
Reset the apocalypse

[ Warning : If you are looking for a powerful protagonist story then you better skip this story ! If you are looking for a cheat system stories then you should skip this story too . if you are having limited patience then you should definitely skip this story too. if you are under +18 then you must skip the story at any cost . If you want a story that you never read before then you should not skip this story! Read at your own risk ! ] ........... A grownup fairytales not for children .......

Drunkenstories · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

Chapter 4

The Dawn of Doomsday

As the city slept under the veil of night, a profound stillness hung in the air. The clock ticked relentlessly, marking the final moments before the impending doomsday. The echoes of silence were shattered as a faint light on the horizon signaled the start of a new dawn – a dawn that would witness the destruction of cities and the unraveling of humanity.

The dawn arrived and no one still had the clues that this will be the last dawn they could witness since after few minutes later there will be no more dawn across the world .

The time was exactly Sharp 6 morning.

Jake Crawford lay on his bed, restless and burdened by the weight of the imminent catastrophe. His broken phone laid beside him, a silent witness to the last attempt at connection with a past he couldn't change. The room, once a sanctuary, now felt like a prison as the first rays of light crept through the window.

"Just a few minutes more !"

He muttered slowly .

Outside, the city stirred in its final moments of tranquility. Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting populace, a cosmic force was set to unleash chaos. The streets, once bustling with life, would soon become a battleground between survival and annihilation.

The dawn broke, and the atmosphere crackled with an eerie energy. The sky, once a canvas of hope, now transformed into a tapestry of doom. As the first light touched the cityscape, a series of cataclysmic events unfolded.

The doomsday finally appeared!

Buildings trembled as if the very earth beneath them rebelled. Thunderous quakes shook the foundations, sending shockwaves through the city streets. Skyscrapers crumbled like ancient monuments, reducing once proud structures to rubble. The skyline, a symbol of human achievement, was now a testament to impending demise.

"What's happening?"

"Ugh ....help !"

"God ....is it a earthquake?"

Terrified screams pierced the air as panic spread like wildfire. Chaos erupted on the streets as people, caught in the throes of despair, sought refuge that no longer existed. Cars crashed into one another, and the air filled with the acrid scent of burning debris.

One of the white collar worker

pointed at the sky and stuttered in panic

"W-what the ...hell is that ?"

People who was running didn't pay attention to his words since they were all running for their life's in panic but few noticed towards the sky and their mind stopped working for a few seconds.

A huge meteorite was falling from the sky ! No more like from the space !

"Is this the end of the world ?"

Everyone had this one thought in their mind before the meteorite hit the land and everything went in total destruction.

The people once vibrant and full of life met their untimely demise. The backdrop of destruction claimed both the innocent and the guilty, creating a haunting tableau of loss and despair. Their stories ended abruptly, swallowed by the merciless tide of the sudden doomsday onslaught.

Jake Crawford, watching the horror unfold from the window, felt a profound sorrow for the lives lost. His efforts to change the course of destiny had failed, and the city crumbled in a symphony of destruction. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, a heavy burden he carried as an unwilling witness to the apocalypse.

He side stepped and a brick fell to the place where he was just standing, avoiding a heavy injury . He remembered that because of this , he almost died in his first game.

"It's exactly as same as before ...."

Looking at the devastation, Jake Crawford was filled with sadness. The first doomsday took nearly 80% of the humanity and the remaining 20% has to undergo the first devils game.

The first game took 10% of humanity population and barely 10% survived in the first wave of the game . Not everyone could handle the game scenario and those died inside the game !

Only the strongest , cunning and lucky ones survived the first wave of the game and that's how the game was played till the humanity was completely wiped out but this time it will be different.

"I won't let the past repeat again!"

As 80% of humanity faced annihilation, the cityscape turned into a desolate landscape. Once-thriving neighborhoods now lay in ruins, a stark reminder of the fragility of human existence. The once-pulsating heart of the city fell silent, the echoes of life replaced by the haunting resonance of devastation.

Amidst the chaos, a cold voice pierced through the air – the voice of the great devil. It resonated with malevolence, chilling those who heard it to the core. A proclamation echoed across the desolate landscape, declaring the commencement of a deadly game that would decide the fate of those who remained.

"The time has come for humanity to face its ultimate trial. The game of death wil commence now."

Jake Crawford, now thrust into the heart of the cosmic game, felt a shiver down his spine. The world around him had crumbled, and the great devil's voice signaled the beginning of a new chapter in the unfolding saga of redemption and survival.

He took a old earphone and began to hear his favourite songs one last time ! This will be the last time the phone works now and after that the entire modernization will be completely useless.

He was listening to his favourite song to have a moment of tranquility before the hell begins.

While he was listening to his favourite song , the outside world was in chaos and when the great devil voice was heard , everyone was terrified and soon the remaining population was introduced to the games and the system rules .

"What rubbish! We won't trust you?"

"Why should we play when we know we are going to die ?"

"Yes ! F$ckk off !"

Some of the survivors who were survived began to resist and scorn at first but they wer immediately killed by thunder strikes and the rest immediately became silent in fear .

That's how the game began ! And soon every humans were transported to a game along with a system interface helps , Including Jake too .

With a blur of his eyes , Jake Crawford was in a different world but the first thing he did was to call out the system .

"System , show status!"

Few seconds later , his face became dark and he opened his mouth

" Goddamm it . Where is the system ?"

To be continued...