
25. Promises(2)

His empathy was perhaps the characteristic that Lincoln valued the most about himself. However, you didn't need to be very perceptive or know Lisa as much as much as he did to understand that this girl was desperate. She had put upon his shoulders the responsibility of curing a terminal disease to save her brother. A responsibility much too large and much too heavy for her to bare.

"Hey. Look at me," he said, his words softly reaching her just as his hands travelled up her neck up until they rested on her cheeks, lifting up her chin so she would look at him. "If you fail to save me, that doesn't turn you into a failure. It only means you're human, and that you can't control everything, no matter how good you are. But you still have time to spend with me and create as many new, pretty memories as we can."

She placed a hand over his knuckles, closing her eyes to control her emotions.

"I can't allow myself to lose you, Lincoln. I need time. I can f-fix this, I have to. I-I… I just need…" Her eyes opened wide and lighted up, as if the proverbial light bulb had turned on inside her head instead of over it. "Cryogenesis! Lincoln, there may be a possibility! W-We can freeze you, preserve your body and mind, and give me all the time I need to find a cure! It m-might take me years, but I c-can do it! I'll f-f-figure this out someday! I'll wake you up when I have the cure, I'll save you, and everything will be back to normal!"

She was trying to smile at him, but the gesture was as forced as it was heartbreaking.


"We can do this… I cure you…"

Taking advantage of his superior size and strength, he took her in his arms and pulled her in to hug her, burying her face in the crook of his shoulder.

"I would rather have you rest and keep me company."

"N-N-No… I can't… I don't want to… Lincoln…"


"Y-You… I… I t-tried! I t-t-tried!

"I know."

"I'm sorry!" She lamented, her voice all broken and unrecognizable. "I'm sorry! Lincoln, I'm sorry! I tried! I c-couldn't save you! I… I can't!"

The rain kept falling over Royal Woods. The strong winds never stopped shaking the trees. The Sun remained hidden behind the thick, dark clouds, falling past the horizon with no one to see it. The world kept spinning, but nothing was ever the same again for the two siblings that, isolated from everything and everyone by a thick, metal curtain, bid farewell to the remaining hope that was left in their hearts. Bonding in a hug stronger than any force of nature, brother and sister finally stopped looking at the future that could be, and started to focus on the present that was.

Their family, understandably worried, showed their unity and solidarity when the lab doors finally opened and Lincoln and Lisa came out into the hall. Any type of punishment, anger or complaint died instantly. Once the scare had passed, no one could really blame Lisa. The adults and some of the insightful girls managed to understand what the scientist had been trying to do. The general mood of the house, which had seemed to be slowly improving, took a new huge drop. Everyone stayed in the hallway, not knowing how to react, casting sad looks at the way Lincoln was carrying a silently weeping Lisa. Lynn Sr was the first one to break the monotony, announcing that he would be heading back to the kitchen to keep working on their dinner. He asked his father-in-law and Myrtle if they were staying, and they both accepted.

It was Myrtle, actually, who came to the rescue, clearing her throat, giving one little clap in the air to get everyone's attention, and putting out her best smile in the face of adversity.

"So, Scoots and the other mummies from the retirement center were talking about how today there would be a repeat of the season finale of The Dream Boat. What do you say if we all go to the living room to check it out?"

Little smiles were planted on all the girl's faces, but they all turned to look at Lincoln, letting him know that he would have the final say in the matter.

"Yeah, sure," he said, wiping his nose and cheeks with his forearm before smiling as well. "I've seen it three times since it premiered, and I still cry every time Karen finally meets again with James!"

"I literally love when best friends turn into lovers," said Lori, her hands pressing together over her heart.

"He still had the letter he wrote her on fifth grade!" Squealed Leni, hugging Luna.

With all the girls speaking about how romantic the season finale had been, the whole family went down to the living room and took their position on the couch. Lincoln was in the middle, with Lily and Lisa sharing the spots on his lap. The twins were snuggling against either side of him. Lynn and Lucy sat to his right, Leni and Lori to his left, and Luna and Luan stayed on their feet against the back of the couch, right over his head.

