
Too familiar

Benson's POV

I noticed how she stared at the shoe with so much smile on her face.

It was just a ballet shoe, yet she was so excited and emotional about it.

There was something strange about these shoes, and I could feel it in my bones.

The moment my gaze fell on these shoes, I fell in love and attracted to it and I couldn't get my eyes off it.

They look so familiar to me, despite I haven't seen them before.

I picked it up from the shoe rack and couldn't drop them back at the rack.

I brought it home hoping she would like it, but it turns out she really loved it.

I smiled to myself and remove my gaze from her.

“This is beautiful ". She murmured as she took hold of Derrick's gift in her hands.

She unpacks all the gifts with smiles on her face, it was obvious she loved the gift.

"Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your gifts"she murmured with a smile on her face.

"It's nothing, my dear, we all are really going to miss you ". Mrs Sonia spoke up 

"I'll also miss you guys, but I promise to visit from time to time ".she muttered out those words while staring at me and I find it strange.

Mrs Sonia stared at her before getting up from the floor.

"I think it's time to eat ".

We all agreed with her and stood up from the floor.

We left the tree and walk to the dinning table.

I pulled out a chair while Jesse took the chair opposite me.

I met her gaze, but she swallowed nervously and look away.

"Can I help and prepare the table "she offered 

"That won't be necessary Jesse, you are a guest here and should be treated as one". Mrs Sonia smiled at Jesse before leaving for the kitchen.

"When are you coming to Australia". Lilly asked while staring at Jesse

"I'll be coming to Australia the day after tomorrow".

"Really, so you will come visit us". Lilly asked with so much excitement in her voice.

Jesse chuckled softly before speaking up, 

"I'll be very busy with rehearsals, but I promise to make out time to visit you ".she expressed those words like she meant it.

"Why don't you come stay with us, we have a very big house, right, dad ?" She asked those questions while staring at me with her two bulky eyes.

I stared at her but didn't know what to say.

"Dad?" She calls out my name

"Don't worry I already have a house to stay, but I will make sure I come see you okay ?" She smiled and gently caress Lilly's hair.

"Every day?" Lilly asked, 

"Yes every day ". Jesse chuckled softly and shakes her head.

"Food is ready ". Mrs Sonia walked into the dinning with bowls in her hands, while Smith followed her.

They placed the plates on the table before taking their seat.

"Let's pray ". Mrs Sonia spoke up, 

We all closed our eyes while she prayed a quick player.

"Amen".we all chorused 

"Let's eat ".she smiled at everyone before taking some spoon of her rice and vegetables in her plate.

"Please serve yourself". Mrs Sonia directed those questions to Jesse.

"Thank you ".she murmured and put a spoon of rice in her plate.

"Stop staring and put some food on your plate ". Smith whispered in my ear, 

I groaned at him and put some rice and chicken on my plate.

"Take some vegetables". Mr Sonia passed the bowl of vegetable to me, but Jesse words stopped her, 

"He doesn't like this type of vegetables".she spoke up.

Everyone stared at her with shock, including me.

"How did you know ". I asked in shock 

She can't tell me it's Lilly because I know Lilly isn't aware and even charity, so how did she know.

She chuckled softly and took a sip of water and cleared her throat.

"I just guess, since you didn't put it on your plate ".she muttered out those words while avoiding my gaze.

"I also thought as much when I did not see any vegetable on your plate". Derick spoke up and started eating.

Everyone nods their head and started eating, but I was convinced with her words, it feels like she wasn't telling the truth to me.

I stared at her and watch her took in a deep breath before taking a spoon of food in her mouth .she met my gaze and quickly look away.

I watch her took a spoon of her food and noticed how she swallowed nervously and avoided my gaze.

Indeed, there was something strange about her behavior. 

"Grandma, when is Santa coming". Lilly asked with a mouthful of food in her mouth.

"Maybe later by the day ". Mrs Sonia replied 

"But it's almost 2pm ".

"Let's say he will be here later in the evening". Mrs Sonia flash Lilly a big smile 

"What do you think he will get me ".she asked excited 

"I don't know, why don't you eat, and then we can talk about it okay ".

Lilly nods her head and went back to her food.

We all eat in silence, but occasionally, I stared at Jesse and whenever she locks eyes with me, she swallowed nervously and look away.

We finished eating and left the dinning table to the sitting room and sat on the couch.

"Thanks for having me ". Jesse smiled at us, 

"It was a pleasure having you in our home ". Mrs Sonia spoke up.

Jesse flash her a big smile before getting up from the couch.

"So you are going to Australia ". Smith asked her while staring at me with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah, I'll be there for four months, after that, I will have to travel to two other countries before coming back to California".she spoke firmly.

"Wow, make time to visit Lilly sometimes". Samuel spoke up.

"Yeah, sure".she said those words while staring at me.

I lock eyes with her and felt so intoxicated with her eyes, it's feels like she was so familiar that she looks like the girl in my dream and memory

"It can't be her" I murmured to myself 

"I'm just over thinking things ".