
Rescued by the Alpha

Lacee never knew werewolves existed. She also never knew such gorgeous sexy men existed as the Alpha Rinc, but when he saved her from being attacked on a dark summer night, he awakened the wolf inside of her and he opened her eyes to a world full of scary and beautiful creatures she never knew she were around her, werewolves, shapeshifters, even vampires! Now, not only does she have to continue building a good life for her and her sister, but she also must learn how to be one with the wolf inside of her and be one with the moon before the next big moon festival, or else her and her sister will be thrown to the wolves, literally. With the enemies all around, and her constant urge to be with the Alpha, Lacee is stuck in a new dangerous world and dangerous love.

OliviaPadge · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Lacee's Last Day

Lacee didn't plan on staying at work long, but when she got there, she was told that the paychecks wouldn't be ready until that afternoon. After debating on just leaving work without the check, she decided to stay since the fifty dollars in her account wouldn't get them very far from town. She knew it would take time to find a new job and apartment in a new town, but Lacee was a survivor.

When she was eighteen, she lived in her car for two months until she got on her feet. She had been thrown out of the foster home that she lived in as soon as she became an adult. Her sister was fourteen then and had to stay behind in the foster home until the court date when Lacee was approved to be her guardian. By then, Lacee had found an apartment and was waitressing at two different restaurants to prove that she could provide a life for her sister.

Leena would be eighteen in a few weeks, so there wouldn't be any social worker checking in on them. They could go off the grid and pitch a tent in the woods for a while or drive to a beach and sleep in the sand below the stars. Lacee thought of a thousand places to escape to as she sat at her cubicle and pretended to work.

"Excuse me." Her annoying coworker, Jenn, came up from behind her and startled her. "You have some explaining to do."

Worried, Lacee swung around in her chair to face the woman and hear what exactly she was talking about. Did someone realize she was going to skip out on this town and her job after that day?

"What do you mean?" She cautiously asked.

"Last night." Jenn smiled and fanned herself like she was hot and bothered. "That hunk of a man you left with. You never mentioned that you had a boyfriend. He is your boyfriend, right? Or did you leave with a stranger? Was he a one-night stand? Did you just meet him last night and leave the bar with him?"

The nosey woman made it hard to get a word in. Honestly, Jenn would have never known if Lacee was in a relationship because she never let her speak during their office hour chit chats. Not wanting to say much, Lacee just shrugged and tried to avoid the conversation.

"Funny, Jenn. Hey, do you want a cup of coffee? I need one." Lacee stood up and headed to the breakroom as Jenn followed closely on her heels.

"Us ladies couldn't believe how sexy he was. Kerry said she's seen him around before. She's probably slept with him. You know she gets around. Did I ever tell you how she acted at our last Christmas party?" Jenn started her gossip as Lacee tried to avoid talking by sipping the coffee from her cup, no matter how hot it was when it hit her tongue.

"Lacee." Dan's voice caught them both off guard, but at least it shut up Jenn up momentarily. "You left so early last night that I didn't get a chance to talk to you more."

"Sorry, I had something to do." Lacee watched her boss as he smiled at her with his smug grin. Like all the other ladies at the office, Jenn was infatuated with the boss and suddenly looked like a shy schoolgirl with flushed cheeks and glaring eyes.

"Yes, we all saw you had something to do," he said with a hint of jealousy. "Your boyfriend practically pushed me out of his way last night."

The boss was over exaggerating and Rinc was not her boyfriend, but correcting Dan would only make the conversation go on longer than Lacee wanted it to.

"Sorry to rush, but I have work to do." She lied as she headed for the breakroom door.

"It's almost lunchtime." Dan called out to her. "Join me today in my lunch lounge. I've ordered food already."

"I'd love to join you." Jenn blurted out.

"I only meant Lacee. She and I have a new promotion to discuss." Dan dismissed Jenn as he followed Lacee out of the breakroom. "Twenty minutes!" He called out but Lacee just nodded and went back to her desk.

There was no way she'd be joining Dan in his lunch lounge. After today, she'd never return to work here again, so why would she eat lunch with a slimy boss that she had no need to kiss up to anymore for a promotion.

Luckily, Jenn didn't follow Lacee back to her cubicle, so she didn't have to talk about office rumors with the nosey co-worker or dodge personal questions that only made her think of Rinc and how good he looked the night before.