At first, everyone seemed to be fighting to be as close to his body as physically possible, squeezing him to the point where it became almost painful, but as soon as the iconic opening began, they all relaxed, and they were able to enjoy this masterpiece of a TV episode.

Lincoln realized that he would never be able to truly forget that he was close to dying. The memory would always be present on his mind, a looming shadow covering everything that he experienced. Little moments or insignificant scenes would trigger a thought of all the things he would never get to experience, and everything he'd miss. It was impossible to escape Damocles' sword, hanging over his head, threatening to fall at any second, but he figured out that while he was surrounding by his loved ones, hearing their laughs, their complaints, their squeaks every time the attractive red-haired actor that played as James appeared on scene… Well, his life wouldn't be a long one, but he had lived it surrounded by the best people in the world. It wasn't a consolation in itself… but it was a nice thought that let him enjoy all the small things.

The call to dinner came just as the captain of the boat took the steering wheel and told Karen that he understood, that he would love her forever, but he knew her heart belonged with James, and he would understand if she decided to leave the Dream Boat to stay in the Sicilian coast with her soul mate. Gosh, the captain was the underrated hero of the story, Lincoln thought. Despite Lynn Sr's calls, the whole family, including Rita and the grandparents, stayed there until the camera showed Karen and James, sharing their kiss, with the sunset framing their silhouettes, and the luxurious cruise going away in the distance, looking for new people to make their dreams come true. There was a round of applause, and then everyone went to the table, grabbing some napkins to wipe the tears away from their eyes. Happy tears, this time.

"Oh, Lynn, this looks wonderful!" Gran-Gran congratulated him, admiring the feast in front of them, with all the different dishes that he had prepared to satisfy everyone's taste buds.

"I'm still convinced that Rita married him just so she wouldn't have to cook herself," Albert said with a smile, soon receiving a piece of baguette to the head, courtesy of his daughter.

"Dad's the best cook in the world," Lana assured them all, tasting her food and letting out a delighted "Mmmh!".

"Hard to argue with that," admitted mom, her voice raspy just like it had been for the past few days, right before giving her husband a sweet kiss on his left cheek.

Lynn Sr smiled, but his eyes quickly dropped to his plate, staying there for some long minutes, without anyone noticing it. Lily seemed to be the only one that, sitting next to him, was trying to get his attention so he would give her part of his food. Luan, noticing the infant to her left, was the first one to realize the change in his behavior.

"Uh, dad? Are you okay? You've barely touched your Lynnsotto."

Naturally, the comment drew the attention of the whole table, and all eyes were set on the man sitting at the headboard. He sighed and put his silverware aside, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath before looking up.

"I… have an announcement to make. I think I made a decision, but I need to run it by you guys."

He waited for a few seconds, surreptitiously biting his lower lip, and drumming the table with his fingers.

"I think… I'm going to quit my job," he announced.

Everyone exchanged surprised and slightly worried looks. Lincoln tried to find answers with his sisters, but neither Lynn, Luna or Lucy seemed to have any idea of what was going on.

"But… I thought that you liked being in your company and stuff," Leni said, scratching her chin with her fork, which still had a couple of meatballs in them.

"I love the place, and I have a lot of friends in there," Lynn conceded, giving a napkin to his second eldest daughter so she could wipe her chin. "But… I mean, the payout is nothing to write home about, honestly. It's not like it's impossible to find a replacement for it."

"And why do you want to quit, honey? Is there something else you're hoping to get?"

"I'm content there, but it's not what makes me happy. I sort of just got this job out of the blue, but it's not what I want for my life. And… well… Let's just say I'm understanding now that there shouldn't be excuses for us to not chase after our dreams and what makes us happy. And I've always had this dream… but I let conformity and the routine to stop me. I wasn't brave enough to fight for what I wanted, but I couldn't forgive myself if I at least didn't try it."

His eyes were trying their hardest to stay fixed on the table below him, but he couldn't avoid them looking into his son's direction for a brief moment.

