
Remnant: Cultural Invasion

Remnant is lacking, especially when it comes to entertainment and it couldn't remain that way, that's why be prepared for invasion! A revolution of the era that would forever change this soulless planet to its core! It's the CULTURAL INVASION! Games! Movies! Animation! Every single entertainment from Earth will soon corrupt Remnant!

Emiyanii · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs


Synopsis - Remnant is lacking, especially when it comes to entertainment and it couldn't remain that way, that's why be prepared for invasion! A revolution of the era that would forever change this soulless planet to its core! It's the CULTURAL INVASION!

It's been a few days since I've transmigrated in this world and felt a sense of loss, seemingly without any warning I suddenly appeared in this place.

How did I know that I'm in a different world? Thanks to the T.V in the single person apartment I've been transmigrated into.




And most importantly the faunus, they exist.

So I've come to the conclusion that I'm in a different world, not just any world but a world I'm quite familiar with because after all I'm a fan of this very series.

And it's called RWBY, where aura, magic, relics and most importantly an immortal witch exist.

Because it means…

"I'M FUCCKKKED..." I was in fact screwed, this is without a doubt real, it's not the matter of 'how' but 'when'.

As much as this world is entertaining, however, that is only the case when I'm watching it as a show and not living in that world.

It's a dangerous world that would end a decade at best, and a few years at worst.

I can't even cry at this point, what the hell did I do in my life to deserve this, while I wasn't exactly good I wasn't evil either, I followed the law and haven't had a single crime in my name.

I could have transmigrated in a more peaceful world and would have been more grateful and excited to know that I've been isekai'd.

But this? This world is crap, it doesn't help that I know what will happen in the future, there's an old quote that says 'Ignorance is a bless' and this situation is definitely a primary textbook definition of that very quote.

Maybe if I didn't know about the future I probably wouldn't be as anxious, but I don't have the luxury.

Right now the only thing I could do is enjoy this new life to the point I'm a hedonist knowing that it would end at few years at least or suck it up and move forward use the knowledge I have to help the main cast and at a very least might avoid the world end scenario because of some immortal bitch want to die.

If you want to commit suicide do it by yourself don't drag us, or me personally to it, while you hate life I still love mine.

As I was deciding the fate of this world, all of the sudden a blue screen popped out of existence and was right in front of me.

[ Hello, fellow! You have been chosen as the divine oracle by the God Of Entertainment! ]

I was taken aback by this thing, I mean what the fuck does it mean being me as a divine oracle?

[ As I can see you're confused! But worry not, this fellow will explain your divine mission! ]

I couldn't help but be skeptical by this, however there's nothing much I could do and ignoring this would be a terrible idea knowing that this God Of Entertainment is probably the reason why I'm here.

[ As you may know that this world lacks something that this fellow dislikes the most, the lack of entertainment! It's such a disrespect to what this fellow stands for! It's a sin in this fellow eyes! ]

Looking back at it, remnant does lack entertainment as I could only name a few things that would be able to entertain me in this world, but I was so anxious before, that I didn't realize it.

To think such advanced world is lacking in the entertainment industry, but then again they fought the Grimm for the majority of their humankind history and could barely think anything aside from surviving so it's not really that surprising that they haven't thought much about entertainment until now, as the kingdoms nowadays is slowly being stabilize and doesn't fear the Grimm as much like back in the old days.

At least that's the case in the major cities such as Vale.

[ That's why this fellow plucked you from Earth so that you could baptize these hairless monkeys and be truly cultured by earth's entertainment industry! ] 

Okay this guy admitted that they're the reason why I'm here! If they weren't a powerful being I would already slap them in the face and many a few good hooks in the jaw for measure.

[ It doesn't matter if you plagiarize or outright copy some entertainment materials back on earth as long as it's defined as 'entertainment' there's no limit to what you can do! That's why I specifically made a 'system' that makes entertainment much easier to make, it would greatly help you in the cultural invasion you're about to start! ]

Seeing the word 'system' to say that it made me excited was an understatement, I could barely stop myself from physically showing my excitement.

[ But of course, since I'm a generous God, this fellow didn't just make the system solely for entertainment purposes but at the same time your reward as I created a mini-shop that could make you truly powerful but not as powerful as this fellow though! HAHAHA! ]

I couldn't care less about that as long as I get some powerups it hardly matters to me.

Then the message continued.

[ As you may have guessed the things that would be in the shop won't be for free as it would make no sense for you to obtain them without working, the same with creating some entertainment concept, although this fellow won't leave you penniless as this fellow would give you a starter points for you to begin with, but if it failed then you'll be stuck in this world and probably would die as an extra so be very careful with how you use your starter points! ]

I would definitely keep that in mind, there's no way I'd want to fail, especially when my life is on the life and mind you, is a great motivator.