When it was time for lunch, Lacee grabbed her purse and snuck out of the building to have a moment to herself in her car. She didn't want to take the chance of Dan awkwardly seeing her deliberating standing up his lunch offer, so she took the stairs and went out of the side of the building to avoid seeing him in the elevator or lobby.

As she made her way to her car, she walked past a man that stared at her too long and she began to worry that someone from Rinc's pack had found her and wanted revenge for Walt's death. Realizing she was just being paranoid, she shook the uneasy feeling and got into her car. She locked her car doors, just in case, and pulled out her phone to call her sister.

Leena had been annoyed with Lacee for calling her five times already that morning. She'd also texted her every few minutes, but her sister didn't understand the danger that was all around, and it wasn't a conversation that Lacee was going to have with her over the phone. They'd have plenty of time to discuss it all in the car when they got out of this town.

"Lacee!" Dan startled her as he banged on her window loudly. "Lunch! Come on!"

Frustrated, put her phone back in her purse and rolled down her window.

"Sorry, I'm actually not feeling good," Lacee told him. "I'm going to skip lunch."

"Just come up for a few minutes." He just couldn't take a damn hint.

"Dan, thanks for the offer, but I'm going to have to take you up on it another day. I just don't feel good. I'm only here to get my check, or I would've left sick already."

"You're waiting for your check?" He smiled like he had the perfect solution. "I can get it right now for you. Come on up to my office and I'll have my secretary grab it for you."

"Really?" She asked. "That would really help."

"Yeah, no problem at all. Let's go." He motioned for her to follow.

Lacee didn't want to go anywhere with him, but the sooner she could get paid, the sooner she could get her sister safely away from danger. Determined to leave work early, she agreed to go with him. As they walked through the parking lot, she felt Dan put his hand on her back like he'd done at the bar, she moved further away from him to get away from his touch.

The boss's office was on a different floor than hers, and it was very evident that by the appearance that this floor was higher up positions and higher up salaries. There were no cubicles, everyone had their own private office. The walls were newly painted, and the carpet was in great condition.

Dan's office was more like a condo suite. When you entered, his secretary had the first room, but after going through a door, you entered a large room with a kitchenette, coffee bar, snack area, couches, and big screen tv. Lacee imagined she could live in this office it was so big and nice. It was actually nicer than her whole apartment.

"Come on in." Dan motioned for her to go into his office. "Have a seat over here."

The room was huge. Everything was white and modern. There was a long sleek desk and a white leather chair that sat behind it, but Dan pointed to an area off to the side with a white leather couch and marble coffee table. Lacee had heard that Dan's father owned the company, but she wasn't sure if it was true or not. Looking at this office though, made him seem like royalty of the business.

She wondered what he even did for the company. There was a computer and phone on the desk, but no paperwork or supplies within site like at all the desk on her department's floor. Lacee sat down on the couch and was irked when he sat down close beside her.

"Do you have my check?" She asked.

"My secretary is out at lunch, but I'll have her fetch it for you as soon as she gets back," he said as he looked her over. "You know, that position I told you about, it's a really good opening and pays a lot more than what you are earning now, but I looked over your file and you don't have the qualifications needed to get approved by HR."

"It's fine. I'm okay with my position. I don't need a new position right now." Lacee just wanted to get her check and go, but Dan seemed to be scooting closer and closer to her on the couch. She moved over further from him and hoped his secretary would return soon.

"Well, I'm not saying I can't hire you for it." His hand landed on her leg as he continued. "I have the authority to override HR and do whatever I want."

Lacee pushed his hand back and jumped up from the couch.

"No, you can't do whatever you want." She headed to the door, but he followed her.

"Wait, Lacee, just sit down and talk." Dan grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me." Lacee pulled her arm from him, but he reached for her shoulder and the image of her attack the night before flashed in her head.

Enraged, Lacee turned and pushed him away from her. All of her life she'd struggled with anger and had grown up getting into trouble because of it. For the past five years, she had worked on controlling it. She'd done pretty well for a few years now, but after being attacked the night before and now Dan putting his hands on her, it was triggering her into fight mode.

"Woah." Dan chuckled as she pushed him back. "You're a feisty one, are you? I like that."

