

Locked away in a cold, unforgiving mental hospital, Selina was branded as crazy by those who should have protected her. Betrayed by her father and tormented by her peers, her years of captivity have only fueled her desire for vengeance. Now, with a daring escape behind her, Selina is back, and she’s not the same innocent girl they once knew. In a city that once turned a blind eye, secrets will be exposed and justice will be served—her way.

FaridahLawani2311 · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Change of handwriting

Selina stood inside the church, her eyes scanning the ornate interior. The quiet was broken by the sound of approaching footsteps. She turned to see Kate walking toward her, a stern expression on her face.

"Why are you here?" Kate asked coldly. "You're supposed to be working."

Selina clenched her fists, her patience wearing thin. "Mom sent me here for a cure, not to serve as your maid. I've been doing everything you three order me to do, yet you're still not satisfied."

Nancy and Mary, who had been listening nearby, turned toward Selina, their expressions equally cold.

"Are you talking to us?" Nancy asked, her voice dripping with disdain.

"She has no manners," Mary added, shaking her head.

Selina quickly thought of a way to distract them. "Hi, Mom!" she called out suddenly.

The three women turned around in shock. "What?" they all exclaimed.

Selina seized the opportunity and hurried toward the exit. "Bye," she muttered under her breath as she left, leaving the women behind, mumbling in anger.

"Did she just... oh my God," Kate said, her voice filled with disbelief.

Anne and Mia sat together in Diego's house, catching up on each other's lives.

"It's been a while, Barbie," Anne said with a smile.

Mia sighed. "I know, but my school doesn't seem to understand the concept of a break. It's not my fault, Anne."

"I get it," Anne replied understandingly.

Mia rubbed her stomach. "Gosh, I am so hungry."

"I'll make us something to eat," Anne offered as she stood up.

"Thanks, Anne," Mia replied.

Anne stood up and headed to the kitchen. Selina barged into the house, panting and frantic.

"Anne! Where is Anne?" Selina asked, her voice filled with urgency.

Mia looked at her in surprise. "Where did you come from? Why are you here? Get out before we catch crazy."

Selina ignored her insult. "I am not crazy. Where is Anne?"

Mia folded her arms, unimpressed. "She isn't home."

"Do you think I'm a fool? Anne is home," Selina insisted.

"Then look for her," Mia shot back.

Selina's frustration boiled over. "What did I do to you, Mia? Why do you hate me so much?"

Mia's eyes narrowed. "Because you are crazy, and... stay away from my best friend. Rot in the mental hospital."

Selina, desperate, called out again, "Anne! Anne!"

Mia picked up a glass of smoothie and, without warning, poured it over Selina's face. "Are you deaf? I said Anne isn't home."

Selina wiped the smoothie from her eyes, her anger bubbling beneath the surface. "I'll leave, but I'll come back. And for the record, Anne is my best friend."

Mia smirked. "Don't let the door hit you on your way out. And don't touch anything so it won't catch crazy."

"I said I am not crazy!" Selina shouted as she stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

Mia rolled her eyes. "What a psycho."

At the police station, James and Kevin sat at their desks, looking worn out.

"I'm tired of these petty cases," James grumbled. "They're a waste of time."

Kevin nodded. "We have no choice but to solve them..."

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Selina rushed in, interrupting them.

"Officers, there's a case on the ground. I've always been abused by the nuns at the church where I'm staying," Selina pleaded.

James stood up, clearly frustrated. "You know what? You're under arrest for always causing trouble and bringing in fake cases."

"Is that even a thing?" Selina asked, bewildered.

"It is now," Kevin replied with a smirk. "Arrest her!"

James grabbed Selina by the arm and dragged her out of the station. "Crazy girl," Kevin muttered under his breath.

Back at Frances' house, Helen and Richard sat together, discussing their next move.

"I don't get it," Helen said, frowning. "How come she isn't behaving mad? Those pills are supposed to be effective."

Richard nodded, his expression serious. "I had to hurt myself before everyone believed she's crazy. I'll have a chat with the doctor."

"Yes, but we need to think of something else," Helen replied. "She can escape from the church, but she can never escape from the mental hospital."

"I'll figure something out," Richard assured her.

In the backyard of the church, Selina spoke to Jake, her face streaked with tears.

"The officers brought me here. They refused to help," Selina sobbed. "The nuns are always hitting me. I have bruises all over my body. I want to go home. This place is hell. Mom is trying to help me, but she doesn't know the truth."

Jake's heart ached for her. "Should I speak to her?" he offered.

Selina shook her head quickly. "No. Dad's mistress is the one giving them orders. If she finds out I spoke to anyone about this, she'll order the nuns to hurt me."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Jake asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Because no one is available," Selina replied, her voice trembling. "Anne loves me, but her parents are the problem. She's always attending meetings with them. Mom is never home, and clearly, the officers don't care. I have no one else but you, Jake."

Jake sighed. "I'll see what I can do to help. Here, I brought you some food."

Selina looked at him gratefully. "Thank you so much, Jake. Your presence means everything to me."

Suddenly, Selina heard footsteps approaching, and her face paled. "Jake, someone's coming. Hurry, leave now."

Jake nodded and quickly left as Nancy entered, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Who were you talking to?" Nancy demanded.

Selina's voice wavered. "No one. I was meditating."

Nancy's gaze fell on the food flask. "Is that a food flask? What's in it?"

"Nothing," Selina replied quickly.