[ Well then, that's all this fellow want to say, for now goodbye and good luck! ]

Then after that the system that the God Of Entertainment created appeared.

[ Entertainment System ]

Seeing this I couldn't help but smile widely to the point my lips almost stretched to the point it almost ripped.

I tried my best to calm myself, however it took me almost half-hour to do so, and after I did I started my investigation about how to use this system.

After a few minutes, I already understood how it works as it wasn't complicated, more like it's quite simple actually.

Either way, the system has 3 features.

First is the [ Maker ] to which I could create things for entertainment such as movies, animation, games and so on.

Second [ Shop ] where there's a lot of things but the majority of them are powers and items from fictional worlds back on earth, honestly I don't know if the shop was based on my knowledge because most of the things here are the type of things I wish I had.

Thirdly [ Profile ] which is pretty much self-explanatory, however thanks to this I found out the name of this body I'm using.

Gray Albini, considering the names of the people of this world are based on colors after the great war, I'm not really surprised.

I mean my name could have been worse, like something real edgy Crimson Blood or whatever, that name physically makes me cringe.

Anyway, after an hour of finding out the mechanics of the system I found out that I have 1,000 EP or Entertainment Points.

There's also a conversion system that allows me to convert EP to lien and vice versa, although there's a problem the only way for me to get EP is to convert lien into EP.

There's no other way around, while it isn't really a problem, however the ratio in exchange for lien to be converted to EP is something.

100 lien for a single EP, which means I need a ridiculous amount of money if I wanted to power-up myself and trust me the things that are in the shop are ridiculously expensive except for several things.

If my assumption is correct then 1 lien is equivalent to USD, which means the 1,000 EP that I have is 100,000 USD.

To be completely honest I never had that much money in a single occasion back in my previous life.

I feel complicated but it isn't really for my personal use at the moment as these points are my starting point to create a revolution in this soulless world.

It's time for me to do some research as this is going to be vital to which type of entertainment I'm going to make.

Thanks to the PC left by the original, I was able to conclude which entertainment I should make first.

It's definitely a game.

At first I thought of making an animation, however it isn't really popular at the moment as there's hardly any of it in this world, which is definitely a no since I need to have a lot of audience.

Besides I wouldn't be able to make a lot of money by making animation anyway as animation gains money by selling some franchises which I currently don't have.

Unless I create animation by commission but it's simply inefficient.

There's also movies, I don't know where to start with this one, while I don't need actors, directors and a crew single a movie would be created solely by the system as long as I have the script for it, however what comes after is a pain as I need to contact a cinema for my moves to be shown and even then I still need to advertise it.

Anyway, it's really risky and a complicated process, maybe if I gain more points and popularity only then I would even consider doing movies.

Back to games, while there's also a risk factor to this one, however it's way safer than making a movie or animation.

I don't need any advertisement at all, in fact I just have to post it on a game site and wait for anyone to play the game and if they get hooked then that's where the popularity starts.

Although the problem is, I couldn't decide which game I should make as there's plenty of games back on earth that were addicting.

However, in the midst of my research I noticed something similar between the most popular games, they are fighting games.

Most of them are fantasy which uses swords and magics to fight the enemy, the Grimm.

It's quite laughable, but all of those games have the Grimm as their main enemy, there's no other kind of enemy at all.

But considering the fact that the Grimm is a very real threat in this world, I could understand where they're coming from.

However, it's so unimaginative to the point it's almost boring, like there's nothing new at all except for different scenarios.

Guns vs Grimm.

Swords vs Grimm.

Magic vs Grimm.

Or whatever vs Grimm in the game market.

There's also the fact that none of them are VR.

And by the way, the system could only make VR types of game anything other than that is simply unavailable.

It wasn't disappointing at all, in fact I'm very happy about it. 

Meaning it's the highest of quality, there's simply no one in the gaming industry in remnant could compete with me if I release VR.

Now I've decided to make a real fantasy game that doesn't have to do with Grimm as the enemy.

Time to make Aincrad real.

Author Notes: Yeah, he's going to make SAO! Sorry if I can't make a more detailed system, because I feel like my brain would rot from so much thinking. 

The main purpose of this fanfic isn't about how he made the games or any other entertainment related things that he will make in the future, but the reaction of the main cast of these creations and how it would change the plot.

And by the way the current timeline is pre-beacon, which means the main cast isn't a student yet.

There's still a few months till the plot of RWBY will start.

P.S - I don't know if there's going to be a romance for the MC, but we'll see what will happen in the future and this definitely won't be harem at worst it would be a threesome relationship.

Feel free to donate if you ever feel generous, every bit of donations help.

There's going to be an advanced chapter here.
