
Restart the end of the world

resident Evil! Dead Rising The former friend is now rotting all over, and the claws almost tear him apart. I don't want to die, I can't die. In the end, only I can save

Daoistq71UBT · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

Take Gerry's place

Yes, she worked very hard. She brought a group of students here, and she persisted. She was very afraid that one day she would be unable to bear the collapse, squad leader the word, like a mountain pressing on her, making her breathless

But Tommy, he walked over like this, and quietly said to himself that you have worked hard.

This is more touching than countless foods. He understands his pressure and hard work, which makes Linda feel that he can rely on him. Most importantly,But Tommy did not ignore and be indifferent to her at this time

The girl was crying fiercely, the tears couldn't stop flowing down, her body was trembling, Tommy was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and patted her thin back, feeling a very strange warm feeling in his heart, It's been ten years, and he hasn't seen Linda for ten years. It turns out that she was one of the people who came to Dallas. No wonder he never saw her in his previous life.

These were people he knew, his classmates, they were all still alive.

Many students at the University of Atlanta shed tears, and at the same time hated Anita and Ming Duan even more. These two made troubles along the way, eating the most food, doing the least work, and running away when they encountered danger.

But look at Tommy, not only is he so powerful, he has killed so many zombies, and he even has a good relationship with the leader of this base.

"Oh!" Miranda let out a strange cry, and touched Molly's waist with a weird expression: "Your man got hugged, aren't you angry?"

"Miranda!" Molly shouted out, I wish I could throw you under the bridge.

Then Molly sneaked a sneaky glance at Tommy, felt a little awkward, hug so long, haven't hugged enough yet?

Linda seems to have noticed something too, she quickly let go of Tommy, red face wiping tears, feel weird, oh my god, she was too excited to see Tommy, even embraced it, could she be too enthusiastic?

"Come on!" Gerry laughed and said, "Now that the danger has been resolved, let's go back to the base for a celebration banquet!"

More than a dozen cars turned around and left slowly. Unlike the eagerness and nervousness when they came, everyone was in a happy and relaxed mood this time. So many zombies have been dealt with, and the vigilance of the past few days is no longer needed.

Tommy is sitting in a white van, with the scenery going backwards all the way, his eyes are meaningfully staring into the distance, the city across the bridge looks beautiful and quiet, nothing seems to be there.

But he knew that the tide of corpses was coming.

Fresh Fruit Base, this is a cleaned-up residential building. Gavin lives in a suite with complete furniture and the most luxurious decoration. In addition to the necessary supplies such as beds and sofas, there are even sheets and clothes for washing. At this moment, he was sitting on the sofa with a cold towel on his cheek, and was hurt by Gerry's beating. While smoking a cigarette, he kept cursing in a low voice.

At this moment, he suddenly had a very terrifying thought, he hoped that his brother Gerry would die and never come back!

But he was afraid that Gerry was gone, and the problem of supplies could not be solved. Gerry went out to collect supplies every day, whether it was food or daily necessities, and dragged back truckloads of supplies, making Gavin's life no different from that before the end of the world.

Or, should he take Gerry's place?

As soon as this idea came up, it became more and more urgent, which made Gavin overwhelmed with excitement.

Yes, replace Gerry and let him be the boss here. As for Gerry, doesn't he like to go out to collect supplies and save people? Then let him do these things for the rest of his life! The more people in the base, the better, so that more people can work, and he can enjoy the profits.

As for the issue of housing and food, Gavin didn't even think about it. Anyway, what he wants is not to be responsible for the lives of these people, he just likes power and status.

He stared at the photo in front of him with cold eyes. In the photo frame was a photo of him and Gerry. Gerry smiled boldly and put his big palm on top of his head.


Gavin punched the frame, shit, Everything must be over my head.

Suddenly someone rushed over, happy to say: "Boss, they are back!"

"Back?" so quickly, Gavin was slightly surprised, and then blurted out: "How many people died? Casualty data? Is my brother missing an arm or a leg?"

"Huh?" The man was obviously stunned, Shaking his head and saying: "No, no casualties."

"No casualties? Can't it?!" Gavin raised his head suddenly, his eyes were surprised. This kind of surprise was not a bit of surprise, but disgusted and disappointed.

"Yeah, let's go out to greet him!" The man didn't notice Gavin's expression, and continued: "I heard that the record is very good, there are newcomers joining, and there will be a celebration banquet tonight."

Celebration banquet? ! Instead of looking for food, you still have time to celebrate? !

"Let's go!" Gavin covered half of his face, his eyes were gloomy, he wanted to see who was worthy of the celebration banquet.

The people in the fresh fruit base cleaned up the entire floor and used it as a canteen. People would come here to receive food every day. At the moment, the place is overcrowded. Everyone is sitting on the table waiting excitedly, and there are endless discussions.

"Today's dinner has changed?"

"Yes! I heard that today's dinner is very rich. I just took a sneak peek and there is beef!"

"I heard it was because a very powerful person came?"

"How powerful? Can he get the boss to give us all extra meals?"

"I know, I know!" One person jumped out and said excitedly, "That person's team killed five hundred zombies, and saved the boss, Frederick, and Louis's life!"

"really? How many people do they have in their team? Isn't it a regiment of the army?" Everyone around gathered, and it was very lively.

"No! Only five people!"

"Five?? Impossible, don't joke with me, how could five people kill so many zombies!"

"It's true! I saw it with my own eyes. When I followed the boss to rescue people in the afternoon, there were no more zombies left. The pile of corpses was higher than the mountain. It was on the bridge and it hadn't been cleaned up yet!" the man said. He raised his head and said proudly.

"Tell me quickly, how did five people kill so many zombies? Do they have bazookas?"

"Without a bazooka, they are actually only four guns. Most of the zombies were hacked to death by one person with an axe. he didn't use a gun,just used the raw hacking. That's hundreds of them!" Speaking of this, this man couldn't help but The scene of zombie corpses piled up behind Tommy is really shocking.

"I don't belive it!" Everyone didn't believe it.

"Who cut zombies with an ax?" Suddenly Gavin's voice sounded in the hall.