
Rescued by the Moon

A shipwrecked survivor, cast adrift upon the treacherous tides by the turbulent storm, his spirit nearly extinguished by the harshness of his fate. But fate, it seems, had different plans for him. Amidst the darkness and uncertainty, where the boundary between reality and myth blurs, Eric Wayland finds himself in the beguiling company of werewolves. These extraordinary creatures, endowed with both human grace and untamed ferocity, they reveal a supernatural world well hidden from mortal eyes, which had stayed in disguise for years. As the moon wanes and waxes, the man discovers the intertwined secrets of their existence - a unique kinship forged between loyalty to the supreme moon goddess and the primal essence of their wolves. Driven by an indomitable sense of purpose, our survivor embarks on a perilous journey to protect these magnificent beings from looming threats, uncovers forgotten legendary creature's, ancient prophecies whispered by the wind, and the untamed beauty of the wild lands of the children of the moon. "Rescued by the Moon: A tale of human and wolves" weaves a tapestry of wonder, where the line between friend and foe blurs, and courage is tested at every turn. Can one man, touched by the mystical power of the moon, rise to become not just a survivor, but a savior for the wolves? Prepare to be captivated by a story that transcends boundaries - a saga of loyalty, sacrifice, and the transformative power of the wilderness. In the dance between human and wolves, a legend is born, and the moon's radiant light reveals both the darkness within and the innate capacity for compassion. Join us on this enthralling odyssey, where the moon's gentle glow illuminates paths unknown, and the bond forged between worlds is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Mira_Writes · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Facing New Challenges

As more mysteries began to unfold and become understandable to the trio, a new and ominous threat seem to loom in the far horizon.

The news of an island which lay hidden beyond the charted waters spread like wildfire amongst the common folks and adventurous fellows. Many ship began journeying into unknown waters in search of this hidden Island.

Many vessel's ended up as wrecks in the midst of the ocean while a few returned home weak and full of stragglers. Numerous others were lost in the vast unknown waterways, all without trace's.

One of the ships that began the selfish search of the hidden Island is a ship known as "The Skull."

The Skull was a ship known for its numerous to and fro voyages across both the known and unknown waters. Carting off treasures and precious articles from both fellow ships; and unsuspecting villagers or from anywhere it can be stolen or cheated from.

Made up of a twenty-four man crew the Skull was as dangerous as the crew themselves, who were renowned to be cold-hearted and quick to kill by the sword and gun.

Drawn by the rumour of the islands fabled powers and treasures which spurs them ahead, the Skull set sail once again. This time determined to find the island and take away anything worth taking away.

Greatly driven by their insatiable great for power and fame and control, they seek most; the a way to exploit the island mystical powers so they only can become masters of the high seas, controllers of the passage amidst the Ocean itself.

For days they toiled untill one day they set eyes on land faraway at starboard, towards this land they set sail. The Ancient realm has been discovered as destiny is about to be altered.

"Who do you seek, ye sailor's of the human realm" A voice boomed forth to them as they stepped foot on the beach.

"Well since you don't want to be found or perhaps show your face," A grumpy fellow with a blonde hair browned with dirt blurts out. "Then hear my demands as it is being read out to you."

A young lad presumably about 19 stepped out carrying a parchment from which he reads out.

"You are given three days to deliver the best of everything you have, deliver every gold, sliver or anything precious you possess. Failure will attract the following; I will burn down this island and everything in it and take away the valuables too. Remember you have but there days!"

"Now whoever is behind the voice, we're gonna set camp here while I give you the three days grace." The grumpy fellow who appears the Capt bellowed out, turning to just Crew; he threw an order. "Throw down the sleeping bags, we set camp besides the wood."

It was in the face of this grave danger that Eric and the werewolves found themselves, it was now a battle to save the island. They had to fight to protect the island, safeguard their secrets and protect their children.

With the treasure hunters of Skull establishing their presence on the island; they stationed heavy artilleries around the camp,running across the camp is a deep moat they dug around their camp. On and off volleys of shots rang out incessantly, as various group of young wolves who wish to make name for themselves and maybe get the girls drooling attack the camp every now and then.

The situation was becoming urgent even though it was only hours since they arrived the island, it fell on the guardians to tell the line of action to take before the wolves could attack the camp. Before the three days elapsed, an answer is needed or the Alpha makes it himself. The island has to been saved from these selfish men or they will seize to exist.