He stepped towards her and reached out, but Lacee smacked his hand and without hesitation, slapped him across the face. The sound of her hand colliding with his cheek echoed through the room.

"I said, don't fucking touch me, creep." She turned to go.

"You bitch!" He yelled. "You hit me!"

The door to his office suddenly swung open and Rinc barged into the room. Dan's eyes widened with terror as Rinc went at him.

"What happened?" Rinc grabbed Dan by the neck and slammed him up against the clean white wall.

"Nothing, nothing happened!" Dan cried out.

"Lacee?" Rinc pinned the man against the wall as he called out to her. "What did he do?"

Rinc was so angry that she could see his eyes glowing and worried that Dan might notice.

"It's okay, Rinc." Lacee put her hand on his arm to reassure him and her touch seemed to be enough for the glow in his eyes to dimmer. "I'm alright. He tried to take advantage of me, but he learned his lesson. He'll never try anything with any women like this again. Isn't that right, Dan?"

After hearing her words, Rinc punched Dan in the stomach. Dan hunched over in pain and fought for air.

"That's enough." Lacee was afraid that Rinc would get in trouble if she didn't get him out of there. "He's learned his lesson, right Dan?"

In pain and shock, Dan didn't respond at first, but Rinc slammed him against the wall again.

"She asked you a question." Rinc snarled at him.

"Yes…yes. Never again." Dan was shivering as he stumbled over his words.

"Good, now let's go, Rinc." Lacee pulled at him, worried if she didn't get him out of there soon, he'd hurt the boss worse.

"You're lucky she is so forgiving," Rinc told Dan. "I'm not. So, if I ever hear of you even looking at a woman wrong, I'll hunt you down and finish this. You hear me?"

Dan shook his head in agreement and then fell to the floor as Rinc shoved him down.

Rinc took Lacee's hand in his and led her from the office. They didn't speak a word as they went down the stairs and out into the parking lot. It wasn't until they reached his truck that he finally spoke.

"Get in." He opened the passenger's side door.

"I have my own car over there," Lacee said.

"No, we're not doing this right now. Get in the truck and come with me." Rinc was obviously frustrated with her. "I can't worry about your safety while you run around town like everything is normal. Just get in and come stay with me."

"I'm not going with you." Lacee didn't like being told what to do by anyone. "Why are you even here? Why did you come into Dan's office like that? Are you stalking me?"

"I don't have time for this shit." Rinc looked around and she noticed a few co-workers were watching the commotion. "Stop making a scene."

"Me, making a scene?" Lacee chuckled sarcastically. "You just threw my boss around like a ragdoll for the whole office to hear. You probably broke a rib or two."

"Oh, what are you worried about that asshole now? Do you like him?"

"Now you're just being a jerk." She turned to go to her car, but he jumped in front of her.

"Look, I'm only trying to protect you." Rinc shrugged. "If that means that I have to break a few ribs and throw a few creeps away from you, I will."

The phone ringing in his pocket interrupted they're heated conversation. Rinc looked down at his phone and dismissed the call. Lacee sighed. Even though she wanted to head to her own car, her body was being pulled the opposite way to him. Rinc reached out and pulled her lips to his. The warmth of his tongue sent sparks down her body in all the right places.

They were in the middle of the parking lot, with plenty of eyes watching them on display, but when his lips were on hers it was as though only the two of them existed in a magical world of their own. She never wanted to part from him, her heart kept repeating that to her over and over as their kiss lingered. Only the vibration of his phone against her body disturbed the moment.

"Damn it." He cursed his phone. "I have to take this call."

Lacee nodded as she took a step back from him. She knew that she needed to get far away from him and his pack but being near him made her lose all common sense. Why did he make her mind jumbled with bad decisions and careless lust?

"What do you mean?" Rinc was questioning the person on the phone. "Where? Take her to the barn and wait for me. Don't tell anyone, you hear me?" His eyes focused on Lacee as he hung up the phone, and there was something she'd never seen in his glare, suspicion.

"I have to go," Lacee said as she started towards her car once more.

"You're not going anywhere." Rinc grabbed her hand to stop her. "Who's the half-breed?"

"Excuse me?" Lacee tried to pull from him, but he had a tight hold on her hand.

"The half-breed girl in your apartment? Who is she?" His words crushed her heart as she realized they now had her sister.