
Requital hope

Yibo is a boy who loves affection. He's usually quite peppy and excitable, but everything in life has turned against him. In order to avoid further suffering, he locks away his emotions and distances himself from the world. He's left a shell of his former self, struggling to get through life. He takes time away from his abusive life by traveling on a week-long school trip to collect his thoughts. His life is thrown into situations he could never have imagined. Zhan is a laid-back jock. He can appear aggressive and bossy, usually around his friends, though he has a heart and can be quite kind. His life is hectic and full of annoying people. His parents are inconsiderate, his friends are clingy and loud, and the rest of the school sucks up to him, which he doesn't receive well. He just wants to be left alone. After deceiving his clingy friends, he snuck away on the school trip, hoping he could finally get some peace. This trip would hold some surprises for him, and maybe even change his life. What future awaits these two? Are they destined for greatness or despair?

Daddysjewel · Người nổi tiếng
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59 Chs


"Do you love him?" She asked.

"O-of course. More than you could ever know!" I answered.

She smiled. "That's good to know."

"Y-you're okay with it?"

"I'm okay with it. Does that matter though? If you two are happy together then that should be enough." She said, offering another smile. "I can tell Zhan's happy being with you. As I said earlier, he acts much differently around you than when he's around anyone else." I couldn't hide the blush creeping onto my face.

Just as the conversation ended loud noises started coming from a couple of isles over. It sounded like people shouting.

"Ooh, I love drama." Yanli said excitedly, clapping her hands. Before I knew it she was on her way to the isle with the source of the noise.

I was surprised by the person that stood there in front of us. It was Sarah. It seemed as if she and another girl, one I've seen around school were in a fight.

"I'm not telling you again, I won't pay for that." Sarah yelled, clearly upset.

"You break it, you pay for it." The girl responded in a snooty tone.

"YOU bumped into ME!" Sarah yelled, using hand gestures.

"You're a lying bitch" The girl huffed, flicking her head away from Sarah. Sarah scoffed at her. Their heated argument was drawing a lot of attention, it even pulled Xichen out of the woodwork.

One of the workers came over. "What's the

problem here? If you two don't settle down we're going to have to throw you Out."

"This asshole wasn't watching where she was walking and bumped into me, dropping a load of crap on the floor. Now she wants me to pay for it." Sarah boiled "I have a car to pay off. I can't afford to spend it on some rich chick."

"Ooh, I like that spunk." Yanli came waltzing into the fray. "Look, I can pay for all the damaged goods, so you girls can be on your way." She told them as she pulled out her wallet. She handed two-hundred dollar bills to the worker trying to break up the fight. He nodded and walked off. Sarah and the other girl studied Yanli closely, wearing looks of suspicion. The moment she looked this way our eyes locked.

"Yibo?" She said my name, confused.

"Hey Sarah." I tossed a little wave. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Neither did I." She raised her brows. "My parents forced me to head to the store in their stead. I'm trying to get it done early so I have spare time."

"Why are you shopping all the way out here?" Xichen questioned, popping out of the dissipating crowd.

"I live in the area, idiot." She rolled her eyes.

Xichen shrugged at Sarah's hostility. "Right."

"You guys are friends?" Yanli asked, very confused. Xichen nodded.

"We're going to see a movie, you have to tag along!" She implored.

"I left work early so I could have some free time after all of this.. maid labor, so I'll pass." Sarah declined her offer.

"Don't be that way, we're all friends, right." Yanli pressed, taking hold of Sarah's hands. Sarah looked up at me wearing a look of distress. I just smiled at her, there was no denying Yanli what she wanted.

Sarah pondered for a moment. "Well.. I do technically owe you for earlier." She gave in. "Alright."

Just then I felt a hand land on my back. I quickly snapped my head back to see Zhan, a soft smile resting on his face.

"Where's my drink?" He asked, staring at Yanli. She looked back for a split second, placing the now empty cup in his hands. He looked down to the cup and back to her with scrunched brows.

"Did you-" Zhan started, only to be interrupted by Yanli.

"This girl's coming with us to the movies. She said, completely ignoring Zhan. He gave up.

"I didn't know you were here." Zhan said in surprise.

"Yeah, well, I am." Sarah looked off to the side.

Sarah followed us as we finished the rest of our shopping. We all walked off to the large illuminated movie theater after dropping the groceries off in the car.

