Slate and Amethyst returned and Scarlet noticed that she had cried but seeing as both of them remained silent, she chose not to ask.
But she already has the idea of why she had cried.
She took the book and disappeared then upon returning her eyes were puffy, Scarlet would be too dense if she didn't know what was going on.
"Sorry," Amethyst couldn't help but sigh after a while.
"About what?" Scarlet asked with a smile.
Amethyst chuckled before shaking her head, "Nothing."
"Anyway, why don't you go back and rest? You said the next few days would be very busy for you right?" Scarlet then asked.
"I think I'll take that offer up but I have to check my shop tomorrow so I'll take a break tomorrow," Amethyst thought before replying.
"Okay, why don't you do that. I'll be discharged by the day after tomorrow, we can have all those planning at home. That is more relaxing don't you think?"
Amethyst smiled, "I think so too."
Slate just stood by the side watching Amethyst as she smiles and remembering her look a while ago.
"I didn't want to cry," she muttered as her ears kept flowing.
He still didn't pull his hand away and remained standing beside her.
"I really didn't want to," she once again said hearing no reply from him.
Her hand slowly went up and she held his hand covering her eyes.
"I just couldn't help but cry. Because the story wasn't alive."
Her cry became louder and a few people started looking towards their place.
Slate sighed and went on her side covering her from the sight of these people but he didn't remove his hand from covering her eyes.
Amethyst kept crying and crying as he stood beside her.
She haven't cried this much in so long. Not even when she and Scarlet had that talk.
It was only now because of the story she had left behind.
No matter how much she tried to brush it off, seeing the story having such outcome made her cry so much.
That was born from her, she only said things to her sister but her sister dared to finish it with what she had said. Now Amethyst couldn't help but cry for it.
"You really are not going to take it back?" he asked after a while.
He handed her his handkerchief as he sat down across her.
She shook her head, "I know most would want me to do so but I don't want to tire myself out for it. But I want to mourn for it, mourn and let everything go. Astral is no longer me, that is why, I can only mourn."
"I'll return this to Eduard," he took the book in front of her.
"I borrowed it, I should be the one-"
"No, I will return it. You have already read it why do you have to keep holding it? Don't even look at it because you will just hurt your eyes," was what he said making her shock.
It was as if the book was but an eye sore for her.
She couldn't help but to laugh.
He was cheering her up in his own way, but it was awkward.
He raised an eyebrow towards her making her stop but her eyes were still laughing.
He said and she covered her mouth with her hands.
"I said stop."
He squinted his eyes towards her.
She then burst out laughing.
Slate rolled his eyes seeing her laugh.
"Because it was so awkward," she couldn't help but to point out.
He gave her a sharp look and kept glaring at her until she did her best to stop from laughing.
"Okay, okay, sorry. And thank you," she finally said.
"If you are done, let us return, Scarlet had been searching for you."
(End Of Flashback)
He sighed at the thought of being fun off but it was good she was able to get over that sadness.
She already has a history of almost dying due to depression, it is better for her to keep over coming all her sadness than wallowing in it.
"I will wait for you here," Slate said to her.
Amethyst nodded her head.
It seems that he took it upon himself to be her companion despite still having his duties.
At first he wouldn't be bringing her here, on her shop, but because she told Scarlet last night that she will check her shop then stop by the hospital, he decided to accompany her.
She knew he was doing it as support because of her breakdown yesterday and so she didn't decline.
He wasn't worried about his time before his duty so she didn't to worry either.
But the moment she stepped in her shop, she was welcomed with a bookshelf crashing down.
A few customer, some were even faces she knew, were scared on the side.
They couldn't run out because the man wrecking havoc was blocking their path.
He was now a few steps away from her.
"I told you *hic* go out with me *hic*."
Her shop assistant, Mary, was obviously scared of what was going on.
She didn't need to ask what was going on because the man's words was enough for her to tell he was here wrecking havoc because he likes Mary and Mary didn't like him in return.
But for him to drink in broad day light, Amethyst wanted to shake her head.
She wanted to step out but the man turned and the knife he was holding was now directed towards her.
"You are not going out *hic*."
She raised one of her hands, if they all work together they could suppress this man but it seems that everyone was too scared to move.
What she meant with everyone was her, Mary and three other cutomers.
She glanced back, she didn't know if Slate could see what was going on and all she can do was to make a call, it was a good thing the last person she called was him.
Slate furrowed his brows when he saw her calling, he looked back at the shop and noticed her still standing by the door.
"Get over here, I won't let you all go until that woman goes out with me," was the first thing he heard after answering the call.
He stepped out of the car and saw her not moving.
"I told you, MOVE!!!"
Amethyst remained standing there, the door is behind her if he were to attack her, she could move back because the door could be opened by pushing or pulling.
The man gritted his teeth and because he was drunk, his patience wasn't that long.
He rushed to her as he shouted.
She was ready to step back but was then pulled back, she heard the door chime ring and a hand grabbed her by the shoulder, she ended up falling on the floor.
The one who pulled her back, grabbed the man's arm and used a back throw move.
The man slammed on the floor just beside her, she was shock but was relieved it ended just like that.
"I don't know if you are stupid or what. You already alerted me, and what he was holding was a knife. Why still try to upset him?" Slate asked her with furrowed brows.
More like berated her.
She could only smile with uncertainty, just as the police came.
Slate had called them before coming to the shop.