
Requital hope

Yibo is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turned against him. In order to avoid further suffering, he locks away his emotions and distances himself from the world. He's left a shell of his former self, struggling to get through life. He takes time away from his abusive life by traveling on a week-long school trip to collect his thoughts. His life is thrown into situations he could never have imagined. Zhan is a laid-back jock. He can appear aggressive and bossy, usually around his friends, though he has a heart and can be quite kind. His life is hectic and full of annoying people. His parents are inconsiderate, his friends are clingy and loud, and the rest of the school sucks up to him, which he doesn't receive well. He just wants to be left alone. After deceiving his clingy friends, he snuck away on the school trip, hoping he could finally get some peace. This trip would hold some surprises for him, and maybe even change his life. What future awaits these two? Are they destined for greatness or despair?

Daddysjewel · Người nổi tiếng
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59 Chs


I had begun getting very sleepy, feeling like I was about to drift off into an abyss. With tiredness taking over, I was not fully aware of my actions. My hands were soon caressing Zhan's sides. His sides were so silky and smooth that I was mentally moaning. I could feel him quivering under my touch. Soon after, my hands drifted to his shoulders. I worked my fingers at the knots in Zhan's neck and shoulders. I came to the sudden realization of what I'd been doing. My face lit up like a flare, blaring red. I was afraid of what he might do to me, but he dropped his head, groaning a little. He looked like he was fine with it, happy even. I guess he needed it, he did seem a bit stiff after all. I just hoped he wouldn't be mad at me later for doing what I did. I really wanted to continue but I felt the tiredness kicking in. The process came to a halt when I felt my eyes closing.

"Thanks Yibo." Zhan spoke quietly, turning his body towards me. My face flushed as I stayed silent. "I'm off to brush my teeth. Make yourself comfortable." He told me as he stood from the bed.

"I'm sleeping on your bed again?" I ask nervously, eying the handsome being towering above me. I would love nothing more, but I didn't want to make him feel like it was something he had to do.

"Only if you want to." He shrugged. "It would be better for both of us." He teased before heading into the bathroom. I gave him an apologetic smile. I suppose he's right. There was the possibility that my night terrors would kick in and wake Zhan. I really didn't want that. If he was really comfortable with me in the same bed as him then I would crash with him any time possible. I felt so comfortable with him last time. I felt safe, I felt guarded. It beat sleeping alone by miles. Even though I always keep up my guard I could feel it slipping with Zhan.

I fell asleep before Zhan returned to the room. I was just too darn tired. Today was a long day. I curled up on his sheets, smelling his scent. It was an unusual scent but one that I greatly liked.

When morning had arrived I pried my eyes open to the bright sun peeking through the trees and into the windows of the cabin. I crawled out of bed and while doing so noticed that I hadn't migrated over to Zhan this time. That was actually surprising. I normally latch onto anything warm while I'm sleeping. I guess I was so worn out yesterday that I was even too tired to move in my sleep.

I stood up slowly, trying not to make any noise or rock the bed too much. The first thing I did was sit on my bed and read. I finished up the fantasy novel I had been reading for awhile now. The story told of a man who did everything in his power to protect a village that wasn't even his. The people of the village cheered for him every time he returned victorious from battle. Until one day. He had been betrayed by the king, due to jealousy, and suddenly everyone turned against the man without question. Even after all he did for them. The village he worked so hard to protect eventually crumbled into nothing. Goblins, Dragons, Orcs, and many other creatures invaded. By that time the man had already left for another village.

I don't know, I just like stories like that. Of course, it did have a happy ending though. This one was one of my favorites, so I'll have to remember to place it on my favorite shelf when I get home.

The thought of home made me realize that there were only three days left on this trip. After that I would have to go back to being my fathers punching bag. Hopefully, Zhan continues talking to me. At the moment he is the only good thing in my life. He's like the light to guide me through the dark and lonely tunnel. I needed him. Not because I have romantic feelings for him, but because he's like a friend to me.

Groaning and rustling coming from across the room snapped me out of my thoughts. Zhan was waking up. He sat up and looked at me for a while, almost as if he wanted to say something. Of course, being the shy man that I am, I couldn't lay my eyes on him, since he was still shirtless.

Zhan finally stood from the bed and uttered "Morning." while giving me a warm smile. I shyly lifted my head to him, with a goofy half smile spread across my face. He left for the bathroom, probably getting ready for the day. Which was something I still hadn't done. I just couldn't leave that book alone for another second. Anticipating what would happen next was too much for me, I couldn't wait any longer. But now that it's finished I could get ready, well whenever Zhan finished anyway.

A few minutes passed and Zhan was returning to the room. I got off my bed and headed towards the bathroom. Suddenly Zhan shot his hands to the side, blocking the exit. I wondered what he was

doing. I turned my shy gaze to his face, only to see him wearing a completely serious look. I stopped in my tracks, getting a little scared. He looked down at me, straight into my eyes. I felt a lump form in my throat and shivers travel through my spine.

"I saw the cuts." He muttered.

"Huh?" I questioned. There was no way he knew about the cuts on my wrist. I always have them covered.

"The cuts. I saw the cuts on your wrists." He replied seriously, yet soft. How did he find out? "I saw it last night when you fell asleep. Your bands moved enough to expose them." He answered as if knowing what I was about to ask. I just took a few

steps back. Crap, this could really mess things up between us. He probably thinks of me as a fool, a loser. What if he becomes distant, now that he knows...

I didn't know what to do in that type of situation, so I found myself profusely apologizing. For various reasons. "I'm sorry." I choked. My mind and heart are racing. My anxiety was off the charts and I

began breaking down. "I'm sorry." I repeated, taking a step back every time Zhan took one forward. He eventually outpaced me and when he got close to me he did something that jarred my mind. Something I did not expect. He wrapped me in his large arms ever so gently. He held me in his warm embrace. I stiffened at first, but gradually melted from his heat. I place my hands on his chest, accepting the embrace. As my nose hit his chest that unusual, yet delightful smell engulfs my nose, putting me at ease.

He leaned his head next to my ear and whispered something. "Why are you apologizing?" I didn't reply. I just couldn't. The situation made my mind enter a constant flood of emotions.

"You know if you ever need someone to talk to know that I'll always be there." He continued to whisper. His voice sent shivers through my body. That was my first time ever hearing that sentence. I could feel my heart light up like a million candles.

"Whatever you're going through, know that it will eventually pass." He assured me as he rubbed my back. I could feel myself tearing up. It's been forever since I could just relax like this with someone. He isn't your typical jock. I let out little whimpers, staining his newly worn shirt with my tears. I felt bad for doing so but right now I just want to stay like this.

Moments passed and Zhan led me over to my bed. I sat down and regained my composure. Zhan disappeared for a while but came back sometime later with breakfast in hand. It seemed this time he'd gotten it from the buffet or food hall, with two cups of decaf coffee. He handed me the bag and as it hit my lap I could smell the wonderful food inside.

"Thank you...Zhan." I said with my gruffly voice, turning my shy gaze to the handsome being standing near the door. "For everything." I finished. A smile appeared on his face, almost lighting up the room.