
Relentless Blaze

"Where... am I?" Stuck in his friend's incomplete novel, James is now forced into dangerous predicaments. How will he survive, and what will he do now?

NextGen_Karma · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Better Beginnings (2)

This was never something that I could've been prepared for.

I've read stories with similar concepts myself, but this was different.

Usually, the protagonist would have all the information they need and become infinitely strong to overcome any adversaries.

But I had nothing. My friend had only planned out the start of his novel, along with telling me his ideas for the ending. However, that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was the setting of his novel, which overlapped with my current location. That being, a kingdom that had been completely destroyed and taken over by demons.

Considering that I was in the Carian Kingdom and still alive, I had to find out at what point in time I was currently in.

"Are you done thinking to yourself?"

The man was sitting on the same chair as if he had never left in the first place.

Considering that this was a novel where supernatural stuff like superhumans, magic, and unexplainable abilities existed, this wasn't much to be shocked about.

However, that did not mean that I wasn't taken aback.

"Yeah, but can I ask you a question before that?"

"Go ahead."

"What is the current year?"

"It's currently the 32nd day of Constellation 1302"

Time here was mostly the same, excluding years. Years here were not measured by the rotation of the planet around the sun, but rather by the 400 days between each appearance of the star constellation.

I didn't know whether to be joyful that there were still 3 years left till the main story actually started, or be depressed by the fact that I only had 3 more years to live.

"That's interesting."

The man suddenly spoke out while looking at me, making me confused.

What was interesting? Nothing had happened.

Eh, maybe I was just overthinking.

"I should probably introduce myself as well. The name's Solis. Solis Maxmillian. Now, any other questions before I start asking you?"

"Go ahead."

I was completely sure that I was well-prepared for anything the white-haired man- no, Solis would say. However, it seemed I had overestimated myself.

"You're from another world, aren't you?"

I was taken aback, unable to answer. Sure I was suspicious, and so was my clothing, but I didn't expect him to outright say that.

"I- Uhh.."

"There's no point in lying."

"Well... I believe so, I guess? As far as I know, I'm pretty sure I'm from another world."

"See? That wasn't so hard, was it? Let's get to business then. I can't really let you roam freely as you'd probably be captured and sold within the first few hours of you being here."

"Wait, that's it? That's all the questions you wanted to ask? Nothing about me or how I got here?"

"Don't worry. If there was any other information I needed, you wouldn't know the answer to it.

Rather, let's get to the problem at hand, that being your lack of mana."

Mana was the primal source of power in this world, similar to magic. While magic is a power that is determined from one's birth, mana is available to all as a power source. 

The problem being? Everyone in this world is born with a slight amount of mana, which is the reason why only they can use it.

I, a human from Earth, would be unable to use mana as I wasn't born with it to adapt to it.

"I can give you several options for living your life from now on. I'm not so heartless as to leave a wandering lamb like you completely defenseless. You could work as a farmer, a labor worker, a technician, or something of the sort. Since you just got here, I'm not giving you the current burden of deciding all of this just today.

We'll continue our discussion tomorrow. For today, I'll send some food over to you while you decide on what to do for your future."

He spoke as he left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Thanks, Solis."

Instead of responding, he simply raised his arm to bid me farewell and walked straight through the door.


I spent the rest of the day trying to figure out my next plan of action.

Powerless to properly change any future events on my own, all I could do was ponder about it.

The only possible idea I had was to take the help of one of the only characters that I knew some level of detail about. and the only character that could be of any help right now.

That is, if I could even start a conversation that easily.

But that came later. For now, I have the freedom to do a lot of things. Of course, it wouldn't be easy to not get kidnapped by an evil mad scientist who's intrigued by my lack of mana or a psychopathic and narcissistic noble, who is also intrigued by my lack of mana.

As night approached, all I could do was just stare out the window and appreciate the beauty of this world. It felt good to no longer be amid giant skyscrapers filled with modernized buildings and advertisements.

The entire situation still felt unreal to me. So much had happened in such little time that it didn't really quite hit me that I'd died on Earth, and all the questions that I had.

I still didn't know if I should ask Solis about the burning village or the dark man. I didn't even know if he was related to either of the two incidents.

But then, who was the cloaked man?

As I was still stuck in my thoughts, an acrid smell with a burning sensation overwhelmed me. I immediately turned around, expecting to see flames yet again, however, there was nothing there.

It was then that I noticed that the flame wasn't around me.

It was on me

In an instant, the flame enveloped my entire being, filling my chest with panic. I looked around, bewildered, as the flames consumed me, yet the world around remained untouched. The crackling of the fire drowned out any other sound, and the heat was unbearable. I tried to scream for help, but no voice escaped my throat as the fire ravaged my body.

There was no refuge from the immeasurable pain as I was trapped in unending agony.

The only thing I could do was hope and pray, wishing for someone to save me.

For someone to end the pain.

In that moment, time seemed to stretch, as if the universe itself were holding its breath, witnessing the raw brutality of existence, as I lay there, trying my best to scream, not for help, but to relieve my pain; as screaming was the only thing that I felt could comfort me.

No matter how long I burned, my body was unaffected, making me believe I had gone crazy.

However, I could not dwell on those thoughts, as all that I could think of was the pain.

Alas, I only managed to muster enough strength to utter a single word.



'End my pain....'


Only as my consciousness faded did I finally see the door open.