
Episode 1-3 Moving On (4)

Episode 1-3 Moving On (4)

Thursday, December 25, Morning

I woke up late in the morning and look at Maribelle's room to where she is still sleeping but I didn't wake her up yet so I simple prepare for breakfast: Toasted Baguette, Caesar Salad, and cold cuts.

I need to do my training first since She is not gonna wake up soon so before I do that might as well go eat something light to not feel gassed out later. I get my loaf of bread, Peanut butter and Jelly spreads; toast the 3 breads to makes some triple- decker P&B sandwich with a glass of milk.

I go out of my house by 7:14 am and finish my routine by 9:01, and the neighborhood is quiet this late in the morning. The Outdoor Center is empty while I was doing my workout in some open space there, the people are still asleep or some are about to start to sleep in this time.

I prepare for the breakfast, spread some garlic butter at the baguette then prepare the lettuce, parmesan cheese, dressing and I need to make some croutons from the loaf of bread earlier using the cooking pan. To make that, I'll just toast the pieces of bread until golden brown on all sides to make it crispier inside and out.

For the dressing, I whisk together minced garlic, dijon mustard, Worcestershire, sqeeze some lemon juice (about half of the lemon) and red wine vinegar. I use the olive oil to emulsify the dressing to make it smooth and creamy consistency.

I toss it up together with lettuce and croutons in the dressing and put it in the freeze for a while to cold it fast. I wake up Maribelle to eat but she's dead asleep so I carry her up onto my back from the room to the kitchen, no matter how drunk you are you need to eat properly in a proper time.

Imagine a 5"8' tall man carrying a 6 feet tall woman on his back walking down the stairs, it is so hard because she is not as light as I expected to a woman in her age but I can still manage it.


She walk herself back to the room to sleep again and I told her to tidy herself up when she will go to her home to eat lunch to her parents at her home. I sweep and mop the house for daily cleaning because I don't want my house piling up dust which is so bad to have for a house owner.

I text Kyle on what time we do the therapy since she said to me yesterday that they will be closed tomorrow since it's 25th of December so I need to do the therapy at my home, video calling her. I turn on my pc and use my streaming camera and point it to where I will do my therapy beside the garage door, checking if everything is working fine. When I was sure it's okay then I put it on sleep mode

She replied that we should do it on 2 pm because she is still sleeping, it's not in her job to do this but I'm glad she is willing to do this even though she's not paid. So I tell Maribelle that I can join brunch at her home, so I take a bath and wear T-shirt and shorts going there.

I'm waiting for her at the gate with my bicycle and texting to her to meet up at 3 pm since I saw her drunken face earlier and then agreeing to my text by the thumbs up emoticon. I saw her with a wet hair, in her long loose brown shirt and maong shorts going into me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I didn't have hangover when I woke up to ate breakfast so it's not irritating enough."

"So it's not enough alcohol to bring you down huh?"

"Of course that is not enough! You know me."

I just laugh and humps at the back seat cycling to her home there preparing for lunch.


As we go along the road going to her home, I wanted to ask something to her.

"Since you got interested in GAiA now, this is your first RPG game right?"

"Technically, yes. We've always played competitive games like FPS and MOBA genre; I've never experience this kind of genre." She said thinking on what she has played in the past.

"I want to ask want will be your nickname in GAIA since you will create your character later after lunch."

"Oh! Oh! I forgot that part that I will have to make a nickname in the GAIA, I don't know yet. I want something like a name of water or you know like describe the flow of water."

"Okay let's think about it, how about river?"

"Too thin, it feels like going into one flow though."

"So if its ocean is too vast and not cool name. How about change that, stick to the topic of water."

"Aqua is too common for a name to have, so that nickname is discarded."

We think about for awhile then her 'Oh!' with her mouth open wide.

"How about the name 'Hagua': Hotel – Alpha – Golf – Uniform – Alpha, Hagua." She said while I was amused by her because I saw myself in her position before when I played Diablo one, my first introduction to RPG genre.

"So to the root word Agua then you added H letter to have exhaling sound to the pronunciation, simple but cool addition."

"I know right? It's pretty easy to say and remember too." She said with a positive tone

"Then how about yours?" She asks me back.

"Umm, so yours is Hagua. About the opposite of it, I think either land or fire."

"I prefer about the land because without water, you can't grow."

"What? It's a landmass, you can't grow a landmass." I said to her disappointed, the earth doesn't grow land. Let's think about fire"

"What I mean is without water; the land will not repopulate and grow living things"

"So you mean we correlated to each other is what you're trying to say?"