"I know that leaving my current job for a dream doesn't guarantee anything, and it's a big risk. And believe me, I'm not planning on earning less than I do right now, nor do I want your lives to be affected by my decisions. So, if you think this is foolish, or unpractical… If only one of you tells me not to do this, that will be enough to end this crazy fantasy. Just say it and I'll drop it."

"But what's your dream?" Luna asked, leaning forward into the table.

A tiny small spread across his face.

"Becoming a professional chef," he confessed. "To work in a kitchen, preparing the dishes that will accompany the most important moments in people's lives. I want them to remember with a smile what they ate on their first dates, their anniversary dinners, their birthdays, their children's birthday, the day they finished college and went out to celebrate with friends. I know some places that are looking for chefs. I could start there. I know I can impress the owners, and I can deal with the pressure of preparing many meals in a short time. That's my dream: to start there, small, and maybe someday open my own restaurant. Cooking is what I love the most, and I would love to be able to make a living out of it. But I know it's an unconventional dream, certainly not as interesting as working in a computer company, so I understand if you-"

The cries of happiness and support didn't let him finish. It was hard to concentrate on what each of his children told him, but judging by their smiles, thumbs ups and the general joy of their voices, he could get an idea of the general message.

Lincoln was certainly radiating joy. He had always believed that his father had the full potential to become a chef. His food was appreciated and praised by everyone. Most importantly, he could see how happy his dad looked every time he was cooking. It wasn't unusual to see him singing alone in the kitchen, dancing while he was kneading the dough. It was clear that his passion resided there, and to hear that he was willing to fight to fulfill his dream conveyed a great sense of inspiration and happiness to Lincoln. He encouraged him, telling him that it sounded wonderful, and that he had his full support.

The only little speck that stained his happiness was the thought that he wouldn't be alive to see his father opening his own restaurant.

A little after dinner was over, Pop-Pop and Myrtle announced that they were to return to the retirement center. They had Sue's special permission to come back as late as they wanted, but they were tired, and as cozy as the Loud house was, it didn't have extra mattresses. With strong hugs and promises of coming back the next day to be with him, the grandparents said goodbye to Lincoln and the girls. The eleven children went back to the TV to see some romantic comedy on their favorite streaming service.

They were sitting there, laughing out loud at a guy being chased by a goat wearing a bra on her head, when Lisa surprised everyone.

"Lincoln, I would like to bunk with you tonight," she said, loud enough for everyone else to hear.

The laughter died immediately, and all the serious faces focused on the boy and the little scientist. He could feel the tension rising in the room as the silence stretched for a very uncomfortable period of time, and he wondered how he could get away from the mess his little sister had just unwillingly put him in.

"Uh, sorry, but tonight's my turn," Lola said, trying to sound friendly, but with a tone in her voice that made it clear that she wasn't about to negotiate this.

"Our turn," Lana corrected her, squinting her eyes and pursing her lips, distrustful.

"Do we have to take turns?" Asked Leni, sounding confused as usual. "Because I totally wanted to bunk with him tonight."

"Well, I'm sorry, but all of you had plenty chances already," Lisa simply said. "Furthermore, I called dibs on it."

"Of course not! I had already decided this!" Lola complained.

"We had decided it!"

"Hey, come on now, guys, this isn't a competition," Lynn said, earning a surprised look and a raised eyebrow from Lincoln, to which she responded by folding her arms and sticking her tongue out at him.

"She's right, no need to fight, you guys," intervened Lori, raising her palms to calm her sisters down. "Lola, Lana… I think you should let Lisa spend some time with Lincoln."

"Oh, come on! We've been waiting or days!"

"Everything's gonna be alright," Luna told them in her sing-song voice, before continuing with a slightly more disappointed tone. "Some get a little, and some get none."

The younger girls kept fighting, with Lucy jumping into the dispute, while the older girls looked defeated, like they were also interested in taking part on the race for the ultimate prize, but their sense of responsibility wouldn't allow them to interfere.

