
Make him remember

Jesse's POV

I was awoken up by the constant ringing of my phone. I murmured tiredly and went for the phone and angrily pick up the call.

“Hello”. I spoke in an angry tune.

“Jessica for the love of God what are you still doing in that town”. I murmured when I realized the call was from Jennifer.

“What is it this time, jeni”. I spoke in annoyance while getting off from the bed.

“Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about Jesse, you are supposed to coming back “.she spoke angrily.

I groaned and sat on the bed, 

“Listen, I know it's a great offer, but I can't accept it. I can't leave these kids here after all the hard work they have been putting in this practice, I just can't “. I said those words even when I knew Jennifer will never understand.

“You are blabbering rubbish”. She spoke in anger. I hissed but did not say a word, 

“Jesse you are coming back and that's final”. She commanded.

“Sorry jeni, I can't, and you should stop thinking about me, you have a family now “. I was now getting irritated with her big sister attitude.

“Really, is that all you have to say “. She spoke in anger.

“Listen Jenni”. I tried to speak, but she cut me off.

“Tell me, Jesse what do you intend doing with your life “. She spoke angrily

“Here we go again “. I murmured to myself

“You've never been in a serious relationship for the past ten years, you don't take anything serious in your life, not even your career “. She shouted over the phone, good thing I wasn't close to her.

“You've been wasting your life for the past twelve years, Jesse, twelve fucking years”. She shouted in anger

I close my eyes and thought of all she was saying and indeed she was right, ever since I lost Benson I became a shadow of myself, I went into series of relationship, but I never took anyone serious. Even in my drawings, I couldn't draw a day without thinking of Benson and I get distracted.

“Jessica”. Jennifer's voice brought me back from my thought.

“Are you even listening “. She spoke up, 

I released a deep sign and took in a deep breath before speaking up, 

“I have something to tell you “. I spoke slowly, 

Jennifer kept quiet for a while before she spoke up 

“What is it “.she asked but this time in a calm voice.

“He is here “. I spoke slowly

“Who is there “.she asked confused

“Benson, Benson is here “. I spoke slowly


“How, when did you see him “. Jennifer screams in shock and joy.

“I met him a week ago “. I spoke in a low tune 

“Jesse, why is your voice down, aren't you happy to see him after all these years of searching for him “.she asked confused 

“I am “. I murmured

“Then why are you sounding this way, wait does he have a family already”.she asked 

I hissed before speaking up 

“He was married and even have a cute daughter, but that is not the problem”

“He was married, do you mean he is a divorcee”. She asked 

“No, Jennifer, he lost his wife two years ago "

“Oh that really bad”.she sounded hurt 

“But I don't get why you are sounding unhappy”. She asked concerned

I ran my fingers in my hair and took in a deep breath for the words I was about to say.

“Jennifer he doesn't remember me "

“I don't get you “.she asked confused

“He can't remember me Jenni, at first, I thought he was playing some games on me, but then I realized he doesn't remember me and he also doesn't remember he grew up here in California”. I spoke slowly, so I could hold myself from crying.

“Tell me you are joking”. She asked

“No jenni, I wish this was all a joke, but it isn't Jenni, he doesn't remember me “. I sobbed in tears.

“Calm down Jesse, we will figure this out “.she assured me, 

“I hope so “. I murmured

“Where is he”.she asked 

“He is here, this is his late wife hometown, and he is here with his daughter to celebrate Christmas with Charity's mom”

“Is Charity his wife's name”.she asked 


“I don't believe this, Benson was married and even have a kid while you were here wasting your life all because of him “.she spoke in annoyance

“Stop this Jenni”. I spoke up 

“Stop what, now you've seen him what will you do "

“I dunno”. I replied

“Really”.she asked in anger, 

“What did you want me to do when he sees me as a total stranger “. I spoke in frustration.

“Don't tell me you are this weak, Jesse”.she spoke in anger.

“What do you mean”? I asked confused

“You still love him right “. She asked 

I thought for a while and remember how my heart still beat fast whenever I see him, he still has those effect he has on me twelve years ago. 

“Yes”. I whispered

“Then you know what to do “. 

“Which is “. I asked, 

“By making him remember you “.