
Resurrected By Magic: A Love Beyond Death

Kian Villarreal and Luna Whitlock appear to have everything going for them as high school sweethearts - intelligence, good looks, and a large circle of friends. They've worked hard and have earned acceptance into the world's top colleges, but tragedy strikes when they're both killed in a sudden accident. Or so they believed, soon they would be awoken by an unknown force in a mysterious new world that contains magic. Now, they must rely on each other and their unbreakable bond as they travel into the unknown. In a world that doesn’t abide by the laws of their previous, will their seemingly unshakable relationship be enough to withstand the pressures of this new world? Only time will tell if Kian and Luna can overcome the obstacles before them and find a way back to the lives they once knew.

Isprev · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

The desolate moon

Amid a desolate city, so eerily silent that the faintest sound could be heard from a great distance, stood a bewildered and distraught young woman with Lucius, snow-white hair.

This was none other than Luna, who had been abruptly transported to the middle of the city she grew up in, her mind still grappling with the last memory she had of driving alongside Kian.

For some reason in this weird world, the moon was always in the sky, shining down rays of moonlight everywhere

So Luna stood in the center of the city, her senses were overwhelmed by the serene and constant glow of the silver moon above, casting its luminous beams across the abandoned streets and buildings.

It was weird, this all felt fake yet so real but despite her confusion, Luna remained composed, determined to find answers and discover the truth behind her sudden arrival in this mysterious place.

She thought back to her last memory, which was that Kian had been driving them back to her house. When she put more thought into it she remembered hearing the sound of tires screeching before appearing here.

She had just spawned in the middle of the street, and the weirdest part was that there wasn't a soul in sight.

She had walked around looking for another human after she couldn't find any she looked for any living thing. Not even an ant existed.

And the weirdest part of it all was that her hair color suddenly changed from her normal black color to a shiny white shade.

So after discovering all these things she had come up with the only solution that made sense; she and Kian had gotten into an accident due to the unfavorable weather conditions and she was currently in a coma.

She didn't expect a coma to be this in-depth but it was the only thing that made sense.

She had been here for quite a while but with the moon not budging it was hard to keep track of the days, if she had to guess she was wandering the city for maybe a day or two.

She had already been to her house and got bored quickly so she decided to venture over to Kian's.

She wasn't too far away, after turning one more corner the house would be in her sight.

Except something bizarre happened once she turned that corner.


Luna was speechless at the sight before her.

She stood there, staring at Kian's home, or where that home should've been but there was a problem.

There was no house.

The foundation had been cleanly ripped away from the land, it was as if the house never existed in the first place.

The entire structure of the city was exactly how it was in the real world so why was this different?

Still, in a state of shock, Luna jotted this down as her mind played tricks on her while she was in a coma.

But just as she was going to investigate further a bright warm light enveloped her body.


The early sound of birds chirping could be heard as the early sun began to rise.

The rising star sent streams of sunlight through the gaps of the curtain on the window.

Presently, Kian was sleeping on a chair next to the bed Luna was resting on.

It was very peaceful, everything was calm and the birds sang a rhythmic tune that wasn't loud enough to wake them, but still loud enough to give them a sense of warmth.

This lovely environment gave Luna a nice welcome back to reality as her eyes began to flutter before slowly opening.

The first thing she saw was the wooden ceiling of the room she was in, which was weird because she expected to be in a hospital due to her believing she was in a coma.

Feeling someone's presence close by she looked over and saw Kian sleeping with his head resting on the bed.

Seeing Kian stay by her side and honesty made her feel extremely delighted.

She then sat up a slight bit and stretched. After staying in bed for days a nice stretch would be necessary.

Through her stretch, the bed slightly rustled which woke Kian up from his slumber.

And when he spotted Luna awake and seemingly fine he almost jumped out of his seat.

Luna and Kian were both slightly startled by this, so they sat there for a moment, staring at each other before Kian heavily sighed with relief.

"I'm glad you're ok Luna"

Kian said while giving her a warm smile.

Except Luna wasn't smiling back. She had a very perplexed look on her face.

"Kian… why are your eyes different colors?"

Seeing Kian with such a distinct change caused Luna to look down at her hair, she expected to see that shiny white-silvery hair that was present before she woke up but instead she was met with the usual black shade she had lived her whole life with.

"Ah about that… Luna, I'm very sorry for what I'm about to tell you, and I know it may sound crazy but believe me."

Kian had a sympathetic look on his face when he said this which made Luna worry. He let this emotion stay on his face for a moment as they sat in silence.

"I am pretty sure that we have been transported into a new world."

Hearing this, Luna tilted her head slightly while maintaining eye contact with Kian.

"Kian, did my playful side rub off on you? I mean the first thing you say after I wake up from a coma is that?"

Truthfully Luna was confused and slightly agitated and she showed that through her response.

"No Luna, I'm being serious… look around you, isn't it weird that you are in some house you've never seen with the warm sun shining through the window even though there was a snowstorm just a few days ago?"

"That could all be explained if I was in a coma for a long time, they might have moved me to a house and it may have been long enough for the seasons to change, Kian I'm kinda disappointed in you"

Luna, who was still using logic, answered back.

Kian closed his eyes for a moment, thinking of a way to convince Luna of the dire situation.

"You asked me why my eyes are a different color, and honestly I don't know. Just yesterday I woke up like this, but before that, I was suddenly dropped into some weird world or realm with not another living thing in sight. You had an experience like that as well right?"

After Kian said this Luna squinted her eyes, concerning to Kian that this was true.

"I was in my home except no other living creature was present, it was just me and me alone. The weirdest part was where the house rested, it was on a small island surrounded by water as far as the eye could see. I assume you went through something similar."

Luna kept quiet after this, her mind was scrambling, trying to figure out what was going on.

"And lastly Luna, to prove that I would never joke about this, think back to what you remember before you spawned into your scenario. We were driving back to your place when we were hit, I bet you could remember the tires screeching, it was an awful sound but through that sound, I heard a faint voice say something to me."

Thinking back to this moment, Luna finally remembered the strings of the past and understood what Kian was talking about. She knew the next words that would come out of his mouth.

"It said-"

"Do not fail me"

Luna finished Kian's sentence, verifying that she knew what he was talking about.

"I was in a weird version of our city. As you said, there wasn't a soul alive. I had traveled around for a while but I couldn't keep track of the time because the sun wasn't present, only the glaring moon which stood above me at all times. I eventually went to your house, except it wasn't there. It looked like someone had stolen its very existence. Then I woke up here."

Kian couldn't help but wonder what this all meant, why did he and Luna have to go through this?

"And by the way… where exactly is 'here'?"

Luna added

"Ah I'll just tell you everything that I've learned so far, it's a slightly long story but it's still early."

And with that Kian filled Luna in on everything.

How Landon had found them, how they had let them stay here, what he had learned about this word and magic so far, the elaborate backstory he had come up with, and everything else he had learned in his day here.

After Kian was done explaining, Luna looked as if her brain was melting.

They both stared into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity before she finally broke the silence.

"Kian… just what is going on?"