Please don't make me choose, he thought, because his bed wasn't big enough to fit four people, and if he had to choose between Lisa or the twins, his brain would probably agree that choosing Lisa was the fairest solution. And yet, it seemed so unfair. He loved them all equally, and to choose one to spend with them what could very well be his last night… The mere idea repulsed him, and turned his stomach upside down. He didn't want to choose. If he could have it his way, he would stay with them all…

Lincoln L. Loud was many things, but one of his favorite epithets was "the man with the plan". His ability to improvise and solve problems was almost as cool as his ability to empathize with others, and he was very proud of it.

"I've got an idea," he said, raising his index finger to the ceiling, his bucktooth showing proudly.

They all shut up and stared at him.

"What if we bring all the mattresses down to the living room and have a sleepover? Together!"

One by one, smiles appeared on their faces, and even Lily began to clap and let happy gibberish. She probably didn't understand a single thing that Lincoln had said, but happiness and smiles tend to be contagious.

"That's a literally great idea! I'm down for it, but we should probably ask mom to see if we can-"

"MOOOOM!" Luan yelled, putting her hands around her mouth as a megaphone, interrupting Lori. "Can we all have a sleepover in the living room? It was Lincoln's idea!"

Rita, who had locked herself up in her room, didn't answer, but Lynn Sr peeked his head from the dining room, still wearing his yellow washing-the-dishes gloves.

"All of you? Like, all eleven?" He asked.

"Indeed," confirmed Lisa.

Their dad considered it for a fraction of a second before smiling at his children.

"As if you had to ask! Go bring those mattresses, pillows and blankets, kids!"

With a war cry, they all went to their respective rooms, turning their beds upside down to bring them to the living room. Lynn was considerate enough to carry not only her mattress, but the twins' as well, since they could barely drag them through the carpet of their room. When they reached the living room, they had to move the couch against the wall that led to their parent's room, leaving enough room for all of them to start playing an intricate game of tetris to try to locate the ten mattresses and Lily's crib in the small space that was left. Lisa had to intervene and draw some floor plans with her crayons to make the best out of the space they had, with Lincoln at the center and everyone else equally close to him.

Lincoln had a childhood flashback. He remembered the many times he, Lynn, Lori and Luna would make forts with all their pillows and blankets. The twins had also done it with him a couple of times. It was always fun, even if his sisters snored like congested rhinos. It made him feel closer to them, and right then, that's what he needed the most.

To Lynn Sr's request, Lori lit the fireplace, looking for the bright embers to keep them warm and safe from the cold of the storm, which luckily seemed to subside as night came along, and by the time they were all lying down, watching TV on their respective beds, there was nothing left from the fierce tempest but a gentle rain that softly hit the windows. Luna closed the curtains and lowered the blinds, as Luan looked for a different movie or show that they could all watch now that the comedy was over.

All the children agreed on watching an animated series about a magic princess obtaining a powerful sword to rebel against an evil, oppressive empire. The show looked fabulous, and everyone was really into the plot from chapter one. Lincoln was enjoying it too, but by the time the third episode began, his mind was no longer on it anymore. His eyes looked around at his sisters' faces. Glowing with a mix of the colorful lights of the show and the bright fire, they were all smiling. Some were so into the plot that they didn't even notice him staring at them, and others saw him and smiled back, lovingly waving a hand before moving back to the show.

He saw them having a good time and his spirit lift up, but there was something inside that wouldn't let him be one hundred percent happy. It was a longing thought that he'd had for a while. One that, ultimately, had kickstarted his Operation Farewell. It was a fear that he was ashamed to admit, in a way. It really worried him, and made him feel insecure, and he wasn't actually sure that it was something he should share with his sisters. But if there was something that those ever-long minutes under the bridge with Lori had taught him was that some emotions hurt less when they're allowed to come out and express themselves rather than bottling them up inside.

"Hey, girls?" He softly called them, trying to not wake Lily up, since she was lying placidly on her crib. "Can… can I ask you guys something?"

As expected, the show was absolutely forgotten, and he became the center of the spotlight.

