
Resurrection of the Old Ones (Dropped)

World setting: The story begins in our modern world, but 30 years into the future (~ 2050). Humankind has failed to cope with the problems of climate change, overpopulation and scarcity of resources. Military conflicts are going on all over the world. In this chaos, a superpower is slowly coming to the end of its forces. Their last hope, an old Egyptian myth that does not seem so mythical in their perspective. The myth of "the mountain under the sea of ​​sand". What secret information are they hiding. Spoiler something is going to happen there that will introduce magic to our modern scocity. In a nutshell: This story is about following 2 generations of a Family{Grandfather and grandson} [the ending of the first is like a long prolog too the main story] that experience how humanity integrates the newfound magic into our modern world. See how they try to establish themself in this everchanging era. Hint: the name of the novel will be very improtant but in a very subtle way. Let's do a contest on who will be the first to find out the true and full meaning behind the title :D Thanks for this beautiful image goes out to Skye Fyre. sry I'm not able to link here :( Im sorry to say this novel will be put on pause as I just can’t find enough time to write a chapter with a quality minimum I find ok. There still can be sporadic updates from time to time, as long as this notice remains.

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Im sorry to say this novel will be put on pause as I just can't find enough time to write a chapter with a quality minimum I find ok.

There still can be sporadic updates from time to time, as long as this notice remains.