
Requital hope

Yibo is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turned against him. In order to avoid further suffering, he locks away his emotions and distances himself from the world. He's left a shell of his former self, struggling to get through life. He takes time away from his abusive life by traveling on a week-long school trip to collect his thoughts. His life is thrown into situations he could never have imagined. Zhan is a laid-back jock. He can appear aggressive and bossy, usually around his friends, though he has a heart and can be quite kind. His life is hectic and full of annoying people. His parents are inconsiderate, his friends are clingy and loud, and the rest of the school sucks up to him, which he doesn't receive well. He just wants to be left alone. After deceiving his clingy friends, he snuck away on the school trip, hoping he could finally get some peace. This trip would hold some surprises for him, and maybe even change his life. What future awaits these two? Are they destined for greatness or despair?

Daddysjewel · Người nổi tiếng
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59 Chs


Yibo's Pov.

When I'd gotten back to my house my father was knocked out from overdrinking. He does that occasionally. Why do I have to be the one with the cliché story; The drunken abusive father, and myself as a timid loser, who's fallen for a hunk on the football team. Yet my life was so much more complex than that. I would love to have a life that is simple in trade for this complex, messed-up excuse of one. Anyway, back on topic, I used my fathers

unconsciousness to successfully sneak up to my room.

Zhan's Pov.

I was surprised when I found out that Yibo and Cindy were going to hang out in town today. I would've loved to go but I had football practice today, plus I would probably just end up being the third wheel anyway. Yibo might want to be alone with Cindy too now that I think about it. Could he have a crush on her? I couldn't help but feel jealous. Sigh, why am I even thinking about this anyway? It was an unexpected turn of events since Cindy hadn't said much to Yibo yesterday.

Even after shutting down my earlier thoughts I couldn't help but feel the loneliness churning in the pits of my stomach. It felt as if something was missing every time I was away from Yibo. Why does he affect me the way he does? I really don't understand it. That reminded me, my parents want to meet him. I would never bring him here to meet my parents unless it gave me the excuse of hanging out with him. So during school, I'll invite him over.

"Mom, I'm going to invite my friend over tomorrow, is that alright?" I asked, not caring for her answer as I head down the stairs, I would've invited him


"That would be wonderful, sweetie!" She yelled from the kitchen in response. I guess she was still looking forward to meeting him. As I entered the kitchen I noticed my mom finished dinner so I grabbed a plate and headed back to my room. We don't usually eat together, well I mean my parents do but me, my brother, and my sister doesn't unless it's a special occasion.

I scrolled through my phone checking for any notifications and searching the web. I eventually got up to brush my teeth and went to bed.

When I got to school the next day I made sure to ask Yibo if he wanted to come over.

"Yo,Yibo!" I yelled across the hall. He looked around trying to spot the source of my voice. He spotted me standing at the end of the hall and grew a quick smile.

"Are you free tonight?" I asked as I made my way to him.

"Uh. " He took a moment to think. "No, I'm free." He announced, giving me a curious look.

"Wanna come over to my house later today? My parents want to meet you." I asked hopefully. His mouth widened with surprise and he nodded. I mentally fist-pumped. I just wanted to hang out with him... alone. It always puts me in a great mood, of course, he seems to enjoy my company as well, at least I hope that's the case.

Soon enough I was bombarded with the presence of my friends. They clung to me like ornaments on a Christmas tree throughout the rest of school. Cindy however, was spending most of her time hanging around Yibo. I guess she took a liking to him.

A few classes went by and it was now lunch.

"Yibo, are we hanging out today?" She asked him as she ate her meal.

"Uh I'm going over to Zhan's later." He announced. Cindy's head immediately shot toward him, staring with an unreadable expression, then at me.

"Great, we can all go!" She suddenly proposed, with others ferociously agreeing with her. Yeah like hell they will.

"Nope." I declined, raising a hand.

"Why?" She asked innocently.

"I only planned on bringing Yibo over. My parents want to meet him, and if all of you came along it would make things too chaotic." I use it as an excuse. They sighed and went back to chatting and eating their food.