"Look, I… I don't want to ruin this moment. And… and I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, or if it sounds… I don't know… Out of place? Egotistical? I don't know, I don't want to come off like that. I don't even know if I should say this out loud, but… But I…"

"Lincoln," Lori interrupted him. He stopped trying to anxiously fidget with his fingers to look at her. "Take a deep breath. Deeper. Exactly, like that. Now one more time. Alright, feeling any better?"

He shyly nodded.

"Perfect. Now take your time, but don't sweat it. You can ask us anything, whatever it is. We'll be here for you. Right, guys?"




"Right here for you."

"You bet!"

"Of course!"

"You shouldn't even have to ask, luv."

"Wait, what was the question?"

A timid smile made its way into his face, but the seriousness soon returned to it, and it didn't go unnoticed by his sisters, who slowly crawled closer until they surrounded his mattress. It wasn't easy for him to share what he was about to say, but he wasn't going to have many other opportunities to say it, and he needed to get it out of his system.

"I… We all know that… Soon… You know. And it's really hard for me to take this, but it helps me to think that you're all gonna be able to move on, eventually. And… And even though… Even if I'm not here t-to tell you how much I love you and show you my support, I want you to know that I'll always, always gonna be by your side, cheering you up when you need it. And… And I want you all to move on and make your dreams come true and become the best women in the world… but… I-I… I don't want to be selfish, but sometimes… I'm scared that you might… forget about me. I want you to move on, I don't want you to be sad… but… I-I don't know I just want you to… I don't…"

It was impossible for him to finish his sentence. He moved his knees against his chest and held them tight, covering almost all of his face with his arms, leaving only his eyes out to check their reactions. Everyone's trembling lips and glowing eyes weren't precisely what he needed or wanted to see, but he guessed it was inevitable.

Leni was the first one to embrace him as tight as a straitjacket, and after seeing her doing it, everyone else joined her. He would have liked to return the gesture, but they had surrounded him from all angles, and his arms couldn't move.

"Of course not, Lincoln! How could we EVER forget you?!" Luan said, sounding almost offended by the notion.

"You're our only brother," Lucy said, her voice whispering near his left, "now and for the rest of eternity. That's never going to change."

"You're not just my brother!" A strong squeeze on his right arm and shoulder confirmed Lynn's location. "Ever since I have memory, you've been my best friend! No one gets me like you do, Lincoln! I could never forget you, not in a quadrillion years!"

"I'm sorry," he apologized, shedding tears over what seemed to be the tiara-less head of Lola. "I don't want you guys to be sad, but… I don't know, it just scares me to think that maybe one day… Is it wrong for me to be afraid of you guys forgetting me?"

His question detonated an explosive response, so much that even if he couldn't understand what all of them were saying at the same time, their scared, confused and offended tones were enough to give him some reassurance.

"Are you insane?"

"I could never forget you, ya yutz!"

"Do you really think I could forget my favorite big brother?"

"If there's only one thing you can believe it's true: I live my life for you."

They continued to assure him that his fears were unjustified, and some of them were dangerously close to insulting him for even believing that there was any sort of chance that they could ever forget him. But passed the initial shock and indignation, even the most usually clueless such as Lynn and Leni realized how much this meant to Lincoln, and how much he was waiting for an answer that would ease his worries. The first one to take action on the matter was Lori, who had the girls move to give him space to breathe, and also so he could look at her in the eye as she spoke.

"Lincoln, I need you to listen to me very carefully," she said, holding one of his hands between her own. "I understand your fear… and I get why you're asking. It's not wrong or selfish of you to want us to remember you, it's totally understandable. But I want you to understand that I'm being absolutely honest when I say that I could never, ever in my entire life, be able to forget you. Do you understand that? Ever. For the rest of my life, you'll be my little brother, the best person I've ever known. I shared so many things with you it's literally impossible to remember them all. My life will go on, yeah, but I'll never move past you."

An idea then occurred to her, and she let go of his hand just so she could lift her own right hand, her fist clenched except for her pinky finger, which stood out like a tiny hook that she offered him. Slightly confused, he proceeded to imitate the gesture, and their two pinkies intertwined like links of a chain that, as he was soon to discover, would never break.

