
What was he doing here?

Hearing the name Chen Mumu made Lu Fang's ears perk up. He quickly took a glance toward Xu Jingli, who had stayed behind. The man immediately understood what that look meant. It only meant this had something to do with Chen Mumu.

Xu Jingli quickly walked toward him, and the two of them quietly followed Rui Li and the man he had found to pretend to be the stranger Chen Mumu would meet.

Chen Xu had already sent Rui Li a text explaining everything. The man was going to act as a stranger, and when Chen Mumu got outside after one minute, this would be the man she would meet. Rui Li's smile was so wide that it felt like he was about to transform into the Joker.

Inside the room where Chen Mumu and the others were having dinner, the clock was ticking. Only 50 seconds remained. Chen Mumu's heart was beating rapidly as she waited.