

In a world where life is treaded by bloodsucking beings that kill anything on their path, an orphan was left in a church where only sisters were permitted, and no men were allowed. Still, they made an exception and raised him as one of them, and they noticed that his eyes were dark blue rare eye color that only central clan had, that got wiped out by the vampires.

doctorplage · Kỳ huyễn
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wake up, lonely boy

The book of the magic beast is held in 5 sections scattered trow the world on each island; a demon sent it a long time ago that contained the magic to destroy or tame such beasts that came out at night from below the water.

"Luckily" for us, they were always only 20 beasts that came out from the water each night.

It was always random, as if we were playing someone's games.

This book contains spells that allow people to tame or destroy this beast of massive powers.

Now let me tell you another story.

When the first wave of beasts appeared from the ocean, it was supposed to eliminate all living things on the planet, so 20 dragons appeared. The humans didn't stand a chance. Ninety-five percent of the humans were wiped out, but a ray of hope was shining in the world. A cave with the remaining percent of the world was hidden in paladin.

Day after day, people find a way to make crops underground, and for decades they stay there until they hear rumbling. as everyone goes outside, they see a small figure floating in the air, a human-like figure on top of all the dragons.


Dragon of calamity. A reincarnation that seems impossible. The world is cruel, and it won't stop for you. "be aware, son, you are my only descendant; remember these words even as a baby; your mind is strong. I can't believe you can handle such immense power." a man on a bed said to a baby that his mother held.

"Now go, my love. The vampires will be here soon, and I can't fight any longer, but finally, after three thousand years, I will rest in peace after that stupid God cursed me." the man said as he started coughing up blood.

The woman started to become crows with the baby in her arms, and all the crows got out of the tent and headed northeast to the island of paladin in the middle of the world.

"and remember, don't hesitate, if you see me, baby... run." the man said in bed, giving his last breath, and as he died, his neck was uncovered, and a set of fang marks could be seen on the man's neck.

Now let me tell you another story. The first people that... well, the first known people that used magic for the first time founded a school for vampires, witches, and beast hunters in paladin, but least go back to the baby, he's name is unknown to me in every way possible the nuns only call him boy and the girl's devil. But I also heard the nuns call him Nephilim. The son of angel and demon.

But his real name is unknown to me, at least for now, and who am I? my name is irrelevant, but I'm a god, one of many, and let me tell you, we are all a bunch of assholes.

I'm the god of time, I can travel throw time, but I can't stop or alter anything from the past and ill be your narrator for this fine story.

Let's see the future a few years from now, 10 to be exact; the boy learns hes the first spell. The spell is [light, water, purification water]. This water was born from the child's sweat. Still, if he had water close to him, it was not necessary to use the water of hes body. It was light magic, which is why he uses light in the spell, then water, because the element he uses in this spell is water. Last but not least, the casting itself magic is bendable beyond human comprehension, that is why if you can control magic completely, you can control the multiverse; not even our creator can control magic to its full potential, not without his other parts, that is.

This child will learn some spells, and then he will die... that's it. Let's go back to the present time. The boy is playing outside. For a four-year-old boy, the boy is pretty tall with brown hair, and he is pretty cute if I do say so myself... but his odd. He plays alone, and he is... He's, READING A MAGIC BOOK!

At a young age, the magic will corrupt his brain and make him mad with power. Why do the nuns let him do this... oh there she is. The nun is going to where the boy is.

"oh no, young man, this is not a book for you; give it here." the nun said. She was pretty young. She looked like she was 19 or 20 years old. Anyways the woman took the book from the boy's hands.

The boy silently started crying with small sobs, and the woman couldn't resist the cuteness emanating from the boy "aww, come here baby," she said, picking him up. "I'm sorry; maybe when you grow more, you can read this, but not right now, okay," she said, her tone calming.

"book," the boy said, holding his hands out so the sister could give him the book.

"You are lucky you are cute... here, but no reading it, young man, not yet." the nun gave it back to him. the boy just hugged the book and fell asleep.

After that, another nun on her, 18's, went walking up to the sister with the kid. "sister Anna, Mother Maria says it's your turn to check the barrier." the woman said.

The woman tries to give the boy to the other sister.

But the boy was glued to sister anna, his grip surprisingly strong in griping to sister anna's clothes, and she just gave up and took the boy with her.

"Well, if you are here, I guess I can explain to you how the barriers work; I don't know how much you are going to keep, but whatever." the sister put the baby down "well, there are three barriers in total, sin, corruption, and forgiveness, sin means that the barrier reaches deep into your mind and sees all the sins that you have done, and sins the world has done to you, like me... I can never get out of this orphanage and then come back because the barriers will never open for me again if I leave ." she said, touching her belly.

The baby got close to her and held his hand up for her to carry him.

The nun smiled and grabbed the boy like a mother with her child. "do you understand I was raped when I was in my 17 by a farmer that saw me as a goddess, I remember the coldness of the act, as cold as swimming in cold water there was no beauty in the act, no energy for me to feel good. It was just horrible." the woman said and checked the last rune on the ground in a circle. "okay, we are done here. Let's go, baby."