

Darius escaped death only a by a sheer of luck, because he did what Dawn told him to do without even thinking about it. It was funny how his habit of not thinking thing twice could save his life.


However, it did not end there, because the black beast touched the ground and then immediately turned around, it was obvious that Darius was his next target.


"Zen! Seriously! Couldn't you remember me?! Damn it!" Darius scrambled to his feet, he put his hands out, telling him random thing to make the alpha remembered about him. "I am your sweet gamma, okay?! I didn't mean to push her! I swear!"


However, the black beast didn't seem to interest with whatever explanation that he was trying to blurt out, as he charged forward with the intention of killing him off.


Seeing this, Dawn immediately got on her feet and chased after the beast as well. Thankfully, Dawn was closer to Darius and manage to reach him.