

Rengga kissed the top of Liora's head, her left hand hugging the body that was attached to her broad chest. While his right hand was gripped tightly by Liora.

"I don't like this," said Liora, touching Rengga's wedding ring with Naya.

"It's just an object, Ra," replied Rengga nonchalantly.

"It's a symbol, Reng," Liora replied quickly. "The symbol of your marriage with Naya. How can you call it just a 'thing'? You value your relationship, your marriage with Naya. The proof is that you always wear it when you're with me," he said later.

"It would be very troublesome if I let it go. I don't want to risk being left here or losing it. Naya will be disappointed if this ring is lost," explained Rengga at length.

"Tch." Liora just snorted softly.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Rengga asked changing the topic.