
Chapter 5

Lilly led the charge with her Longbow, Jade's Lash, she was one of the best Archers, aiming just as true as some of the better elven archers. Greggory fights with his Battleaxe, cleaving through several of the soldiers Dolga Brought along with him. In fact, it seems he brought along with him a small army. Jayda used a weapon Lilly did not recognize, but it took the hat off an enemy at several yards

After taking out the guards at the front, they moved on to the next room this room was a large dome like structure, big enough for several hundred individuals there was only a few hundred enemy soldiers, and lucky for Lilly, Dolga was giving a speech, Lilly lit on of her arrows on fire, and fired it at the podium Dolga was standing at.

And it struck true, It landed on his papers, when Dolga looked up, it was too late to react, because Lilly used an item that was given to her by Xelina twenty years prior, when She shattered Lilly's faith in her, the Hourglass was often cracked when Lilly was stressed, and those cracks repaired themselves when she worked through it, this time, the Hourglass had several hundred individual cracks on it, but it's structure heald up, and it's magical properties still held up.

Lilly used the hourglass to slow the time on everyone in front of her, aside from Alayna who wasn't in the room. The soldiers, however, were in slow motion, and so was Dolga, This Granted Lilly time to get down to that area. She was in front of Dolga when the effect wore off. Lilly had Chillkiss Drawn and at the ready

"So, you've finally arrived." Dolga said with a sinister smile.

"No, thanks to the Illusionist, or you." Lilly said, looking to her left and right, making sure greggory and Jayda were good when dealing with the army.

"I'm actually glad you're here. Because the Betrayer left me a very specific instruction when he allowed this plan: Kill you, and banish you to the ninth plane of Hell, just like we did the Goddess of Death and Chaos." Dolga said, leaping off the stage, his large size, which was comparable to greggory's, combined with his heaviest armor shook the ground.

"Congratulations, you get to have less time before you die. You just told me one of the things I wanted to know." Lilly said Slashing Nerve poison over his face and moving to attack. Lilly quickly Managed to get a hit in under Dolga's Arm, and Chillkiss was covered in an entire bottle of nerve poison, so he reeled back in Pain, and Quickly Moved to attack Lilly back, Lilly was off balance the moment she tried to parry, so, due to Dolga's Strength, she was thrown back a few feet.

"I thought you were better than this." Dolga mocked.

"If you think the sword is my strong suit, you're more foolish than I thought." Lilly responded, and fired the hand crossbow, and struck true in the side of his throat, it wasn't enough to kill him, but the bolt was, again, tipped with Nerve Poison, Dolga Howled in pain as he moved to attack lilly with his sword, Lilly couldn't survive a full force hit from Dolga, so she dodged out of the way.

Being a ranger, Lilly was able to use some magic, so, she fired a Bolt from the hand crossbow, as she was still holding Chillkiss, and casted a spell which duplicated that Crossbow bolt, and barraged Dolga with a good hundred bolts, due to it being magic, the duplicated bolts disappeared, but the wounds remained, and Dolga was off balance, allowing Lilly an Additional action, in which she casted a spell which Conjured a small, but sturdy Vine, that Grasped Dolga's leg, and Tripped him.

Lilly then Sheathed Chillkiss, and Drew Jade's lash, and casted a spell on her primary quiver, which temporarily gave her a bottomless Quiver, duplicating the Alcohol, and Nerve poison covered arrows in her main quiver., and they moved into place when she reached for one, making for a faster reload time, using the Vine spell she casted earlier, Lilly Pinned Dolga against the wall, and started shoot arrow after arrow after arrow after arrow into the weak points of his Armor, but she never fired a Killing blow, not yet, she wanted the pain to last. She relished the screams of agony from the Ritualist.

Lilly's opponent eventually Broke Free of the vines, and he then Charged Lilly against the wall behind her, nearly breaking her back against the stonework, Dolga then began to wail on Lilly with his Fists. After about fifteen punches Dolga was Ripped away from Lilly by Greggory.

"Get Alayna to safety!" Greggory told Lilly. She was already using her sisters Elita hospitaller Magic to heal herself, when dragging herself onto the stage, Lilly realized that her Left arm was broken.

"Gods dammit!" Lilly said when she realized this, so with her right arm she pulled herself to her feet. The Hospitaller magic couldn't heal Broken limbs, so she would have to make do, She Shed most of her two-handed Gear, including two quivers of Arrows, but she kept Jade's Lash, she made the bow personally, so it had sentimental value.

She made her way to the area Where Dolga was keeping Alayna. In the room, Alayna was already out of the cage, and Grabbing stuff from Dolga's desk. When She heard the Door Open, Alayna froze with fear, until she looked up and saw Lilly, they locked eyes, and Alayna dropped what she was holding and ran over to Lilly, and hugged her, Lilly breathed sigh of relief that not only was Alayna really there, as Lilly was afraid an Illusion, she was glad that Alayna was mostly Alright.

"I'm glad you're actually here, mom." Alayna said.

"Same." Lilly said.

Alayna gathered up what she was stealing from Dolga, and they left the room, where Greggory had Dolga Dead to rights, at the edge of a pit that led deeper into the structure. Lilly approached him, while changing her Grapple Shot to her right arm, which was not broken

Lilly Walked over to the defeated Ritualist and aimed the crossbow at him.

"Now, I want you to confirm some things for me, first, where's Xomera?" Lilly asked, she knew the answer to the question, she just wanted a confirmation.

"She's in hell, where are you going soon?" Dolga warned Lilly.

"Doubt it. What happened to Amara?" Lilly asked her Next question.

"The little Princess? She's alone. Dead by now, which only leaves poor Zathor, and he is well and truly alone now." Dolga chuckled.

"What makes you so sure she's dead?" Lilly asked.

"Oh, please, a little 7-year-old girl alone in the northwestern forest region? She's long gone by now."

"How did you find her house?" Lilly asked, which was only met with a laugh.

"Why should I care?" Dolga asked, at this Lilly Pulled him above the pit, holding him there with her right arm, a feat only achievable through the Augmentation a member of a Sisters Elita Order is given, as Dolga was much taller, and weighed so much more than Lilly with all of her Gear.

"The Only thing keeping your head from being a pulp when you reach the bottom is how you answer." Lilly said

"Ha, your scare tactics won't work on me." Dolga said, to which Lilly kicked his right leg over the edge, so the only thing keeping there was Lilly's arm strength, and Dolga's Left leg.

"Answer the damn Question." Lilly said, to which Dolga Only smiled.

"No." he said, and Lilly Let go of him, but he managed to grab her Leg before he fell, Lilly tried to catch herself with the Grappleshot, but his weight wasn't supported by the Grappleshot's strength

"MOM!" Was the last thing Lilly heard before she fell unconscious.