
Rescued by the Alpha

Lacee never knew werewolves existed. She also never knew such gorgeous sexy men existed as the Alpha Rinc, but when he saved her from being attacked on a dark summer night, he awakened the wolf inside of her and he opened her eyes to a world full of scary and beautiful creatures she never knew she were around her, werewolves, shapeshifters, even vampires! Now, not only does she have to continue building a good life for her and her sister, but she also must learn how to be one with the wolf inside of her and be one with the moon before the next big moon festival, or else her and her sister will be thrown to the wolves, literally. With the enemies all around, and her constant urge to be with the Alpha, Lacee is stuck in a new dangerous world and dangerous love.

OliviaPadge · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Lacee's Wound

As the sun came through the window and reminded Lacee that the morning had hurried its way upon her, she realized that she hadn't slept all night. How could she after the night shed had the night before? Being attacked and almost assaulted would've been enough to disturb anyone from sleeping, but werewolves? Actual werewolves? It all just kept replaying in her mind over and over.

The attack. The rescue. The punishment.

And Rinc.

Rinc's face kept popping up in her head. His beautiful face. His strong muscular body. His dark brown eyes that stared deeply into hers. It was absurd to even be focusing on him after all that happened and all she had been told. Yet, as she lay in bed all night, it was her excitement about him that she kept thinking about more than her fear of the events.

But as the excitement filled her body, regret filled her heart, because she knew that she was going to have to leave Rinc and everything she'd learned the night before behind. Lacee knew that keeping her sister Leena safe was her number one priority, and the pack seemed to be nothing but dangerous.

Rinc didn't know about her sister. If she could get them away from here and somewhere safe, the pack would never even know Leena existed. Maybe she could take her into a busy city where the girl could blend in with all the other busy people. Maybe they could flee to some mountains where no one else even came in contact with each other. Of course, this would cost money that she didn't have.

Lacee sighed as she realized that without her next paycheck, they'd never even have gas money to get to the next state let alone be able to pay for food or shelter. She'd have no choice but to go to work today to collect her most recent paycheck. It wouldn't be much, but it would be enough to get out of this town and somewhere they may have a better chance of survival.

She reluctantly got out of bed and made a cup of coffee. The smell of coffee beans filled the apartment s she grabbed a suitcase and started throwing some clothes into it. They hadn't been in the place too long, and they didn't own many things, so it wouldn't be too hard to pack her car up and hurry out of town when she back from work. She could just go in and collect the check quickly.

Her sister was sleeping peacefully when she opened the bedroom door.

"Leena." Lacee shook her awake.

"What's wrong?" The girl knew there wasn't a reason for her to be getting up so early now that school was out.

"Listen to me. I am going to go to work to pick up my check, but when I get back, we are leaving this town. You hear me? We have to go."

"Like a trip or something?" Leena sat up and yawned.

"No, we're leaving for good."


"I will explain everything once we get out of here. Just trust me. I have to go to work, but I won't be long. You need to pack up anything we can fit in my car. As soon as I get back, we are going."


"Leena, trust me. It's not safe here." Lacee went to her sister's windows and closed the curtain. "Don't leave the apartment, not even to get the mail. Don't answer the door for anyone, do you hear me?"

"I don't understand."

"It's not safe, Leena. Trust me. No opening that door at all. Double lock it and call me if anyone comes here."

"You've lost your mind." The teenager laid back down and pulled the blankets over herself.

"I mean it!" Lacee picked up her sister's pink striped suitcase and tossed it onto her bed. "Get packed before I get home. We leave as soon as I get back, whether you're packed or not.

Lacee left the room and got ready for work. Distracted by all the thoughts running through her mind, she spilled coffee onto her hand and dropped her glass mug onto the floor. The mug shattered and scattered along the kitchen floor. In a fluster, she cut her hand picking up the pieces.

Now, with a burnt bleeding hand, she felt defeated as she wondered if leaving was the right decision. She needed to keep her sister away from that pack, but part of her felt drawn to Rinc and the howls that she had heard the night before. No, she needed to leave, as soon as possible. That was the plan.

A knock at the door startled her and she dropped the pieces of glass she was holding to the floor again.

Damn it. Who was there? Was the pack coming for them already?

"Who's here?" Leena came out of her room.

"Get back in your room and lock your door." Lacee ordered her sister. "If something bad happens, don't come out here, sneak out of your window. You hear me?"

