
Chapter 333 Rhetoric

If Ronaldo had been under Zach's command, a single discerning glance would have been sufficient to warrant his prompt dismissal. 

The lethargy, an archenemy of any diligent soldier, was glaringly apparent in this military commander. Ronaldo's demeanor did not befit a fierce soldier; instead, he resembled a shrewd and crafty businessman with his rat-like, ingratiating smile. This stark contrast to the image the public expected of a robust military leader was unsettling for Zach and Bruce.

As the fat on his belly jiggled with every step, Ronaldo finally reached the table, albeit with visible effort. He stood beside the table, attempting to assume a military posture, with his hands clasped behind his back. However, his hunched shoulders and protruding belly did little to support his efforts to project a dignified image.