

"Huff, huff, huff."

Yi Xuan was panting heavily as he woke up.

'What kind of dream was that! Is it like showing me a future where I don't choose the system?!'

Thinking about this, Yi Xuan had cold sweat going down his back. After the part where he had prestiged, Yi Xuan went on a journey to find better opportunities. Many years after he used his system he died while fighting in a battle against beasts.

He had used the system a lot in the dream, but for some reason, the memories of how it worked were all very blurry. However, everything else in the dream was clear as day, as if he had experienced it all.

Yi Xuan was rethinking his whole dream when suddenly he felt weird. He tried to get up from his bed but had no strength. He went to see what was wrong and what he saw made his complexion turn pale.

His once shining dantian was no more, only leaving a blank space. This terrified him until he thought of something. When he thought of it, it came up.

<Congratulations on prestiging! You have gained three prestige points that can be used in the shop. Your cultivation efficiency has risen from x1.00-x1.50. Say 'Status' to open up your status. Say 'Shop' to open up the shop!>

Yi Xuan looked dumbfounded. Although he was already going to prestige due to his prophetic dream, he still felt slightly salty.

'Damn, it's all gone.

His once flourishing qi was gone. It was as if he were back on Earth. Even when he first came to this world, he was in the 2nd rank of qi forming, but now he had nothing.

'Well, now that it's happened, might as well try this stuff out.'


<Yi Xuan (Aldrin Schnite)

Rank: Mortal (No Cultivation)

Prestige: 1

Progress till next prestige: 0.00/100.00

Prestige points: 3

Skills: None>

'Oh ho! It seems I've got a counter that says when the next prestige will be!'

Yi Xuan found the skills section interesting, but since nothing was there, he didn't have any info on it.

'Well, time to check out the store. 'Shop!''

<Store (PP = Prestige Point)

Talent: Mortal level -> Below Average level = 2pp

Cultivation multiplier: 1.5 -> 2.0 = 2pp

Items: (Time Stone = 1pp) (Spin Ticket = 3pp)>

'Wow, look at those upgrades! It was worth prestiging. However, there are so many options I don't know what to choose!'

'To think I have the worst talent possible, the mortal talent. It's even below, below average.'

Yi Xuan was crying silent tears as he thought of his talent. He was lucky to even get to qi refining with his luck. The average person could make around 7 qi seeds, so three was truly bad.

'What is this time stone and spin ticket? If there is a gacha or wheel, I will cry.'

Memories of Yi Xuan spending all of his hard-earned money on anime gacha games made him shed tears of grief.

'I didn't even get SSR Mimi in the end.'

While he was thinking about that, new windows popped up.

<Time Stone:

When crushed, the stone will teleport the user sometime in the past. The time and date it returns to are entirely random and not fixed.>

<Spin Ticket:

A ticket that can be used on the wheel.>

'Time stone seems to be good. If I can use it, I'll be able to go back a certain amount of time and do a lot of the sect activities I missed. The only downside is that it is random. It still can be good to use in emergencies. Although that will have to wait till I get enough points to buy multiple.'

'The spin ticket is very vague, so I won't be using it yet. I wouldn't even wanna use all of my points on one thing anyway.'

Looking at the screens, Yi Xuan was thinking hard about what to do. After a couple of moments, he figured out what he wanted to do.

'If I am going to be prestiging anyway, I should try to go as fast as possible. So I'll buy cultivation speed first.'

As Yi Xuan was about to click the buy button, he thought of something.

'Wait, would it be a waste to get that higher since it will automatically go higher every time I prestige?'

This made Yi Xuan think as he didn't know if it would give him more speed as time passed. After another minute, Yi Xuan gritted his teeth and bought it.

<Store (PP = Prestige Point)

Talent: Mortal level -> Below Average level = 2pp

Cultivation multiplier: 2.0 -> 2.5 = 5pp

Items: (Time Stone = 1pp) (Spin Ticket = 3pp)>

He ended up buying the cultivation multiplier. He thought that he might as well risk it once and see if his theory was true.

Looking at his last point, he didn't know what to do with it.

'I guess I should probably do this just in case.'

After a moment, a baseball-sized stone was put onto Yi Xuan's hand. This was the time stone Yi Xuan had just bought. Yi Xuan looked at it with amazement. He felt as if he was holding the galaxy. There were stars, cosmic gas, and meteors.

It was like looking straight up at night. Yi Xuan stared at it for a while, just observing its beauty.

It had a mysterious force as if it was trying to get Yi Xuan to break it. He noticed this and quickly shook himself out of his reverie.

'I need to use this only after I have done everything I need to do now.'

Pocketing the rock, he walked out. Many people recognized him, and he waved to each of them. He was a well-known outer disciple because of how long he had been there.

He gained respect from some people for sticking to it for so long, but many other disciples thought he was trying to smooch off the sect.

Yi Xuan didn't care, though, as he nonchalantly walked through the streets. After 15 minutes, he finally arrived at his destination.

The Gold Dragon Pavilion. This was the most famous shop in the Flaming Sun Sect. Just from looking at the building itself, it gave off a majestic feeling.

Outside, a golden dragon could be seen twirling around the tower. It was as if the dragon was going to reach the heavens. That is where the name came from. Although Yi Xuan had been in the sect for half a decade, he had only been here a couple of times.

This was because he never spent his money and only bought the necessities. He did that so he could do this exact thing. Go to the second floor and buy a 9th-grade item.

Before he got the system, he was going to buy a 9th-ranked sword so he could be protected while he was away, but things have now changed.

Walking up to the middle floor of the pavilion, Yi Xuan could see a vast open space. Different stalls lined the walls and middle of the floor. Students ran most of them, but the elders also ran some too. The place he was going to was run by an elder.

Sadly, this elder was someone Yi Xuan knew personally, Elder Dran.