
Requital hope

Yibo is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turned against him. In order to avoid further suffering, he locks away his emotions and distances himself from the world. He's left a shell of his former self, struggling to get through life. He takes time away from his abusive life by traveling on a week-long school trip to collect his thoughts. His life is thrown into situations he could never have imagined. Zhan is a laid-back jock. He can appear aggressive and bossy, usually around his friends, though he has a heart and can be quite kind. His life is hectic and full of annoying people. His parents are inconsiderate, his friends are clingy and loud, and the rest of the school sucks up to him, which he doesn't receive well. He just wants to be left alone. After deceiving his clingy friends, he snuck away on the school trip, hoping he could finally get some peace. This trip would hold some surprises for him, and maybe even change his life. What future awaits these two? Are they destined for greatness or despair?

Daddysjewel · Người nổi tiếng
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59 Chs


Zhan's Pov.

It started getting a little late, so I decided to get ready for bed. I stayed shirtless, as it was far more comfortable sleeping. I wasn't sure if Yibo wouldn't be against it so I asked, "I hope it doesn't bother you if I sleep shirtless?." and to my delight, he shook his head.

"Alright, well, I'm going to bed. You can hop in anytime, just shut out the light." I say, getting ready to doze off.

"I-I'm heading to bed now too." He announced, making his way over.

"Oh, alright." I replied, lifting the covers for him. He shut off the light before crawling in next to me. The last couple of nights' sleep has been amazing. This was probably because of little Yibo.

I let out a sigh of relief as I relaxed into my pillow. "Night, dork." I teased.

"Night Xiao Sean Zhan". He fired back. I chuckled and jabbed him in the side in response, making him squirm a little. I just knew this would become a thing, him using my name to tease me... What have I gotten myself into?

And with that, we were off to sleep.

Yibo's Pov.

I woke up feeling warm... very warm. As my eyes adjusted, I realized I was pressed up against Zhan again. This time, I had a hand draped on his side and my head curled against his bare chest. He had an arm wrapped around my back, so this time I wouldn't go flying off the bed. He held me close and tight. I let out a string of weak whimpers as the situation was causing immense pleasure. My body was flushed from head to toe. My breathing grew hot and heavy, generating more heat between us. Zhan's body was so sticky from the heat that my arm was practically glued to him. I was very... turned on. I couldn't make him notice. I would've got out of his hold, but I didn't want to wake him, so instead, I shut my eyes and waited for him to wake.

After some time, Zhan woke up. He grunted a bit before leaning up on his elbow, with my hands peeling from his side like a band-aid. He towered over me with an attractive smile appearing on his lips.

"Morning." He muttered to me. I did not reply, still overtaken by his alluring appearance. I couldn't believe I slept cuddled up against such an amazing, handsome guy. It was almost as if I were dreaming. My life went from utter crap to a living wonderland in under a week.

I just laid there gawking up at him while he smirked at me.

"I'll make us something to eat." He announced, sliding out of bed. I watched as he disappeared into the bathroom.

I was still flustered and turned on, so I needed some time to cool down. I laid in bed a little longer as Zhan worked his magic in the kitchen. After taking my much-needed time, I got out of bed and prepared for the day, still thinking about this morning. Zhan seemed like he didn't mind me sleeping next to him. He always seems so happy. It was reassuring.

Once I got myself ready for the day, I headed towards the kitchen to see what Zhan was preparing for breakfast. On my way there, the front door opened, revealing an instructor.

Mornin' He said, letting himself in.

"M-morning." I mutter in reply.

"Something smells good in here. What's for breakfast?" He asked, strutting into the kitchen.

"Wanna join us?" Zhan asked, smiling at the man.

"Nah, I have my work cut out for me. Thanks for the offer, though." He replied.

"Oh, alright." Zhan said, returning to the food.

"Well, since you boys are accounted for, I guess I should move on to the next cabin. See ya!" He said, heading for the front door. "OH, right, one last thing. The last activity for this trip will be held tomorrow at three-pm. Make sure to meet at the center of the park." He informed us, before shutting the door on his way out. I don't understand why they don't just use announcement speakers for this sort of thing. I suppose this way might be more effective, though. With that thought, I sat at the table waiting for breakfast. I realized Zhan had never told us what he was making, so I asked.

"What are you making?" I ask in a tone softer than I intended.

"Just a small pot of grits and some eggs." He answered, sending a smile my way. My cheeks reddened as I watched him cook. Moments later, the food was finished. He grabbed two plates and served one for me and him. He made his way to the table and placed a plate in front of me. As he did so, his body was in clear view. The red shirt that he wore hugged his lean torso, revealing his toned pecs and tight abs. My face heated at the sight. I was snapped out of my daze as I saw him pouring a glass of orange juice. I couldn't help but smile. He remembered I liked it the last time. I also felt a kind of bad. I was rude to him that time, even after he'd just made me breakfast.

"Thanks for breakfast, again. I'm sorry if it's any trouble." I apologize, grabbing the fork from my plate.

"It's fine man. I need to eat, too." He chuckled. A quick half smile tugged at my face before I dug into the food. Gosh, it was delicious. The orange juice was the perfect touch for the meal.

"Got any plans today?" He asked, holding the back of his hand to his mouth, still chewing his food.

Did I? I don't think I thought of anything besides reading. "No, not really." "Great, let's scour the park for something fun to do." He suggested.

"You really want to hang out with me again?" I ask, sort of in disbelief.

"Yeah... why is there a problem?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes at me.

"N-No! It's just... I wasn't sure if you wanted to. " I replied, hesitant. "I just don't want you to feel you have to..."

He reached over and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry dude, I enjoy hanging with you." He said with a gentle smile. My heart was ready to burst. I smiled back. Happy at his response.

We enjoyed the rest of our breakfast and headed out the door. We walked around looking for something fun to do while we exchanged a few words. He asked me what kind of movies I was into. I don't really know, to be honest. It's been a while since I last saw a movie. I know I used to be in horror and action. He didn't believe me when I told him. I guess he figured I was the drama romance kind of guy. I'm into romance, but for movies, I prefer stuff that's a little out there. Maybe fantasy, action?