
CHAPTER 63 Going to the Capital

  "I don't get why you have to come around, Your Majesty," I said as I was already frowning.


  "Huh?" I blinked, tilting my head. He didn't answer me so I scrutinized him up and down. "Why are you even dressed like that, Your Majesty?" He was also wearing a very cheap tunic which is the same as mine but it is more ankle-to-floor length. He wasn't wearing some fancy clothing to signify his wealth as the Alpha King.

  He stopped walking and faced me. "Call me 'Claude', Rachelle. It is just the two of us so you don't need to address me like that."

  I raised my eyebrow. "You'll go by the name of Claude Hackworth again? Just as you always pretend way back?" I huffed and passed by him.

  I didn't hear anything from him so I made haste so he wouldn't catch up with me. I just don't understand why he has to come with me to the capital when he has affairs to attend to just like what he said earlier.