
Internal Fighting

High atop the city wall, the Barlia-Inverloch soldiers cast their contemplative gazes down upon the enemy. As the flames engulfed the captured food supplies, it is safe to say that they were embroiled in tremulous emotions. 

Their eyes locked onto the spectacle with sadness and heavy silence, as the tantalizing aroma of burning provisions reached their nostrils, intensifying their hunger.

Although they had grown accustomed to meagre rations and empty stomachs, witnessing the wanton destruction of food stirred a deep ache from within. It felt like a blade tearing at their hearts.

"They're wasting it all," murmured one soldier, his voice heavy with longing.

"We could have used that," another one said, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"I can't even remember the last time I had a decent meal," the third soldier lamented as his gaze fixed on the burning stockpile.