
Family Meeting 2/2

Braxis took a deep breath, his voice steady and strong. "Not only did I defeat Abarak, but–" Braxis was quickly cut off by Gravis, "If I hear that one more time, I'm executing you right here," Gravis said angrily, sending Braxis back to his original seat.

Gravis clenched his fist, his voice booming throughout the room. "Alright, all of you, I've called you here for one important reason. Word has it that the Nightshade bastards are about to unveil a secret weapon, something so devastatingly powerful that it could turn the tide in their favor and put our entire dominion at risk."

The family's eyes widened, anxiety and anger bubbling beneath the surface. Gravis pressed on, "Yeah, you heard me right. These arrogant pricks think they've got the upper hand. They're planning to showcase this weapon of theirs at a grand ceremony, inviting every influential power in the realm to witness the event and, in turn, pledge their allegiance to the Nightshade cause."

"Now, I have a plan. I will assign each of you a part of it, make sure that you don't screw up."

As Gravis relayed the news, Braxis's mind raced. He recalled a similar scenario from the RPG he'd played before. A nearly identical event had occurred, where a rival faction unveiled a secret weapon at a grand ceremony to sway the balance of power. In the game, there was a clever, hidden strategy to undermine and ultimately defeat the rival faction.

"Okay, Levant, first you-"

Braxis, recognizing the parallel, decided to seize the opportunity without revealing the source of his knowledge. "Father, I've heard whispers of such a situation before, and I think I have a plan that might just give us the upper hand against the Nightshades."

Gravis raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh? Do tell, Braxis."

Braxis continued, "We just have to assassinate one of their head officials. I conveniently know exactly where one of them is going to be due to one of my reconnaissance missions.

Gravis spoke with surprise, "Reconnaissance? Since when did you do such a thing?"

Braxis nodded confidently, "That's not important. Through assassination, I can guarantee that will expose the Nightshades' weakness and turn their potential allies against them. If we can pull this off, we'll show the realm that the Nightshades aren't as powerful as they claim, effectively shattering their reputation."

The room buzzed with excitement as the family considered the possibility of turning the tables on their rivals.

As Braxis explained his plan, Gravis's eyebrows furrowed. "Hold on a second, Braxis. How can we trust your source of information? I don't remember assigning you or your servants to any recon missions. And I swear to the Holy King, if you're lying to get one over your brothers…"

"This entire time I had been pretending to be a good for nothing, I have secretly been living a double life at night. You can trust that this information is accurate," Braxis said with a confident grin. "If I'm wrong, you may execute me in the most painful way possible."

Gravis shook his head, "I will allow you to prove yourself this one time, however if you are wrong, it would require Dante playing the role of executioner, I promised him that privilege last birthday."

'What the fuck?' Braxis mumbled. "Alright you have a deal then, father."

Gravis pulled Braxis close with his arm whispering in his ear, "Don't disappoint me again or you will genuinely regret it even in your next life," Gravis said ominously as he pushed Braxis away with his gravity magic.

'Fascinating, they reacted to that exchange precisely how an NPC would in my past life… Well, except for that last part. Seriously, I need to unlock more memories to see what kinds of atrocities Braxis committed to be treated this way.'

Braxis rubbed some sweat off his forehead, still having a slight fear of death, 'I completed the Nightshade questline countless times, to the point where I had committed the NPC interactions between my character and the others to memory. I believe I've stumbled upon one of the loopholes I can take advantage of in this world,' Braxis mused, a self-assured grin playing on his lips.

Every family member present was shaken. They had never expected that Braxis would be capable of doing something like this, never in their lives had they expected him to have been pulling one over on them.

The one most surprised was Levant.

Dante's Impression: -20

Dante's Impression Progress: -796/300

"Warning, you've now established a terrible impression with Dante—the demon! He will attack you at any given chance upon reaching -800!"

Levant's Impression: +50

Levant's Impression Progress: 51/300

"Congratulations, you've now established a wonderful impression with Levant—the aspiring future sword saint! He will now cover for you when you are not around."

Gravis Impression: +50

Gravis Impression Progress: 150/300

"Congratulations, you've now established a wonderful impression with Gravis—the forsaken! He will no longer throw you around!"

Tenzent Impression: +10

Tenzent Impression Progress: 5/300

"Congratulations, you've now established a positive rapport with Tenzent—the lost! He will now no longer monitor your actions with assassins!"

Vorkath Impression: +1

Vorkath Impression Progress: -9/300

As for the rest, they weren't too impressed. His sisters had long since lost any respect or care for their brother.

"Given this new piece of information, I will need some time to reformulate my plans. Tenzent, I hope you do know that you will be a key piece with your assassins now. Failure is not an option," Gravis said with a stern tone, his eyes fixed on Tenzent.

"Understood, father," Tenzent replied, his voice barely above a whisper as he lowered his head in submission.

With that, Gravis dismissed the others, and they began to file out of the room. Braxis was about to do the same when he was abruptly stopped by his father.

"Braxis, I need to speak with you. Sit back down," Gravis said, his eyes flashing with a strange purple hue.

Braxis felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead as he slowly made his way back to his seat. The killing intent emanating from his father was evident, and he knew that he was in deep trouble.

"Yes father?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly as he sat down.

Gravis looked at him with fury in his eyes, his gaze piercing through Braxis like a knife. The question that came out of his mouth was simple, but it held within it a world of anger and disappointment.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice filled with venom.