"I promise you that whatever happens, wherever I may be, no matter how busy, tired, or old I am, I'll think about you. Once a week. Twice. As often as I can. No matter how problematic, busy, or literally insufferable my life is, until the day we meet again, I'll dedicate some time of my week to remember you and tell everyone I can about how I was lucky enough to have the best brother ever. I promise you."

They both had tearful eyes, but Lincoln was the first one to completely break after hearing those words. He nodded to the best of his ability, failing to find the words to reply to that. Lori didn't need them, though. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on his brow. She then turned to her left and eagered Leni to get closer, right in front of him.

"Leni, promise something to Lincoln. Something that will keep you from ever forgetting about him," she asked her.

The fashionista took a couple of seconds to think, biting her tongue in an adorable gesture of concentration, but she was quick to extend her pinky finger just like Lori had done, wrapping it around Lincoln's.

"Linky, I promise… I promise… Oh, I know! You're so kind and friendly to me, and you always treat me nice! So, like, whenever I see someone who needs help, or a friend, or someone to make them feel better, I'll be nice and be there for them."

It seemed like she was going to end it there, but Lori stepped closer to whisper something to her ears.

"Oh, sure! And I'll always know that it's thanks to you. Because you're really the kindest person I know. And… even if you're, like, younger than me… I want to be more like you when I grow up."

He would've loved to have something smart to say to that, but his emotional state wouldn't allow it. He could only sit there and watch how Leni was smiling at him before Luna approached her, resting a hand on her shoulder, asking for permission to take her place and unite her finger with his.

"I don't know if my crazy rock n' roll dream will ever lead up to something, but you'll always be my muse, luv. My inspiration, the soul of my songs. If I ever manage to get a record out, I'll always have a song dedicated to you. And even if I never get a record, I'll still try to compose a new song each year, dedicated to love, friendship, and the little dude that I love the most, and always will. Even if that's everything I ever do for music, I'll leave a full discography dedicated to you, bro."

Luna hugged him tight before leaving her place to Luan.

"You helped me discover my passion for jokes and pranks, and putting smiles on everyone else's faces. Whenever I feel sad, or whenever I see other people bummed out… I'll do my best to cheer them up. Because you taught me that laughter is the best medicine. And I'll make sure that people around me can be as happy as you've made me, all these years."

She didn't look particularly happy, with her bloodshot eyes and cheeks streaked with wet trails, but there was an attempt at a smile outlined on her face, and the way she softly held his finger moved him. A softness that was soon contrasted with the energy and impetus with which Lynn knelt in front of him. She wrapped his pinky finger with hers, and as if that wasn't enough, she used her other hand to make a boy scouts signal. She had her chin up and her chest puffed, trying to come off as serene and confident, but her true emotions were pretty clear.

"From now on, every time I score a point, finish a race, end a game, get in or out of the pitch, get ready to begin, or throw a shot… Whether I'm winning or losing, playing my best game ever or had I done my worst presentation ever… Always, every single time, I'll look at the sky and dedicate it to you. Always, forever. Because you always supported me, and… and from now on… You'll be my new lucky charm."

She seemed to be struggling to contain herself, so she quickly moved aside to leave room for Lucy, who slowly neared him. She stroked her hands nervously before joining their fingers. She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, fighting to find the right words.

"I promise I'll never forget you. I… I usually talk to spirits. Sometimes… well, most of the time, they don't answer. And that discourages me. But I know they can hear me, and I know that even if you can't talk back to me, you'll be listening to me too, just like you always listen to my poems. Lincoln, I solemnly swear that every time I have a free night, I'll try to contact you in the afterlife. I'll talk to you about my day, what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling, what I did… I'll never forget anything that you've told me, and I'll remember you as the brother who was always there to hear me out whenever I needed him."