School eventually ended and I made my way to the parking lot, waiting for Yibo. A few minutes passed as I leaned up against my car scrolling through my phone. He finally showed, looking like a lost puppy as he strolled out the building and into the parking lot. He sighed a breath of relief when he spotted me across for him.

"Yo." I greeted, sending him a little smile. He continued approaching silently but his expression was enough to tell his mood, that being happy.

"Are you excited to meet my family?" I asked as I got off of the car and popped the driver's door open.

"Yeah." He nodded his head, opening the door to the passenger side.

"Well you shouldn't be." I warned, getting into the car and starting the engine. He shot his head my way wearing a questioning look.

"They're a little crazy." I clarify, which makes him release a breath of relief. I can't help but crack a smile at his reaction.

We drove a little while before reaching my house. I pulled into the driveway and stepped out. Yibo quickly followed behind. When his eyes landed on the garden he looked like he was in heaven. He gawked at the sight of the hedges and flower beds everywhere.

"I've never seen a man this into flowers before." I teased. He looked back at me with a pout.

"A man can like flowers." He retorted. folding his arms.

"My mom did all of this. She's a real flower lady." I explained as we continued down the path to my house while he admired the various flowers. "The yard was chaotic when she had all of the workers arranging the flowers." I chuckle.

"She did a good job. She must have a good sense of design." He complimented sweetly. He tensed a little as we got closer to the front door.

I placed my hand on the handle of the door and slowly twisted it, fearing for my parents' reaction. Poor Yibo.

"Dear, Zhan is home!" My mother yelled before I even set foot in the house. They hadn't spotted Yibo yet since he was standing behind me.

"Oh, perfect timing, your mother just finished dinner." He informed.

Yibo's pov.

When we arrived at Zhan's house I was left in awe. Their garden was absolutely beautiful. My inner self felt like frolicking through it.

"I've never seen a man this into flowers before." Zhan teased.

"A man can like flowers." I educated him, justifying my reaction. He responded with a chuckle.

When we finally made it up to the doorway I felt my nerves building. From what Zhan's been telling me they're a little on the crazy side, I just hope they receive me well.

"Dear. Zhan is home." I heard a woman speak. I assume it's his mother.

"Oh, perfect timing, your mother just finished dinner." A man spoke. This was his father.

Zhan just sighed and walked into the house with me following close behind.

"Oh my, who's this?" The woman asked.

"I told you I was bringing a friend over, this is him. Mom, Yibo, Yibo, This is my mother, Jia." Zhan introduced quickly with hand gestures.

"Please join us for dinner." Zhan's mother insisted, grabbing hold of my hands.

"Uh, sure if that's okay." I look between everyone studying them for answers. Zhan seemed happy with the idea, and Jia and Zhan's father seemed to be excited.

"Oh yes yes." She confirmed. "This way!" She leads us into the kitchen. It looked expensive with all of the smooth, bright wooden cabinets and counters spread along the walls. One average sized dining table sat near the window of the room.

Jia set the table with what I assumed was meatloaf and we gathered to eat.

"So, how did you meet my son?" Jia started excitedly.

"Mom, you already know the answer to that." Zhan sighed.

"I want to hear it from him." Jia said getting a little worked up. I couldn't help but smile at their little antics.

"It's okay, Zhan and I met at our cabin. I fell asleep on the bus and was late to the cabin so I arrived after him." I explained before taking a bite of the delicious-looking meatloaf sitting under me.

"Do you play for any sports teams at school?" Was the first question Zhan's father asked, who I found out his named Jang.

"No... I'm not that active." I answered cautiously, not wanting to disappoint him.

"Not everyone plays sports, honey." Jia informed him with a bit of sass.

"I know I know, I was just curious." He pouted at her.

"So what classes do you take in school?" She asked.

