

Jesse's POV

The next day in school, Benson was no where to be found.

I search in all the classes for him, but none has a trace of him. I went to the basketball court where he usually seats but yet, he wasn't there.

I was on my way back from the basketball court when I bumped into Jacob.

“Hey Jesse“. He greeted me with a smile.

“Hey Jacob “. I waved my hand at him 

“what are you doing here? “. he asked 

I hissed softly and ran my fingers in my hair 

“I've been looking for Benson all over the school “. I murmured tiredly.

“I went to their home, but they was no one at home “. Jacob said those words while staring at me.

I hissed softly and look around.

“He doesn't take our fight this serious “. I murmured 

Jacob stared at me with a worried look, 

“it's okay Jesse, maybe he is just somewhere, he will be in school later “. Jacob assured me.

I hissed and sat on the bench.

Jacob stared at me for a while before sitting beside me.

“don't stress yourself, Jesse, he will come around “. Jacob place his hand on my shoulders and gave me an assuring smile.

I smiled back at him and try to relax, but I was still worried.

“let's go to class “. he took my hand and we both walk back to class.

Throughout the class, I couldn't concentrate, my thought was filled with Benson and what he might be be doing right now.

After class, I rushed to Jennifer and sat on her seat.

“ Let's go to Benson's place “. I spoke worriedly.

Jennifer stared at me for a while before she spoke up, 

“calm down Jesse, Stop rushing after him. with the way you are acting, he will think you are guilty of what he is suspecting “. She spoke calmly.

Hearing those words from her, I became furious with her, she was the one who put me in such mess and here she is very reluctant about it.

“If you don't wanna go with me, I won't force you, just give me the car keys “. I spoke angrily. 

She hissed softly before closing her books.

“Fine I will go with you “. she stood up from her seat and walk out of the class with me.

We got to the student's parking lot and drove out of the school.

“You are just stressing yourself over nothing “. Jennifer said those words with her eyes focused on the road.

“Just shut up and drive “. I spoke in annoyance.

She hissed softly and kept on driving.

The drive to Benson's place was quiet until we got there.

I came out of the car and rush to their door, I knocked several times because his aunt opened the door. 

“Good day Aunt”. I greeted, 

She hissed softly and stared at me with so much hatred and disgust.

“Is everything okay". I asked when I noticed the look on her face.

"Benson isn't here, “. She spoke coldly

"Where is he". I asked 

"I just told you I don't know where he is, ".she shouted in anger, 

I hissed and stared at her before staring at Jennifer.

"You should go "

Benson's aunt said those words and angrily shut the door at us.

"Let's go ". Jennifer took my hand and dragged me away.

We got in her car and she drove off.

"Calm down, Jesse, he will come around ". Jennifer spoke up, 

I hissed softly and lean on the window in frustration.

"Jesse". Jennifer called, 

I hissed softly and closed my eyes until we got home.

"Mom is back ". Jennifer muttered out and came out if the car.

I walk out of the car and made my way to the sitting room.

I got to the sitting room and saw mom's eyes curiously looking at me.

"Good day mom".  I greeted while avoiding her gaze, 

"How are you Jesse". She asked, 

"Fine mom". I said those words and started walking upstairs.

"Wait a minute Jesse".mom called out 

"Shit'. I whispered

I turn around and climbed downstairs.

I went to the sitting room and met mom's curious eyes on me, 

"You are not okay Jesse, what's the matter? ". She asked worriedly.

"Everything is fine, mom". I lied 

"Stop it Jesse am your mother and I know something is wrong even though you are hiding it.

I hisssd softly and sat on the couch, 

"Is about Benson". I murmured.

Mom sign before she sat on the couch beside me.

"What Happened".she asked, 

I hissed softly before staring at her 

"We had a little argument". I murmured

She signs softly and moved closer to me, 

"Don't worry about it, he will come around ". Mom assured me 

Hearing those words from mom I should b relieve and calm,, but that wasn't the case, I was still restless.

Everyone keeps telling he will come around, but I knew something was wrong this time, I knew this time something will go wrong.

I hissed softly and look away.

"Jesse".mom moved closer to me and stoke my hair, 

"Stop bothering yourself, I know Benson will never be mad with you for a long time ".she smiled at me and left me in the sitting room.

I woke up and realized it was all a dream.

"You are wrong mom, this time you are wrong ". I whispered to myself.