"What is,"


Leena shut the bedroom door and locked it. Lacee grabbed a large knife and headed towards the door. She hoped that she was overreacting, and it was just a maintenance man or someone with the wrong address. Another loud knock made her jump. She walked closer to the door.

"Lacee, I know you're in there." Rinc said from the other side of the door. "Open up."

Was he there to harm her? Was his pack waiting out there as well? Or did he really want to keep her safe like he claimed? Her heart sank as she contemplated what to do. Lacee peeked out through the peephole and saw Rinc standing there alone.

"What do you want?" She called out through the door.

"Open the door." He told her.

The sight of the Alpha only made her heart more complexed. He was so damn hot. Seeing him made it hard for her mind to control her own body. Before she could stop herself, she was opening the door to face him.

"Are you okay?" He barged into the apartment and scanned the rooms. "You're bleeding. You're in pain. Who hurt you?"

"I'm fine. I just burnt myself and then cut myself on a glass I dropped." She felt stupid as she explained the minor injuries.

His shoulders relaxed and he seemed to calm down as he looked her over.

"Why are you here?" She asked him.

"I thought someone hurt you." Rinc grabbed her hand and looked at her wounds.

"Why would you think that?" Lacee questioned.

"Because I can feel your pain," he said.

Lacee looked up at him. He was so much taller than her and he looked huge standing in her small apartment. She wondered how he could feel her pain but before she could question him more, he caught her off guard by pulling her hand to his mouth. His tongue went to her wounds, and he began licking the blood and lapping the burn.

"What are you doing?" She tried to pull away from him, but he didn't let go of her hand.

"I'm cleaning your wounds and helping you heal faster," he said between licks. She watched him closely as he leaned into her hand and seemed to savor the taste of her blood and skin.

You have to leave him behind, she reminded herself. He is dangerous. His world is dangerous.

"There." His tongue left her skin as he finished with her wound, but he still held her hand in his. "Done."

Lacee stared at him for a long moment. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to put her own tongue on his skin and taste him. But wait, what the hell was wrong with her? This man had just killed someone in front of her the night before. To be fair, the guy had tried to **** and kill her, still, Rinc had proven to be a very dangerous man. Werewolf. Man. Whatever he was, he was proven deadly, and she was an idiot to want him in her bed so bad.

Her heart told her to trust him, but Lacee knew better than to let her heart lead her life.

"I have to go." She pulled her hand away from him and grabbed her keys. "I have work."

"Work?" He followed her as she opened the front door and went out of her apartment.

"Yes, work. I have bills to pay and a life to live." Locking the door behind her, she double-checked that the door was secure with her sister inside.

"Quit your job. We have training to do, and you need to be close to me."

"Rinc, I appreciate you saving me last night, I really do, but I have to get back to my own life." She headed out to her car as he stayed on her heels the whole way.

"Have you not listened to a word I've said?" He jumped in front of her and blocked her way. "Every minute that you are out there and not with me or someone I trust from my pack, you are in danger. We have to train to awaken the full wolf within you. You only have a few months."

"I don't care about any wolf. I am human. I'm not like you. I'm not part of your pack." Lacee pushed past him and opened her car door. She was able to get in the driver's seat, but Rinc stepped between the door and her car to block her from closing it.

"You are confused and overwhelmed," he said. "I get it. This is all so new to you, but you have to trust me."

"Okay, okay." She put up her hands like she was defeated. "Fine. I'll give you a chance to convince me. Come by later this evening, after I get home from work. We can have dinner and talk more about all this wolf stuff."

"Like a date?" He smiled at her.

"Sure." She hated herself for loving his smile.

"I'll see you later." Rinc leaned down and kissed her forehead.

The touch of his lips on her skin sent tingles down her body. It took everything in her to not pull him into the car and ride him right then and there.

"Later," Lacee said. It broke her heart to lie to him, knowing he would show up to an empty apartment that evening, but she'd never trust anyone, not even her own heart.

It was odd feeling so heartbroken at the thought of never seeing him again. She had just met the man, and yet it felt wrong to be leaving him behind. Still, she couldn't allow her sister to get swept up into this mad world of the wolves.

But his touch felt so good and his lips on her skin sparked a desire, unlike any want she's ever needed.

No. She would never allow herself to let lust choose her fate.

She was going to leave that day, even if it meant she'd be left with a wound on her heart and no one to lick the wound.