Eric, being fearless and resolute, knew of the gravity of the Skull's missions, he carried the weight of the situation and his comrades on his shoulders. Remembering his trainings, he decided to seek help from the mother nature herself; he ventured deep into the heart of the islands seeking a way to awaken nature to come to there rescue.

meanwhile Luna as agile and as quick witted as always explored the tunnels and caves which covers the smaller mountain around the wolves part of the island. Reading the ancient markings etched into the walls, seeking knowledge of the old and clues that reveals how the energy of the island can be harnessed to repel the trespassers in the land. The markings proved to be what she really needed most as it showed her answers and secrets to good and bad sides it's powers.

Gabriel with his enigmatic mystic aura which he had created for himself using the powers of the island and guided by his vast knowledge of ancient rituals immersed himself in deep studies of the ancient mystic practices of the old, with a burning desire to commune with the island spirits he sought to unlock their wisdom and with it forge a powerful bond that would help then in the war ahead of them.

With countless hours spent in the midst of ancient scrolls and books, Gabriel finally unearthed a ritual that can awake a guardian spirit entrusted with the purpose of protecting the island in the time of great need.

Motivated by their findings, the three meet together and shared what they uncovered in their separate quests alone, the realization struck chord in Luna. *If Eric could awake mother nature and commune with her, while she and her brother did theirs on their own too, then they are no longer ordinary mortals*. They are now defenders and guardians of the island.

Armed with these discovering, an answer were related to the Alpha and an army of wolves lead by the alpha himself got ready for war. Gathering the discovery of the three, a clever strategy was drawn, exploiting the answers to the fullest.

Under the nearly full moonlight sky, the wolves readied themselves for the imminent clash between them and the intruders. The Alpha stood at the front with his amour glittering in the moonlight, on his right his three beta wolves captains stood growling and baring their fangs. On his left stood Eric, Luna and Gabriel, while the rest of the wolves spread out behind them.

Eric stood adorned in spacious armour, a gift from the Alpha himself, not excluding the aura of strength and ferociousness that evolves around him. Luna on her part armed herself with the skills of stealth and grace, ready to move between the enemy lines to deal decisive blows and leave even before they could know it.

Gabriel stood looking great in his mystic robes, tapping directly into the dead realm of guardians that laid dormant for years to invoke a guardian spirit that arose to fight alongside the wolves, seen as a humanoid skeleton carrying a huge blade in it's skeletal hand ready to charge. There love for their families and loved ones keeping their hearts warm and willing to dieprotecting them.

The Skull crew, already ignorant of the force amassing against them and oblivious that war is like a two sided coin; you can never tell which can show first. Their conceit and selfishness made them overlook the guardians and the letters sent to them blinding them to the perils that awaits them.

Immediately the moon came overhead, the army of wolves charged forward with the Alpha swiftly moving traps and out of the way of bullets from guns and cannon's at the top of the wooden fortresses the wolves built to defend their camp with. In seconds the guardian spirit has cut through the fortresses sending it into ruin's.

Eric wielded his sword with extreme precision and and swiftness; hacking, killing, smashing and cutting his way through and into the camp. Alongside him Luna moved like a phantom, weaving through enemy lines creating her an uneasy target to comprehend. For she was nimble and added to her agility, she proved to be a formidable foe to the enemy.

Gabriel encircled himself with a shimmering aura of mystic energy as he called forth more and more of dead spirit guardians, augmenting their strengths and emboldening their level if resistance to the enemy.

As the war reached it's peak, the island decided to unleash it's true might and power. A heavy wind began brewing in the ocean as thunderous waves came roaring forward crashing through the enemy encampment, consuming it in its fearsome fury. It was as if the island decided to protect the guardians and beings who were willing to risk there lives for it sake.

Victorious the wolves stood watching in joy as the crew's of the once dangerous most feared vessel The Skull crumbled to nothing under the sea, both ship and it's crew gone and never to return again. The leftovers of ships planks and clothing and various barrels of food were treated as spoils of war as the victorious army began the march towards home and to their families, with the Alpha carried shoulder high by his soldiers.

but to Eric, Luna, and Gabriel despite their triumph, they understood that their duty as guardians and defender was far from complete. The island's secrets still demanded protection and for it to be successful it also demands understanding.