
Return of the Eternal Hero

"Return of the Eternal Hero" is a fantasy adventure novel that follows the story of Zane, the world's strongest and most powerful man who has suddenly been imprisoned in a dungeon that appeared out of nowhere 15 years ago. After spending what feels like a lifetime inside the dungeon, Zane has finally found a way out and is faced with a world that has changed dramatically since he left. As he navigates the dangerous world around him, Zane must confront both his past and present and uncover the secrets behind the appearance of the dungeon and the people who trapped him there. Along the way, he faces challenges and dangers like he's never faced before, and must rely on his wit, strength, and determination to survive. Through his journey, Zane learns to trust others and to let go of his past, as he fights to discover the truth behind the dungeon and save the world yet again.

ForeshadowZen · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter Six: Lost Kingdom of Morryland

As Zane and the coachman came into the small town Zane got off of the carriage which had been the only form of transport up this far. He began looking around the town, but only after a few hours of searching he didn't see anything worth visiting besides a small bar which he entered and took a seat.

Zane: what's up, I'm here for a drink. You have any in stock like prepared already?

Someone spoke up from behind the counter, "Oh hey there, and no I currently don't have anything at all premade as we make drinks for our customers on demand and not premade."

Zane took a moment and just asked for some water instead of ordering any drinks.

"I'll just take some water and I'll be on my way." Zane replied to the person behind the counter. The man behind the counter poured some water in a cup and handed it to Zane.

After an hour of sitting around the bar thinking of his first move against the Kingdom of Morrland, Zane picked up his stuff and started to head towards the kingdom.

As Zane delved deeper into the enchanted forest, he encountered more and more signs of the magical beings that had once called this place home. But the closer he got to the source of the magic, the more elusive it became. He stumbled across an ancient temple, and as he approached it, he felt a strange vibration in the air. It was as if the temple was calling out to him, urging him to enter. With a deep breath, Zane stepped through the threshold and into the Lost Kingdom of Morrland. As he stepped inside, the doors behind him slammed shut with a loud thud, and he knew that there was no turning back now. He was trapped in the Lost Kingdom, and he had to find his way out.

Inside, he could feel a sense of unease wash over him. He knew that this was a place of ancient magic and great danger, and that he must be on guard at all times, he was immediately assaulted by a fierce guardian, its claws and teeth flashing as it lunged at him. Zane parried the attack with his sword, but even as he fought off the guardian, he could hear the roar of ice dragons approaching from behind. It was clear to him that this was going to be a long and intense battle.

The fight was grueling, Zane fighting with every ounce of his strength and skill, as the ice dragons continued to press their attacks. Their scales were as hard as iron, and their claws and teeth as sharp as steel, but Zane refused to back down. He could feel his body growing weary, his wounds slowing him down, but he wouldn't give up. He fought on, his heart pounding with every blow, until finally, he emerged victorious.

As the dust settled and the ice dragons laid dead, Zane found himself gasping for breath, his body covered in sweat and blood. He stumbled over to a nearby wall and leaned against it, taking a moment to catch his breath. He reached into his pack and pulled out a water bottle, taking a long drink to quench his thirst. He knew that this was only the beginning of his journey in the Lost Kingdom, but for now, he was grateful for the chance to rest, to gather his strength for the challenges that lay ahead.

"S-shit man, t-that shit was intense as hell... I barely survived." Zane said continuing to drink some water and began to look around the kingdom. He began to recover a bit quicker than normal due to his skill "Self-Recovery". However due to the damage from the fight against the guardian and the dragons he was exhausted even with his wounds healed. Zane had decided to just sit down and rest for a few minutes before continuing.

As Zane regained his energy after some time, he continued to explore the Lost Kingdom, searching for clues to its secrets. The path was dark and winding, with twisting caverns and secret chambers hiding around every turn. But despite the challenges, Zane had come too far to turn back now, and he was determined to find what he had been seeking.

As he delved deeper into the kingdom, he encountered smaller guardians and even more ice dragons, each one more formidable than the last. But with each encounter, Zane grew stronger, his skills sharpening with experience. He fought with all of his might, his sword flashing in the dim light, until finally, he emerged victorious.

Then, after what felt like an eternity, Zane stumbled across the entrance to a great chamber, guarded by a single ice dragon, its scales glinting in the dim light. It seemed to be the source of the kingdom's magic, and Zane could feel its cold, icy power pulsing through the air. He knew that this was the moment he had been waiting for, and that he must face the dragon if he was to unlock the secrets of the Lost Kingdom.

As Zane approached the dragon, he could feel his heart pounding with excitement and dread. He knew that this would be the most dangerous creature he had ever faced, but he was determined to win. The dragon let out a roar, Its breath like frozen wind and its teeth like daggers of ice. Zane raised his sword, determined to face this beast.

The battle was intense, the dragon using every ounce of its power to overcome Zane. The air was filled with the crackle of its breath and the clash of their weapons. But despite the dragon's strength, Zane r began using his skills, agility, and his strength to his advantage. He fought with all of his might, his skills sharpening with each passing moment.

The battle raged on for what seemed like hours, until finally, Zane landed a decisive blow on the dragon's heart, bringing it to its knees. It let out a roar of defeat, and Zane took a moment to catch his breath. He had won, and he had proved himself to be one of the greatest warriors in the Lost Kingdom however he was extremely injured on death's door and decided to breathe activate his skill "Self-Recovery" and just sat down to catch a grip on everything that had happened within the past 24 hours.

Zane stepped into the chamber after resting for what felt like years, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the sight before him. The chamber was huge, with walls that seemed to stretch on forever, and the air was thick with the smell of magic and ancient power. At the center of the room stood a raised platform, on which rested a gleaming white sword covered in red that looked like dried blood in strips. It was clearly a powerful artifact, but it was also clearly guarded by a powerful magical seal.

Zane knew that he had to be cautious, and he moved slowly, carefully examining the seal for any weaknesses. He could feel the magic humming around him, and he knew that he had to be quick and precise. Slowly, carefully, he approached the seal, his eyes fixed on the sword. He thought about picking up the sword, but he realized that he couldn't get that close to the sword due to the sealing magic how powerful it was. He turned around and saw a crystal that looked like a secret artifact of some kind. He picked it up and it immediately shined with a bright light and he suddenly found himself outside of the kingdom.

"What the hell just happened to me... how the hell am I outside of...never mind I'll just go back to the town and catch the first carriage back as far as it can take me." He walked back to the small town and walked into the bar and asked for the day.

"Oh yah, it's Tuesday the 17th of the sixth month."

Zane widened his eyes, and realized he's been in the kingdom for over four days. He sits down and orders a drink and just wonders what to do next.