
this world ain't "Plain" at all!

I woke up in the middle of some plain with lush, even grass as far as an eye can see. I noticed 2 things: One, there was a gravel road that lead to a looming, gigantic kingdom and Two, I'm naked. completely naked. On a side note, my thingy is rather b-uhhh back to the road. I looked around and found some neatly folded clothing beside me, with a note attached.

"Dear Mycen, I forgot to teleport your clothing along with yourself. Please take these modest clothing as an apology.

Love, Overseer"

I wore a clothing that resembles a black and gold tuxedo with it's collar folded in along with silver lined on the edges, my pants was black with a subtle but delicate dragon pattern.

...Modest my a*s, this is something that nobles wear!

Well, I would much rather wear this then run around naked. I walked along the road when a group of 3 down the path walked up to me, slowly revealing a dagger each. This is not good.

"oi" the first man said, "hand everything over, I know you have valuables"

How cliché, you just have to add in a MC that knows six different martial arts and a dragon. Oh wait, I'm not.

"ah, but I don't have anything" I smiled, maybe their nicer?

"Well you are definitely in a rich family, so we'll hold onto you for ransom!" said the second dude. My wishful thinking seem to never play out. If I could smack the Overseer without actually offending him, I would.

I waited until one of the thugs reach his hand towards me before I locked his wrist with my hand, kicked his legs, and shoulder tossed him to the ground. I really need to thank my best friend. Simultaneously, I lifted my leg and connected into thug #2's chest while sending a strong burst of air from my foot to make the impact stronger, sending him a few meters back. the third thug reacted and slashed his dagger towards my outstretched leg, I retracted my leg, crouched down, twisted my hip, and leg-sweeped him while using an air burst on my leg to boost my momentum. He fell down and slammed his head, laying limp. Thug #1 got up only to have a high kick aimed at his chin, he fell unconscious. I continued walking while putting my hand in my pocket, and smoking a cigarette. Just kidding, I fell on my butt while trying to catch my breath.

I was a prime target for bullying back in highschool. Luckily, my best friend taught me everything he knew throughout the years. Taekwondo became my ventilation and exercise, and my only defense. maybe I should've used my second wish for him instead of me.

I looked at the three unconscious guy around me, so I did what anyone would do. I ran as far away from them as possible. Don't judge me, I don't have another kung fu man inside of me in case more came. I also wanted to try out my cheetah capabilities, yes that is why I ran. The only reason. Yep.

I ran as fast as I could and suddenly felt a comfortable feeling in my chest, my eyes sharpened, and I felt the world narrow down, I felt the wind against my face, and saw everything so clearly. It was exhilarating, I looked back and saw the thugs were a dot on the horizon. Then I lost focus and tripped, sliding and skidding of the road and across the grass, because I'm cool that way. I got up dazed and noticed my sight has returned back to normal, I'm also so tired that I could fall over. Now that I think about it, cheetahs are meant to be fast, but they can't run for a very long time. Man I am so smart. I sat back down and checked for any injuries, the grass saved me from quite a bit of damage. at least my noble outfit isn't so flashy anymore, I either look like someone that has escaped from a dangerous fight and looks cool and stunning, or I look like a dork. After I rested up, I continued my path.

As I'm walking a cart rode up beside me

"Hello sir, would you like a ride" the man on the cart said, while I'm assuming it's the wife, shifted to the back.

"Oh, uhh...thanks" I gingerly climbed up beside him, soon we were riding towards the kingdom's gate

"Were you the one who knocked out the thugs in the back?" the lady spoke


"You must be a academy student" the man said


"ah we're here"

ok then. I guess people here are talkative.

one of the guards walked up and the man showed a piece of paper, the guard pointed at the me and the man said something I didn't quite catch, then we entered the gates

"well, here we are. Kingdom Oandano"