
Rescued by the Moon

A shipwrecked survivor, cast adrift upon the treacherous tides by the turbulent storm, his spirit nearly extinguished by the harshness of his fate. But fate, it seems, had different plans for him. Amidst the darkness and uncertainty, where the boundary between reality and myth blurs, Eric Wayland finds himself in the beguiling company of werewolves. These extraordinary creatures, endowed with both human grace and untamed ferocity, they reveal a supernatural world well hidden from mortal eyes, which had stayed in disguise for years. As the moon wanes and waxes, the man discovers the intertwined secrets of their existence - a unique kinship forged between loyalty to the supreme moon goddess and the primal essence of their wolves. Driven by an indomitable sense of purpose, our survivor embarks on a perilous journey to protect these magnificent beings from looming threats, uncovers forgotten legendary creature's, ancient prophecies whispered by the wind, and the untamed beauty of the wild lands of the children of the moon. "Rescued by the Moon: A tale of human and wolves" weaves a tapestry of wonder, where the line between friend and foe blurs, and courage is tested at every turn. Can one man, touched by the mystical power of the moon, rise to become not just a survivor, but a savior for the wolves? Prepare to be captivated by a story that transcends boundaries - a saga of loyalty, sacrifice, and the transformative power of the wilderness. In the dance between human and wolves, a legend is born, and the moon's radiant light reveals both the darkness within and the innate capacity for compassion. Join us on this enthralling odyssey, where the moon's gentle glow illuminates paths unknown, and the bond forged between worlds is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Mira_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The Accident

Few days has passed since the war with the Crews of The Skull and the performance and of the revered healing ritual of the werewolves. Another war came knocking, the Lycans marched to war against the wolves wielding deadly weapons made of silver. Am element greatly know to dealing the fast healing abilities of any Wolf.

The whole Wolf army was arranged in battle formations, awaiting orders to charge at the enemy, Luna and Gabriel took position at various angles on the battlefield, while Eric dressed in his armour held his crystal sword on his right hand; as his left held a embroidered horn covered with a wooden stopper as he tucked it to his waist.

The growls on the battlefield increase rapidly as both sides seem to grow wild with anticipation and urge to taste and draw blood.

Gabriel had already summoned two undead wolf warriors who stood on either sides of him, there red eyes glowing intermittently. As their pale shrunken faces looked down gloomily at the grasses, they seem to be lost in unforseen thoughts. Their claws glistening in the sun rays.

The Alpha stood high on the Pride Stone, a raised rock which any Alpha stands on as his army of wolves stretched far behind him.

The Lycan king stood high on his hunches, he was only half transformed, his silver armour shining in the sunlight. His Lycans warriors growled incessantly urging and looking up at him waiting for his signal.

An eagle soared overhead, casting its shadows amidst the battlefield field, the werewolves Alpha roared out loudly as the Lycan king retaliated the roar as the two charged at each other. In seconds the two covered the distance between them, as fangs and claws clashed against one another. Two ear piercing roars broke through the air as both armies charged at each other breaking the tension filled atmosphere, the wolves wary of the silver weapons carried by the Lycans were determined to receive fewer wounds than needed in the battle.

Fangs clashed against silver weapons and armors as painful growls emanated from both sides.

Gabriel walked forward as he mutters inaudible words, the two undead Wolf warriors suddenly stood erect. There eyes glowing a bright red as a dark cloud hovered above them keeping them in darkness, a low growl emits from there mouth as they dash off; the dark cloud increasing in diameter and quickly spreading across the battlefield.

They moved like shadows across the field as roars of pain echoed from various corners. They blended with the darkness, there eyes appearing here and there as they moved with a speed way faster than that of the living werewolves and lycans combined. Their claws were inlaid with Galaxuim, an element deadly to Lycans, they ripped out hearts, detaching limbs from body and various other body parts from there position; they were an unmercifully couple of killing machines.

In the midst of the chaos and deafening cry's of pain and growls of war, Eric was since hacking and cutting Lycans without mercy. His crystal swords literally sending them into Oblivion. seeing the way he wield his sword, the Lycans backed away from him, as he charged towards them. They runs away fearing the result of receiving a cut from his sword.

His suddenly stood to his feet as he beheld a hooded figure standing atop a nearby hill, a bow taut with an arrow fitted on it. The first shot landed few metres away from him, as more volley followed suit.

A sudden explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the air, violently throwing Eric as more explosions rang out in a volley. As he slowly regained consciousness, he glanced around to with blinking eyes the aftermaths of the devastations.

He staggered to his feet as a sharp pain coursed through his body, cutting into his soul like a double edge sword. He smell of smoke filled waft to his nose as his vision blurred, Putting the last ounce of strength in him to his throat; he lets a out an ear piercing cry, a cry of fear and pain.

His moment of vulnerability, an eeire silence slowly envelopes him, broken grunts of pain or wolves carrying wounded ones back to the the village.

But then a voice floated across to him, a voice calling onto him as he lost consciousness letting go of everything and falling asleep. Luna and Gabriel scoop him in their hands, bruised and battered themselves, they pushed past their pain to save Eric's Life once again.

Arriving back at the village, Luna and Michael assessed Eric's injury, judging it to be slightly severe. Luna skillfully applied pressure stopping the blood flow and granting him some relief. As Gabriel whispered words of reassurance to Eric giving him assurance that he would get through it hale and healthy.

Luna's touch was gentle but firm, her skilled hands plus her powers which she drew from the island, she meticulously tending to Eric's wound's. She cleaned them with care, applying ointments and dressing them, granting him a sense of comfort and am euphoria of peace.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Eric's body slowly began to heal, through his phases of recovery. He observed the profound impact it had on Luna and Gabriel, their smile slowly returning. Their unwavering support and companionship was a beacon of hope for Eric, reminding him that true friendship flourish even in the darkest of times.

As Eric's physical wounds started to mend, he realized the healing process went beyond the realm of physicality. It is about restoring their spirits, reclaiming ones live from the strong clutches of trauma.

Months passed and Eric was back to his feet once again, the scars on his body served as a remainder of the war he fought alongside his two great friends.

"Who was the Archer that ended the war that day?" Eric asked one night as they gathered around the dinner table.

"I don't know, even the Alpha discerned him to be a wolf but no one know who's pack he is from." Gabriel answers in between mouthfuls.

"A wolf with such dangerous weapons?" Luna interjected.

"Well for now he remains a ghost till we find who he or she truly is." Gabriel ended as he dugged into his food with gusto.

Luna and Eric shrugged as they focused on their food leaving the talks for another day.