
Return of the Dragon God

The gods are mighty but are also a bored lot as they look for entertainment in everything they do. But when they commit taboo by messing with time, they will come to realize why time manipulation is a taboo thing to do. Reeds life has bin one misfortune after another his race almost completely destroyed are now aimless wanderers but with the gods sending him back to the past he takes this chance and tries for a better life.

Rezac356 · Khoa huyễn
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25 Chs

Youngest Master Alchemist

Grandmaster Serren entered the counsel room in the alchemists association, having called a meeting of the council he was not the first to arrive. He passes the time until the meeting begins with small talk until the counsel is all there. As he takes his spot at the head of the table, he gets right to the point, "I have met a very promising young alchemist and with the formulas and such I will be submitting on his behalf I do believe he deserves the title of Grandmaster." After he said that the bulk of the council was nodding and giving a yes answer, but there will always be those that disagree Grandmaster Vivaldi an old stick in the mud who is a stickler for the rules or should we say the old ways slammed his hand on the table and spat "You old fool how many master alchemists are waiting for their chance to become a grandmaster you know as well as the rest of us that a master alchemist must serve the association for 50 years before they are even allowed to take the grandmasters test and you want to have a brat that has just gotten his dragon mark yesterday to become a grandmaster? you're out of your mind if you think I'm going to agree to that."

Unfortunately for Serren, he needs a majority vote to make Reed a grandmaster alchemist, and with this old bastards disagreement that just went out the window however Grandmaster Lialna said her piece "You 2 can trip each other up later what the counsel needs to decide is what this young man deserves for his ground breaking new discovery and his massive amount of formulas I can already tell you other than Serren here this youngster has submitted more formulas than the rest of us combined so you can't tell me he doesn't deserve an appropriate reward do you." Even though Lialna is the youngest at 325 years old, she does provide an appropriate point even the grandmasters that champions the old ways couldn't say he shouldn't get an appropriate reward. "Well then, I guess we can put this all to a vote. Im sure everyone will agree to that, at least." Grandmaster Garok says, attempting to mediate between the factions.

"Then it's agreed we will put it to a vote and leave it at that."

"Ignorant moronic dumb assess the lot of them." Was Serren's thought as he entered his study to think they outright denied that boy his just reward? At least Serren was able to get him something. As Serren sits in his chair, stewing his attendant called to say an important guest has called in to speak to him. He is definitely not in the mood to entertain, but when he sees his guests face he can do nothing but see them.

Lady Knight Crystal Necrodragon entered Serren's office and sat in the offered chair before Serren could say a word she spoke, "Master Serren, I need your help in finding someone." Serren was intrigued. This lady doesn't easily ask for help in anything, let alone getting interested in another person.

"And who would I be helping you find youngster."

When Reed got home, thankfully, his parents didn't say anything about him not going to school he guessed they were giving him a few days to rest after the ordeal of acquiring the mark he remembers some people take 3-4 days rest so it was fine. When he got to his room, he looked at his account. There was over 500 trillion in there. It's a good start, but to get the resources when the other world becomes available, he will need a lot more money as they will be scarce, so the price will be triple what it would normally be worth after checking his account he checked the amount of nourishing agents he has and there is only enough for this week he's going to need to make more however this time he puts in an order for the ingredients to be delivered after that he calls down to the kitchen for a snack before everything gets there.

Before his snack was delivered, Teresa walked in and told him that he had guests in the living room wondering who would make a house call this late in the day he went to the living room but after he went through the door his younger sisters grabbed him and whispered "If you do anything to embarrass us we will hurt you." Reeds mouth twitched, but he still nodded and wondered what type of house guest requires a threat like that. But when he sees them, he understands, "Master Serren, it's good to see you again." he comments as he sits on the sofa as he turns to the other guest, Lady Knight Crystal Necrodragon he knows he needs to speak carefully as this woman is his sister's idol so good luck Reed. Before master Serren could speak Reeds parents walk through the door. When Crystal saw them, she stood at attention and gave the Knights salute. "General Getlset, I didn't expect to meet you here." His father salutes back and replies."At ease commander, we're in my home, so no need to stand on ceremony. That being said, what can my family do for you?"

At that question, Serren replies, "We are here for your son, my good man." Then turned to Reed and said while tapping on his watch,"I'd like to be the first to congratulate you and grant you the title of Master Alchemist." When Reed looked at his watch, he saw the badge of a master alchemist on holo as Serren continued."As a master alchemist, you will get a discount on all ingredients you will need for your work, and a master alchemy set will be sent to you by the association by tomorrow at the latest and again congratulations."

When his sisters heard that they were so surprised, an egg could fit in their mouths his mother was just so happy she gave him a big hug, and his father merely lifted his brows at him, "Master Serren that can't be the only reason you have come looking for my son is it." However, it was Crystal that answered Reeds' father "Actually general I came to finish the assignment you left for me to accomplish Master Reed I'd like to ask you to be the 2nd Wing of Havocs alchemist for the upcoming mission."