"Um, the basics I guess.' " I shrug. I realize later that they might not know what the basics are. We discussed school a while more before turning the subject to my hobbies and interests. Let's just say they were disappointed. I'm not the most exciting person to be honest. The conversation changed to Zhan. Jia pulled a book full of his baby photos off the wall and came over to my side of the table and proudly showed them off. It showed how much she and Jang Xiao cared for Zhan. He was groaning in frustration and embarrassment the whole time, making me chuckle. He looked cute as a baby, he still does now, to be honest. As we finished our dinner I saw a silhouette of a person disappearing from the top of the stairs. That's odd, I didn't know anyone else was here. We were about to get up from the table when Jia suddenly announced dessert.

"Oh, I'm stuffed." I chuckled a little. That meatloaf really packed my stomach. I couldn't eat another bite. It tasted amazing though!

"Nonsense!" She said, heading over to one of the counters. She brought what looked to be a pie over to the table. Even though I was packed it still looked delicious. The flaky, creamy, crust was easy on the eyes. She took a knife and cut a piece, allowing for a red jell to escape from the sides, I assume it's strawberry or cherry pie? I could almost feel my mouth watering, but at the same time my stomach was screaming for help. I was mentally groaning. Jia placed a slice on my plate followed by the others. I was too distracted by my aching stomach and the gorgeous pie that sat in front of me to hear anything that was being said around me. I took my fork and cut a bite-sized piece and slowly guided it to my mouth. It melted... IT MELTED I thought to myself as I slowly chewed it. The texture of the pie was unbelievable. The taste was beyond perfect, and with it brought back a rush of nostalgia.

"I made one of your favorites!" Grandma announced coming out of the kitchen with her backing mitts raised in the air. I knew what it was, as the whole house was captured by the amazing smell. She baked strawberry pie! I hopped off the couch and ran into the kitchen with Grandpa right behind me. She cut us slices and sat them in front of us. I didn't hesitate to dig in.

"Mmmm. " I moaned, wiggling in my seat. I was begging for more as soon as I started on my first piece. Grandma and Grandpa chuckled. Mom and dad were out on a date, so Grandma and Grandpa told them they would take care of me until they returned home.

Today was a bright sunny day. My grandparents and I played outside all day, well I was the one who did all the playing anyway, they just sat down watching me run around the yard. The smell of freshly cut grass from our neighbor's lawn never failed to make me happy. Grandma and Grandpa seemed to like the smell of it as well. They looked happy sitting together; smiling and laughing, which also helped to brighten my mood. Seeing other people happy made me happy. I was a cheerful boy. I continued running around the yard pretending I was a pirate terrorizing a town.

During the evening me and my father would sit on the deck of the house and watch the sunset while mom made dinner. We'd talk about an assortment of things. He'd tell me how great of a man I would

become, and how successful I would be when I grow up. Mom would come out and sit with us for a bit before we'd all head inside and eat dinner.

"Alright I'm heading up to my room." Zhan told his parents once we stood from the table.

"Okay sweetie." That was all I heard her say as I was being pulled out of the kitchen by Zhan.

My eyes lit up when we reached his room. His bed looks so soft and comfortable. His matching sheets and covers looked so inviting, I wanted to fall onto it. Zhan did just that, sinking into the covers with a

sigh of content.

"I'm packed." He said tiredly with a chuckle.

"Same. You're mom stuffed me like a horse." I giggle, watching him lying on the bed. His stomach rose as he let out a laugh.

"You see, that's how she is, she never takes no for an answer." He explained, frustrated.

"I think it's nice though." I said, gaining me an unreadable look from Zhan.

"Yeah, tell me that after you've spent eighteen years living with her." He shot back, unearthing more of my giggles. I wish I had parents like that, ones that would love me unconditionally, ones that would always be by my side and have my back.

Zhan pulled out his phone and started scrolling through it as usual.

