideas and opinions on the possible challenges they might face.

Zane sat quietly, listening intently to the group's discussion, taking in all the information he could. The last time he had worked with a team that was even remotely close to the black Rose's strategies, were his old clan, which was years ago. He sat there in awe from the planning of the fight ahead of time, he was so use to just fighting whatever enemy was in front of him, that he had forgotten about planning and how exciting it could be.

As the discussion began to wind down and the group began to prepare for their mission, Arya turned to Zane, a glint of determination in her eye. "Zane, I have a feeling that we're going to make a great team on this mission," she said, her voice carrying a note of authority that had not been present before. "I know that you're a skilled adventurer in your own right, but this is going to be a tough quest, and I need to know that I can trust you to follow orders when things get rough."

Zane nodded, a sense of curiously rising within him as well, as to see how well this team can work together. "You can count on me, Arya," he said, his voice firm and steady. "I may not have the same level of experience as the rest of the team working together in groups, or with just 2-3 members together at a time, but I'm a quick learner, and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty when the going gets tough. You can count on me."

Arya nodded, a small smile playing at the corner of her lips. "Good," she said, "because I have a feeling you're going to need to be at your best on this one. We're going into enemy territory, and the odds are stacked against us. But I know that we can do it, as long as we stick together and work as a team. Alright everyone, let's suit up and get moving. Time's a-wasting!"

With that, the Black Roses surged into action, donning their armor and grabbing their weapons. Zane followed suit, the adrenaline rushing through his veins as he realized that he was about to embark on the biggest and most exciting adventure of his life since the imprisonment had begun all those years ago.