"Yes, we need each other so there's that."

"Okay, I can only think about of Terra."

"Yeah, I'm thinking about that too. Let's leave it at that first since we agree on the word Terra, how about the fire name."

"Well, I thought of Enya and Ignis."

"Oh, Enya for Irish while ignis is for latin. That's good." She said thinking deeply.

"I think JJ, it's better for the name Terra. It's too common to have that name so but change something to have a unique approach to it."

"How about I add an H letter?"

"Hmm. H in between T and E like the Theresa to have a silent H in it."

"That's good because I think about adding H in the end though."

"To give it a high tone at the end, so how about we add both then."

"Therrah, hmm... It looks like a foreign word to me when I imagine the spelling."

"It should be." She said with enthusiasm in her voice.

"Okay then, Therrah it is."to

"Yehey! I'm so excited for the launch this weekend to play it with you."

"Me too, it's been a while I didn't play a different genre so I'm anticipating it."


The Lunch in their home was fun; I helped cooking with the maids because they got pretty late even Tita Maribeth too. Tita has a hungover so I voluntarily helped together with Maribelle. I saw her how to cook and I notice she is lackluster by using the knives so I teach her and she is happy that she can efficiently cut it precisely and less effort. The maids were giggling at the kitchen while it got crowded because others watching us both cooking with the 2 maids there.

"Where's Tita?"

"She is still sleeping, dead drunk last night. After you leave, she continues to drink with the maids singing at the karaoke. She's fine though, when she snores means no hungover." Tito said to me

"That's new; I never saw tita snores when she sleeps."

"She is snoring sometimes when she is tired too, she is not always prim and proper all the time Jon."

I see Maribelle and imagining her snoring, I can't imagine even though they're almost look alike.

"Hey! I'm not snoring!" She said when she notice I'm looking at her then smack me at the shoulder, Tito Emman smiles seeing the scene.


Before I go home, I told her add Boom meeting in the gaming capsule so we can call each other while in game but I'm gonna create mine at night because I have therapy at 3pm via video call

I got home, calling Kyle to start the exercise.

"Hi Jon! Wow, the camera is so clear. Did you change phone? What model is that?"

"Nah. I called you using pc and use my streaming camera so you can see my whole and clearly."

"That's cool; I can clearly notice your movement in this so I can give a clear report on our progress. Let's start?"

In a span of 3 hours, Kyle didn't talk that much because while I was doing the exercise she was knitting the yarn. She has a hobby of creating sweaters made of cotton yarn; even I have a sweater made by her too. I struggle throughout the therapy, but It's getting easier than the last one.

"The therapy now is not that painful as the last Sunday. Why is that?"

"Really? That's good, the body is starting to activate all the reflexes with your muscles which It will be easier t transmit information from the brain to your muscle. I'll add that to the report." She said and she talks right after.

"On Monday, you will have neural exercises before you go for the Physical Therapy. Dr. Galvacion wants to be sure that you don't have any memory lapses or prevent it if you have experiences."

"I'm glad nothing is happening like that yet."

"Base on what happened it's a miracle too that you didn't come across this condition yet. That's why Doctora is getting cautious on your recovery. She is gonna contact my boss to report also to her all the reports of your progress."

"That will be good then, keeping prudent to my fast recovery means this is a different case than all the other patients?"

"Honestly, it's true. You're a special case, even though progress is fast but your body is worse than the other cases we encounter so they take many considerations since your budget is paid by the Dimayugas."


We ended the call and ate my dinner I get from Maribelle's home before I go out from Mang Toñya so I have free dinner and didn't have to look for something to eat.

I go to my room thinking of starting to make my character in GAIA so it there will be no problems in launching the servers on Saturday so I click open to the capsule then the glass covering the bed is opening then I manually choose the game GAIA by clicking it in the glass touchscreen at the right side of the capsule.

I get the nerve gear to wear it and connect the internet cable and I notice that it got a oxygen mask, OXYGEN MASK! What is dad want in this!

I check for the oxygen tank anywhere at the capsule, dad didn't tell me or have it on the checklist he have but I notice the back of the capsule is welded and has screws in it meaning that's where the oxygen tank is located.

I didn't mind calling my dad since there is no issue about the oxygen mask but what did he want to data from this capsule. I'll take note to myself to ask Dad about this.

I lie down in the capsule making myself comfortable in it; the inside of the capsule is foamy like my bed so it's easier to get accustomed to. I put my oxygen mask on my face and the nerve gear starts up and I close my eyes to dive into the game.

<Welcome to ALPHA GAIA, Player.>