
Requiem: When They Fall

In the tranquil town of Kamihara, Akira Shu carries the weight of a sorrow-laden past. Haunted by the disappearance of his beloved sister, Eiko, who was claimed by a mysterious dungeon, Akira's life takes a somber turn. The looming dungeons, portals to a realm of monsters and mysteries, cast a shadow over the town. As Akira grapples with his grief, he finds himself drawn to one particular dungeon, standing on the precipice of the unknown. With determination and a vow to uncover the truth, Akira embarks on a journey that will lead him to confront not only the enigmatic dungeons but also the deepest recesses of his own sorrow. "Requiem: When They Fall" is a tale of loss, resilience, and the unwavering bonds that transcend time and space. As Akira steps into the shadows, he seeks to rewrite the requiem of his life, to find solace, redemption, and answers amidst the mysteries that dwell within the dungeons.

sushifishpirate · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Unyielding Light

As the echoes faded, a strange sensation washed over Akira. A soft, silver light emanated from his chest, casting a gentle glow in the darkened chamber. With newfound determination, he pushed himself upright, his limbs aglow with an otherworldly radiance.

With a burst of speed that seemed almost unreal, Akira charged towards the ogre. Mika, recognizing the surge of power within him, focused her mage abilities, amplifying his strength and agility. The air seemed to hum with raw energy as he closed the distance.

With a resounding strike, Akira's glowing hand connected with the ogre's weapon. The impact was thunderous, sending shockwaves through the chamber. The ogre staggered, its grip on the mana-forged axe faltering.

Enraged, the ogre roared, a sound that seemed to reverberate through the very stones of the dungeon. With a final surge of strength, it slammed its weapon into the ground. The force of the blow sent shockwaves rippling through the chamber, causing the ground to shudder and crack.

Akira, empowered by the newfound light within him, reacted with lightning reflexes. He danced through the tremors, avoiding the splintering ground. His movements were a blur, a testament to the enhanced speed granted by Mika's mage abilities.

The ogre, now weaponless, turned to face Akira with a mix of fury and disbelief. It was a battle of wills and strengths, an otherworldly force against a monstrous might.

The chamber itself seemed to hold its breath, the air charged with tension. Each heartbeat echoed in the silence that followed, the combatants locked in a primal struggle.

With a guttural roar, the ogre summoned its remaining mana, shaping it into a massive, jagged axe formed of solid stone. It swung the formidable weapon towards Akira, a desperate final gambit.

Akira's senses surged with a newfound clarity. With a deft movement, he sidestepped the oncoming blow, narrowly avoiding the devastating strike. The stone-like axe embedded itself into the chamber floor, sending shards of stone scattering.

In that moment, time seemed to slow. The ogre, vulnerable and off-balance, presented an opportunity. Akira, his movements guided by the pulsing light within him, surged forward.

With a swift, precise strike, he delivered a powerful blow to the ogre's side. The impact resonated, sending shockwaves through the creature's form. The ogre let out a roar of anguish, its monstrous frame quaking.

As the dust settled, Akira remained poised, his glowing form a beacon of determination. The ogre, wounded and weakened, regarded him with newfound wariness.

With a final surge of strength, Akira summoned the radiant energy within him. A blinding flash of silver light filled the chamber, bathing the scene in brilliance.

When the radiance cleared, the ogre's form had crumbled, dissipating into silvery mist. Akira stood victorious, the glow around him slowly fading.

To be continued...