"Come over here." He ordered, patting his bed. I tried to hide my excitement as I made my way over. Just as I sat down music began coming from somewhere. I searched the room with my eyes, looking for the source of the sound. I noticed a couple of Bluetooth speakers on both sides of his room. The song currently playing was one I'd never heard before, and let me say that I was impressed with his choice of music. To my surprise, Zhan did something I wanted to do but didn't have the courage to, he pulled me onto his bed, laying me beside him, with a husky chuckle escaping him. I could've sworn I'd fallen into a pit of lava, my skin changed its color like an exploding volcano. It probably wasn't that noticeable in the room's dull lighting, thankfully.

Since Zhan didn't mind me being on his bed I figured I'd just relax, I really wanted to make the most of the moment. I let myself sink into the soft covers, feeling the gentle breeze of the silent ceiling fan overhead. I closed my eyes, taking in the atmosphere. I never imagined being in Zhan's home... let alone his bed! It felt as if my luck was finally taking a turn, maybe I'm not as worthless as I thought, maybe it was just a point in my life that was meant to pass?

"I should probably take a shower." Zhan said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He scrunched his face after taking a whiff of his underarm, and I smiled.

"Make yourself at home by the way." That was all he said before waving and disappearing out the door. I didn't know what to do so I stood from the bed and walked up to the door to see if he was still nearby, he wasn't. It seemed he'd already made it to the bathroom. I was hoping he'd tell me what I'm allowed to do instead of setting me free in his home. I held onto both sides of the door releasing a small sigh. Just as I was about to turn around something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Someone was sitting on top of the stairs. I don't think it's either of his parents, could it be the person from earlier? I hesitantly made my way out the door to greet them.

"Uh, hi." I spoke, throwing up a small wave even though the person was facing away from me. They jumped in response and shot their heads towards me.

"Crap, you startled me... who are you anyway?" The boy demanded a response in an upset tone. He didn't look that much younger than me, maybe only by a couple of years.

"I'm one of Zhan's friends." I say almost sounding like a question while pointing towards the bathroom.

"Oh, of course you are." He scoffed before returning his eyes to his phone.

"Are you Zhan's brother?" I ask after a long pause. He resembled him, and they had similar habits.

"Clearly." He muttered. This confirmation got me curious though... Why wasn't he at dinner?

"Was there a reason you didn't join us for dinner?" I decided to ask, taking a seat next to him on the top stair. He just looked at me like I was crazy, but I found it kind of humorous. Even though he was a bit mean and grumpy I didn't feel threatened by him.

"What's with all of the questions?" He sighed, turning back to his phone again. Another long moment of silence swept the room before either of us spoke again.

"I wasn't invited." He grumbled quietly under his breath.

"You weren't invited?" I ask, trying to make sure I heard him correctly.

"That's what I said." He confirmed in a frustrated tone.

"Oh..... Why?" I ask, wanting to know more about the situation even though I was probably charting nosy territory right about now. He groaned at my question, obviously becoming annoyed.

"We don't usually eat together, unless it's on a special occasion. My parents sometimes get Zhan to eat with them but I'm never invited unless my sister is joining. They give him all of the attention, It's like Zhan is their favorite child. I don't know why it upsets me the way it does. but I just don't feel that... that important I guess." He explained, sighing. "And on top of all that everyone at school is always clinging to him while I'm just ignored. He added. He looked pretty down. I know how I feel though. That's how I felt for the past several years of my life.

"I know they love all of their children. I'm sure you're more important than you think." I tried reassuring him.

"Why is a total stranger trying to cheer me up? Better yet, why did I tell you any of that in the first place?" He said in a frustrated yet lighthearted manner. I just smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Now aren't you going to tell me your life story?" He asked seriously, turning his burning gaze to mine.

"Uh there isn't much to tell." I lied. He.definitely read me like an open book because his narrowed eyes were as thin as a blade.

"Yeah right. I can see it in your eyes." He stated

"N-no, really." I stutter, trying to convince him. I know I wasn't doing so well as my eyes were avoiding him. I sat up from the stairs and told him bye, trying to avoid the brewing conversation.

"Alright, whatever." He raised his hands before going back to his phone. It was kind of selfish of me but... but I just couldn't.