
Requiem Rising: Chronicles of the Damned

"Aftermath" delves into a world ravaged by a sudden and catastrophic zombie outbreak. The story follows Kazuki Hayashi, an ordinary high school student who finds himself trapped within the walls of his school when the apocalypse unfolds. With survival as his only goal, Kazuki must navigate through hordes of the undead, uncover the cause of the outbreak, and find a way to escape the crumbling sanctuary that was once his school.

Nanashi_Usui · Kinh dị ma quái
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10 Chs

A Fractured Alliance

Armed with the knowledge of the lab's sinister experiments, our group emerged from the depths of the laboratory, hearts heavy with a newfound sense of purpose. We had seen the depths of humanity's capacity for cruelty, and we were resolved to seek justice for the innocent lives lost to this abomination.

As we returned to the survivor stronghold, we found the once unified community divided. Whispers of doubt and suspicion rippled through the crowd, and the cracks in our alliance became more apparent. The revelation of the lab's involvement had shaken the foundation of trust we had painstakingly rebuilt.

Some among us advocated for a swift and forceful response, eager to exact revenge upon those responsible for the horrors we had endured. Others urged caution, warning against rash actions that could endanger the lives of our group and the fragile semblance of stability we had achieved.

Caught in the midst of this turmoil, David's leadership was tested like never before. He tirelessly sought to bridge the divide, to find a path that would lead us toward justice without sacrificing our unity. With each impassioned plea, he reminded us of the importance of our collective strength, emphasizing that only by standing together could we hope to overcome the darkness that threatened to consume us.

In a desperate bid to heal the fractures within our alliance, David proposed a plan—a risky expedition to gather more evidence, to expose the truth to the wider world, and to rally others to our cause. It was a dangerous gambit, but one that held the potential to unite our shattered community under a common purpose.

Under the cover of darkness, we set out on our mission. The city, cloaked in an eerie silence, seemed to hold its breath as we moved with caution through its desolate streets. Fear clung to the air, whispering doubts in our ears, but we pushed forward, driven by the need to unveil the depths of humanity's depravity.

As we gathered evidence from the abandoned research facilities scattered throughout the city, a growing sense of urgency enveloped us. Time was no longer a luxury we could afford. The undead, an ever-present threat, lurked at every turn, reminding us that the world outside our sanctuary remained in the grip of chaos.

It was during one such search for evidence that tragedy struck. Our group was ambushed by a horde of relentless undead, their insatiable hunger overpowering our defenses. In the chaos that ensued, one of our own, Emma, was bitten. The realization of her impending transformation sent shockwaves through our ranks, ripping open wounds that had barely begun to heal.

Grief-stricken and filled with sorrow, we made the agonizing decision to part ways with Emma, knowing that her fate was sealed. We mourned her loss even as we pressed forward, her memory fueling our determination to succeed—to ensure that her sacrifice would not be in vain.

Chapter 6 marked a turning point, not only in our quest for justice but in our understanding of the fragility of our alliance. The road ahead seemed treacherous, littered with obstacles both physical and emotional. Yet, we remained resolute, clinging to the belief that our shared purpose, and the memory of those we had lost, would guide us through the darkest of times. United in grief and driven by a burning desire for truth and redemption, we pushed forward, determined to expose the horrors of the lab and reclaim our shattered world.