Yanli and Xichen were just as hyper as ever, joking around. Zhan's energy was zapped. He was beginning to look like a zombie in the presence of Yanli. The only time those two settled down was when they were seated in the theater, though there were still occasional whispers throughout the movie. I made sure to grab the seat next to Zhan. I wanted to be as close to him as possible. It seemed he wanted the same because when the lights dimmed he took hold of my hand.

I enjoyed the movie despite being distracted by Zhan caressing my hand half the time. We decided on which movie we were going to watch at the last second, so I was pleased with our choice.

After the movie, we all hung out outside the theater and talked until Sarah had to head home. She opened up during the twenty minutes of conversation. She told us about the crash she had a while back, and how her parents are making her pay off the car that she and her brother totaled. They became a lot more strict with her after the incident. That's the reason they have her doing so much labor.

The car ride back home was dead silent, which was odd since Yanli was in the car and all. I guess she wore herself out. She was also the only one drinking alcohol, which I found funny as she kept insisting on being the one to drive home.

"How was it?" Jia questioned as we walked through the front door.

"It was fine." Zhan responded with a half smile crossing his face, dropping the bags onto the living room coffee table.

"It was rad." Xichen answered with a beaming smile.

"I second that." Yanli mumbled under her sleep, making Jia giggle.

"Well I'm glad you kids had fun." She said

before heading to the kitchen to check on


Zhan, Xichen, and I flocked to the living room and took over the TV while Jang and Yanli talked about politics and other stuff I had no interest in.

"Jang and I were just about to eat, are you guys hungry?" Jia asked, looking between us.

"Yeah. I didn't eat much while we were out." Xichen answered, walking towards the kitchen.

"I will have some too if that's okay." I replied, trying not to be too forward.

"Sure you will." Jia chuckled as she placed a hand on my shoulder. As she was guiding me to the kitchen she looked over her shoulders before asking Yanli and Zhan if they were hungry.

"No but I'll join you guys." Zhan replied, following behind us.

"Yeah, same." Yanli softly groaned.

We all took a seat at the table despite some

of us not being hungry. It made the place feel more homely having everyone together like this. Xichen and I discussed his interest in returning to sports. I could tell this change was heavily driven by the fact that the family started giving him the attention he needed. It surprised me how much he changed. Not long ago he could've been mistaken for a dim, feint light. Now he shines bright like the sun, albeit he still has his moody, sassy moments.

Tuning out of my thoughts my attention locked onto the current table topic. "Our anniversary is soon." Jia reminded Jang.

"I'll have to take you somewhere special." He smiled, taking her hands into his.

"Speaking of love," Yanli started, turning her attention to me. "I didn't know you two were an item."

A loud silence captured the room, suddenly making it feel haunted. Every pair of eyes in the room landed on Zhan and me. Not a single sound was made other than the one from Jia's form being set on the table. I was still trying to figure out if Yanli said that aloud. My heart in a race, sweat building upon my shaking skin, I panicked. I didn't know whether to run for the hills or sit and be slaughtered like a chicken.

Jia glanced back and forth between Yanli and Zhan. Yanli's expression was flat for a while until she realized what was going on.

"Shit, was it a secret?" She sat forward, a look of worry crossing her face. I looked at Zhan with pure horror. He seemed confused, probably because Yanli was the one who outed

"Is there something you're not telling us, son?" Jang raised a brow.

Zhan's pov.

"Yibo, head to my room." I ordered. After a moment of hesitation, he removed himself from the table, looking like a worried puppy. He walked off and headed up the stairs.

The moment he disappeared from sight Mom spoke. "Will someone please explain what's going on?!"

I turned a sharp glare to Yanli. She leaned

back shrugging. "It's true." I confirmed. "Yibo and I are dating." Mom's expression was unreadable, and Dad looked confused.

"Why did you keep this from us?" Mom asked, the tone of her voice heartbroken.

"I... We didn't keep this from you. We just never got around to telling you." I sighed

holding my head.

"Look, if you two aren't pleased with my decision that's too bad. I love Yibo with all my heart and I'll never leave his side." I told them in an overly serious tone.

"Th-that's not it. I'm happy for you two, sweetie." Mom said, reaching across the table for my hand.

"What?" I questioned, wondering if I was

hearing her wrong.

"When he opened up to me I realized how big of a crush he had on you, so, to see that both of you got what you truly long for makes me happy to no end." She assured me by brushing her thumb over the back of my hand. "I just wish you didn't feel the need to keep it from us." She offered a smile, but I could tell she was hurt.