Unlike her roommate, she didn't shy away from her feelings, bowing forward to surround her brother's neck with her warm arms. He held her tight, stroking her back, wishing that her throat wouldn't be so fucked up so he could tell her how much he loved her. She didn't need to him say it in order to feel it, though, and soon allowed a very anxious Lola to take her place. Even if the young princess couldn't contain her tears, she looked determined.

"Today I promised you I'm going to be a better person, and that's what I'll do. I promise you that whenever I realize I'm being a meanie, dishonest, or that I'm being a bad sister, I'll think about you, and I'll try to change. I'll be better… unless they deserve it, right? B-But I'll try to be good as much as I can!"

He wanted to laugh a little, but it was hard not to be impressed and moved by the maturity and emotional growth that his young sister showed. He wanted to embrace her and let her know once again that she wasn't mean, that she was wonderful and he loved her with his whole heart, but Lana was also waiting for her turn, and she impatiently took her place, offering, oddly enough, the other pinky.

"I was picking my nose with the other one," she apologized, with a tiny smile peeping in between the sadness and seriousness. "but… I promise you that… uh… Well, I'm going to take care of the tree we planted. I'm gonna make it grow strong, and healthy, and tall, really tall! And remember when we saved all those frogs in your class? They were so happy to have a whole tank for themselves! And it was because you helped convincing principal Huggings. I'm going to keep doing that, saving animals, but every time I get them a good place to live, I'll name it after you. So, it's not just me who remembers you. I'll make sure everyone knows that you're someone who cares a lot about others. Your sisters, your friends, and even animals you don't know. Everyone will know for sure how great you are!"

Lastly, Lisa approached him. Still shocked by what had happened some hours ago, she seemed overwhelmed by the huge torrent of emotions that ran through her veins and that, for the first time in a long while, she allowed to take control of herself. Unlike the rest of her sisters, who surprisingly enough came up with their heartfelt promises quite quickly, she took her time, some long, stretched seconds, until her tiny finger softly hooked Lincoln's.

"Brother… you said something true today. In my eagerness to expand the frontiers of science, I have neglected the social aspect of my life. It is scientifically proven that social and fraternal bonds are a fundamental pillar of our health. For some reason, I've never felt comfortable about putting science aside for a while to interact with others. But in view of the circumstances, I can now appreciate my mistakes more clearly. I can't make a promise as concise as those that some of our sisters have made, but… In your memory, and thanks to your teachings, I hereby promise you that I'll do my best to push past my inhibitions, and I'll engage in greater contact with my sisters, friends, and colleagues. I'll try to become more socially active, street name… friendly. And I shall do it for you. To remember and honor your memory. I've learned thermonuclear physics and quantum theory from university books, but it was my older brother who, right from the comfort and coziness of my own house, taught me the importance of trust, and love."

After Lisa's promise, Lori once again played the role of leader, speaking with simplicity and warmth.

"We all made a promise to you, Lincoln, and we'll never forget it. Not the promises, not you. Because you're our brother. And we Louds are a big family, but also very close, and we love each other dearly. We love you dearly, Lincoln."

"We love you," they all repeated.

With the almost forgotten sound of the television, the soft drumming of the last drops of rain against the window, the random crackle of the logs in the fire, and the plangent echo of promises that would never be broken, the Loud children commuted on a tight embrace. When all the crying was over and their energies were drained, they took their pillows and blankets, finally ready to call it a night and rest.

The logic and mathematical mattresses distribution that Lisa had calculated had disappeared, with everyone looking to be as close to Lincoln as possible, either pressing against him or against each other. The overlapped blankets should've resulted uncomfortable, but he didn't even notice.

For the first time in what felt like forever, he felt perfect.





Funny story: originally (back in May, 2016) I had planned for Lynn Sr's secret hobby to be opening a hairdressing. Back then I couldn't have possibly foreseen the cooking thing being… well, a thing. So now that we reached this point, I just said "why not?" and played along with canon lol.

Next chapter will be the last. There's one more sister that needs her time in the spotlight, and several tiny little side plots that need to end. How will this all unfold? We'll know… hopefully soon.

Thank you all for joining me in this loooooong journey. I love you all.