Nancy's eyes hardened. "Have you started lying to me?"

She grabbed the food flask and threw the contents out the window.

Selina's heart sank. "Why would you do that?"

Nancy grabbed Selina by the arm. "Come with me, you self-centered princess. You will be punished for bringing a guest here."

Selina's voice quivered. "Go on, since I have literally become your punching bag."

Nancy's expression darkened. "Are you still talking? Who raised you?"

"I am sorry," Selina whispered, her voice breaking. "Please don't hurt me. I'm fed up with being treated like a lost puppy."

Nancy smirked. "This is just the beginning, dear."

Selina's eyes filled with fear. "No, please don't hurt me."

Ignoring her pleas, Nancy dragged Selina away forcefully.

Meanwhile, at Diego's house, Anne was confronted by Thomas, who sneered at her.

"Why have you been avoiding me? You are such a rude brat," Thomas spat.

Anne crossed her arms, unbothered. "Who are you to speak to me like that? Look at you. You're just a self-entitled, immature loser who leeches off his wealthy father's money."

Thomas' face reddened with anger. "Excuse me? Who gave you the audacity to speak to me like that?"

Anne's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Who are you, huh? Queen Victoria? You're just an idiotic, pea-brained buffoon."

"I hope you're aware of who you're talking to," Thomas growled. "Your parents will end up in a big mess because of this."

Anne rolled her eyes. "Do what you do best, you nut job. I'm fed up with everyone trying to tell me how to live my life."

Thomas glared at her. "You're beginning to irk me. I'm sure your parents can't manage this reeking attitude of yours."

Anne smirked. "Well, I haven't gotten my manners badge yet. But I do have a 'get out' badge."

Thomas pointed a finger at her. "I promise you, you're going to regret this."

"The only regret I have is meeting you. Now buzz off," Anne shot back.

Thomas stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Anne let out a sigh of relief. "I feel like a million dollars."

Back at the church, Selina was in agony as the nuns mercilessly hit her with a wooden stick.

"Stop! Please forgive me! I'll never do it again!" Selina cried out.

Nancy's face was cold as she delivered another blow. "Shut up. Next time you'll think twice before lying to my face."

Kate's voice was icy. "Witches like you end up in a mental home."

Mary sneered. "Your future isn't even certain."

Selina's pleas became desperate. "Please forgive me."

Nancy's expression shifted as she noticed something. "It seems you have a visitor."

She quickly covered Selina with a cloth as the door creaked open and Anne entered, her face full of concern.

"Selina, what is wrong with you? Tell me what the problem is," Anne asked clearly pissed.

Selina's voice wavered with confusion and hurt as she confronted Anne. "Why are you speaking to me in that tone? What happened?"

Anne's expression was stern. "Selina, you attacked Mia. Why?"

"What?" Selina was genuinely bewildered.

"If you don't know already, it's not okay to attack my friend. Why did you come to my house in the first place?" Anne pressed.

Selina's heart sank. "So your purpose for coming here is to insult me and accuse me of what I didn't do? What happened to 'Selina, we will visit you'?"

"Don't get me wrong here, Selina. It's just that…" Anne trailed off, unsure how to explain.

"Life sucks, I get it. I didn't touch Mia. She threw a smoothie at my face," Selina retorted, her voice thick with emotion.

Anne's eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

"I came to ask for your help, but clearly, I'm not needed anymore. You've found my replacement already," Selina said bitterly.

"Selina, you being my friend doesn't mean I can't have more friends," Anne replied defensively.

"Yeah, sure, it's your choice," Selina responded coldly.

Anne frowned. "What's your problem?"

"My problem is that I am not the crazy one. Mia is," Selina snapped.

"Do not speak of her like that," Anne warned.

Selina's frustration boiled over. "What are you doing here? Just get out."

Anne's voice hardened. "Yeah, I just realized that I came to the wrong place."

Tears welled up in Selina's eyes as she shouted, "I don't want to ever see you again. Goodbye for good. Have a nice life with your friend."

"Oh, I will," Anne replied sharply before storming out.

As the door slammed behind Anne, Selina collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her face. "Why me? Why me? Why meeeee?"

Moments later, the nuns stormed in, their faces twisted with anger.

"Why didn't you wash our clothes?" Nancy demanded.

Selina, still crying, replied, "Because I can't work when I'm starving. I haven't eaten for days because you three refuse to feed me."

"That's not a cogent reason," Kate said dismissively.

"She needs to be punished," Mary added, her voice cold.

Mary raised her hand to strike Selina, but in a desperate move, Selina grabbed a wooden stick and swung it defensively, catching them off guard. Without waiting to see the aftermath, she bolted from the room, escaping their grasp.

Frances paced the living room, her face etched with worry. She glanced at Richard, who had just walked in.

"How is she, Richard? Did you go see her?" Frances asked, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Richard nodded casually. "Sure, I'm just coming back from there."

Before Frances could respond, the phone rang, slicing through the tense atmosphere. She quickly answered, and as she listened, her expression shifted from concern to shock.

"Hello, Sister Kate. What? She did what? Alright, I'll be right there," Frances said hurriedly before hanging up.

Richard, noticing her distress, asked, "What happened, honey?"

Frances grabbed her keys, her hands trembling slightly. "It's Selina again," she replied, her voice heavy with worry.

Without another word, she rushed out of the house, leaving Richard behind. A satisfied smirk played on his lips as he watched her go.