"Sorry mom... sorry dad, I just..... I just didn't think you would've been okay with it. As annoying as you guys are, I didn't want you to be disappointed in me. Especially if it complicates things for me and Yibo." I explained. Mom started getting all emotional, both happy and sad. I could certainly tell the look on my father's face was one of disappointment. He just sat there and nodded. I could understand any disappointment they have for me, but I made it clear to them that I was going to be my own man, and make my own choices.

"So you're gay?" My father asked, his voice low.

"I'm bi I suppose." I clarified.

"I may not understand it, but know that I'll always support you." It was his turn to offer a smile.

"There's nothing hard to understand here. If two people are in love that should be enough explanation. Love is love, regardless of gender." Yanli chimed in. Even though I didn't give a rat's ass what she thought it was nice to know she understood

"I've been with several chicks before, but none have captured my heart, not like Yibo has." I reminisced, letting a smile grow on my face. "Everything about him just makes me feel so... happy. When he lets his shield down he's the funniest, goofy and charming person ever. It makes my heart feel light. Even when he's sad, my heart longs to be by his side, I want to be there for him with every passing moment." I continued. My father looked over to my mother and pinched her cheek. With the face-splitting grin capturing her appearance I could tell how much they were in love.

"I think I do understand it." He said, looking back at me.

"Enough with all of this mushy stuff, I want to enjoy my dinner." Yanli whined. I could tell she was happy to see our parents getting along though, and Xichen too.

"You've been quiet this whole time, what's your take on this?" I tilted my head sideways to ask Xichen.

"I could tell there was something between you two." He smirked. "I just never thought you would become a thing." He chuckled. I just smiled.

"It doesn't matter what I think though, or any of us for that matter. You wouldn't care either way." He jabbed.

"Exactly." I replied with a breathy laugh.

"Go, be with him, I'm sure he's worried. Mom said, brushing me away with a hand gesture. I didn't want anything more than that. I stood up from my seat and strode off to my room. I waited a moment as my hand rested on the handle. I twisted the knob and walked in. Yibo stood by the window, staring off at the stars. He quickly turned when he heard my presence.

"What happened?" He asked nervously as he made his way to me. "Is everything all right?"

I placed my hands against his soft cheeks.

"Everything is fine. They took it well."

"This was my fault." He lowered his head. I didn't know what he meant by that but I knew whatever it was he was probably falsely blaming himself. I assured him he did no wrong.

"I told Yanli that we were together. Well, she kinda found out, b-but I couldn't deny it." He explained. Well then, in that case she's more so in the wrong than he is.

"To be honest, I'm glad. Now that this is all over we can finally be together without any barriers or roadblocks. I can show my affection for you anywhere I please." I told him, placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Boo, I want to be by your side forever, if you'll allow me." I said to him, and a sparkle of light flashed in his eyes.

"I want nothing more." He replied happily. As I trailed down his face I could see it beginning to flush a bright red. I closed the distance between us, pulling his waist to mine. Our lips worked together with perfect motion. He placed his hands against my chest, grabbing my shirt to hold himself up on his tiptoes. I lowered my head giving him easier access. The kiss continued even as we shifted toward the bed. He pulled me down with him, making me topple over on his small frame. His giggle as our bodies collided made me go straight back to kissing his lips. His small, quiet moans sent chills down my spine. His moans increased when I trailed both of my hands under his shirt, connecting with his soft warm skin. I worked my hands up his slender body, pulling his shirt with them. He reached his arms out allowing me to pull it over his head. His soft brown hair bounced atop his head, escaping the shirt's collar. His skin looked so pure under the moon's light. After admiring his beauty for a moment I leaned in and started kissing his neck. He leaned into my touch, inaudible moans escaping his lips. He reached for the bottom of my shirt, trying to lift it as I did his.

"Well, someone's feisty." I teased with a smug grin.

"I-I'm, sorry" He apologized. "Was that too direct? I'm not used to this..." He said, worry capturing his tone.

"No, it actually turns me on." I grinned, returning to his lips. He melted under my touch as my hand connected with his cheek, giving me a sense of control and dominance. We continued for quite a while. I didn't think it was possible but tonight made me fall for Yibo even more than I already had. I just wanted to hold and protect him in my arms forever.

After the exhaustion kicked in Yibo snuggled against my chest and fell asleep. While doing so I brushed my hand through the locks of his smooth brown hair. I felt his warm breaths against my skin as he rested there peacefully.