
Resilience of the Forsaken Scholar

In a world of magic and technology Talent becomes obscure, What is talent? Many across the ages asked that question but there was one undeniable fact without talent you are nothing. I say fuck this world, I say fuck everything, I will make my own talent.

slinger87 · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 10: Duel

The arena, bathed in the glow of chandeliers, buzzed with anticipation. I faced David, gripping my sword tightly. Despite being only nine years old, the weight of this duel felt immense.

Sir Francis, the commander of the third division, raised his hand, signaling the start. "Begin!"

David, with his over-inflated ego, charged forward first, his sword swinging down in a heavy arc. His Heavenly Dragon swordsmanship was all about overwhelming force and moderate defense, aiming to crush opponents with sheer power. He had trained for three years, honing his skills.

I sidestepped his blow effortlessly. My Eclipse swordsmanship, focusing on offense and incorporating numerous feints, was perfect against David's brute strength. My movements were fluid, almost dance-like, as I circled him, studying his stance and demeanor.

David, frustrated by his initial miss, growled and swung again, this time with more force. I anticipated the move, deflecting the strike with a swift parry and immediately countering with a feint toward his left. He raised his sword to block, but my real attack came from the right, grazing his arm.

"You think you can trick me with your fancy moves?" David spat, his ego bruised but still burning brightly.

I smirked. "We'll see."

David lunged again, more recklessly. I danced around him, my blade flashing as I delivered quick, precise strikes. Each feint and attack toyed with him, exploiting his overconfidence. His attempts to block were met with my deft maneuvers, always a step ahead.

"Fight me like a real warrior!" David shouted, his frustration growing. He swung wildly, his heavy attacks leaving him momentarily off balance each time.

Seizing the opportunity, I launched a series of rapid strikes, each one a feint followed by a genuine attack. David blocked the first few but couldn't keep up with the barrage. A sharp pain in his leg made him wince as my sword found its mark again.

Despite his frustration, David's experience began to show. He steadied himself, focusing on defense to weather my storm of feints and strikes. Though skillful, I was beginning to tire. My movements became slightly slower, my breathing more labored.

"Is this the best you can do, David?" I taunted, hoping to capitalize on his ego, drawing him into making more mistakes.

This time, David didn't rise to the bait. Instead, he smirked and settled into a more defensive stance. "I'm not falling for that again."

My heart sank as I realized David had wised up. With my feints less effective, I found myself at a disadvantage. Each of David's counters grew more calculated, pushing me back. I needed to change my strategy and fast.

Then an idea hit me, either an epiphany or a blunder that would cost me dearly.

Steadying my breathing, I adopted a seemingly flawed stance, dropping my guard just enough to appear vulnerable. David's eyes narrowed, recognizing the chance to exploit what he thought was a mistake.

"Got you," David muttered under his breath as he lunged forward, aiming for the opening.

At the last moment, I smiled and shifted my blade, moving with lightning speed to intercept his strike. Using his momentum against him, I twisted, locking our swords together and pushing David off balance.

With a swift, decisive movement, I disarmed him, sending his sword clattering to the ground. Breathing heavily, I stood over my fallen opponent, the tip of my sword resting lightly on his chest.

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging the skill and strategy displayed by both of us. Sir Francis stepped forward, a proud smile on his face. "A well-fought duel, both of you. But the victory goes to Oliver."

David lay on the ground, disbelief visible on his face. "Well, thank you for this wonderful sword. Couldn't have gotten it without you," I said, taking the sword from Sir Francis with a smile.

Finally, sweet revenge. You dared to go after my mother's house, you bastard. Don't think this is over. I will make your life hell.

I took the sword and went to see Erica and Alvin.


**Sir Aric**

A monster—he has the highest sword talent I have ever seen. After only one year, he learned how to feint an opening, and he learned it in a battle that might have turned him into a servant.

If only he had better core talent. What a waste, what a fucking waste.


**Patriarch Alexander**

He has great sword talent, but unfortunately, I still can't allow anything to develop between him and Erica.

I can't let her have the same experience as me. I had to watch the love of my life die of old age without being able to do anything.


**Sir Edmund**

You fucking dare take my son's sword. You think this is over?

You should know your place. I will make sure your life turns into hell.



"Congratulations, man. I thought you might lose there for a second," Alvin said, giving me a fist pump.

"That was great, Oliver, but don't agree to such high stakes again. My heart almost stopped," Erica said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, I had him right where I wanted him," I said with a smile, placing my hand on the sword.

"So, who wants to look at this baby before I melt it?"

Alvin then warned me, "You can't take it out here. Wait until the party finishes." I was a little disappointed but changed the subject.

"So, Erica, how are you holding up?" I asked, noticing a bit of discomfort on her face.

"I want to tear this dress apart and leave this place. It's exhausting having to meet all these people I barely know," she growled.

"Well, I'm sorry about that. Seems I keep bringing you trouble," I said, scratching the back of my head awkwardly.

"Don't say that. You are my friend. I am sure you would do the same in my position. Anyway, enough gloomy talk. What do you plan to do with this sword, Oliver?"

I smiled and said, "It's something I am researching. I can't tell you any details right now."

"Hey, boy."

I looked around and saw no one. "Do you guys hear anything?"

"I am the patriarch, boy," a voice said, making my eyes widen.

"Listen to me well. You have made a powerful enemy. The commander of the white knights is quite a petty person, and you just cost him 250 thousand gold coins. That's not a small amount, even for someone of his status," the voice continued as I listened silently, my mind working overtime.

"Last time, his kid used his influence to get you. This time, he will be coming himself. I can defend you from him, but why should I?"

I thought for a moment and replied in my mind, "But if you are talking to me, then you must have an offer, Your Excellency."

The patriarch smiled. "You are quite a smart boy. Yes, I have an offer for you. I will send you away to a branch family. You can live there with your mother. I will make sure no one knows where you went."

The patriarch paused a little. "But I have a condition. You can't tell anyone about this."

The patriarch remained silent for a while, probably to give me time to think about it all.

Many questions went through my mind. Why is the patriarch even offering me this? Why doesn't he simply say I am under his protection? No one would dare touch me. There has to be something he gains by sending me away.

Erica—that's the only connection between us. He doesn't want Erica to get mad at him for letting me die, but he also doesn't want me to remain here with her.

"You are quite smart, boy. I like you. I will add one favor you can ask of me. As long as it isn't excessive, I will do it," the patriarch said, then it hit me—he could read my thoughts.

I tried to hold my thoughts and said the only missing piece I needed, "The best mana circulation technique." I thought back to him.

The patriarch was intrigued. "Oh, you think that can improve your talent? Let me tell you now, it won't." I held back my thoughts as best I could and gritted my teeth.

"Fine, you can have your secrets. But the technique is only for you. I will give you a couple of days to memorize it, then I will make a seal on your forming mana core. If you break any of our agreements once your white core is formed, you will die by core explosion."