
Rejected and Very Special and The Beginning of an End

Rejected and Very Special: With the many rejections that have ripped at this young heart, will this young goddess ever find love before the last pieces are chipped away? After years of heartache, she finally has the pleasure of finding her final mate, the one that accepts her. Sounds like she will get her happily ever after, but will the chaos come to an end? Her name is Sapphire, the daughter of the moon goddess. Although broken, this young girl still holds the power to kill you with one look. She is the rider of the most powerful dragon known to man. She has been rejected by 200+ mates that didn't seem to find her fit to be a forever partner, but her mother never gave up trying to find her the perfect one. Has she found the perfect one? Rejection is never too far, and with Sapphire, it has always been closer to her than anyone in the world. Will the kidnapping of a loved one jeopardize her new mate? Guess you will have to read to find out..... let's embark on this journey together and start at the very begging. The Beginning of an End: ~~Book 2~~ NOT COMPLETED She is the most powerful shifter that has ever lived. She holds in her possession the sword of legacy, the egg of a forgotten dragon race, and a pure white wolf with electric blue eyes. At the age of 15, Blaze is forced to grow up 3 days before her 16th birthday, the day most special to shifters, the day she meets her mate. Her mother was taken away to train, while her father is away in a place that is now forgotten, called Mystic Mountain. She is left at her home with her mother's sister Adaline. When things go wrong while she is on vacation with her aunt Sapphiria, Blaze has to embark on a journey to find what once was lost. She finds destiny and tricks fate, but is she still safe? Will she be rejected by destiny? Will her trick of fate come back to haunt her? Will she ever find that mate of hers? Follow Blaze through her hardships as she struggles to find herself, and find the person her mother has not spoken to in years.

Luna_Moonstone_8 · Khác
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38 Chs

(8)Everything Changes

Blaze's POV:

After the eventful evening we had with my aunt and uncle we were just now settling down in the living room to watch a movie. "Oo we are so watching Frozen!!" My aunt squealed out. My eyes widened.

"I believe me and Blaze are going to head upstairs, she is still healing and needs her rest" Yes! Go Pyro! My aunt sighs and flips her hand towards the stairs, dismissing us while my uncle looked at me almost pleading with me to get him out of it too. I shrugged and gave him a what-can-you-do look. I tried so hard not to squeal and run upstairs, and only just managed to walk upstairs like a sane person.

"Ugh thanks for the save back there" i sighed out flicking my eyes towards Pyro while walking to my suitcases to find a change of clothes. "I didnt just do that for you. I feel as though your keeping something from me. Im ment to be your protector, i know you better than you know yourself, how am i supposed to protect you if i dont know all the variables?!" Pyro managed to just barely keep his voice low enough to not alarm my family.

I feel rage flow through me like a wildfire. Blue swirls of magic waft around my body as i straighten up and turn around. I set my eyes on Pyro and glare at him. He shudders but holds his ground looking confused at my anger. "You have NO right to be angry at me! Ive grown up thinking you were a mere wolf pup, ive went years thinking i would never find my mate!

Because of my parents i had a high chance of finding my mate before i became of age, infact our pack witch told me i would find him at age 12. But did that happen? NO IT DIDNT! So every day after that i let myself think i would find him at 16 like a normal wolf even though that wasnt guaranteed. Then I find out your my mate, THEN i find out your actually a shifter! THERES 3 LIES ALREADY! You then have the audacity to embarrass me infront of my family by cutting me off when i introduced you!

You know how embarrassing it is when you are portrayed as someone who doesnt know their own mates name! Then i find out your a son of Artemis!? Thats a total of five lies in the last what, 5 days? So no, me keeping one thing to myself does not allow YOU the option of being angry at ME!" I yell out, the entire time i have been pacing back and forth infront of him. I huff trying to catch my breath and my eyes wonder to his face.

Many emotions pass through his eyes and he finally decides to choose one and stick with it, anger. Did he not just hear my whole rant? "You are acting like a child! I dont tell you a few things and you believe me to be a liar? Huh seems this age gap thing isnt going to work out. I guess you really are the pathetic, sad little child your parents make you out to be-"

I stop him by holding up my hand, tears running down my face. "Ill save your breath for you. I Blaze reject you Pyro as my mate" with one last look at his shocked face i teleported far into the woods. I sat against a tree and let out the sob i had held back. My shoulders shake as my sobs take control of my body.

I hear a growl coming from infront of me and dont even look up. "If you've come here to kill me, atleast make it fast. Ive been through enough pain today to last a lifetime" i lazily toss my head up to look around me. My eyes stopped on the blurry outline of a lion. Huh thats weird. I wipe my eyes free of tears and look again.

Infront of me stood a 7 foot male lion with their magnificant teeth bared open at me, every single one shining in the sun. "Ah a lion shifter, king of the jungle. How nice it is to be killed by you and not some dingy rouge. Now it would be delightful if you could make this fast" i say while motioning my hand in a way to hurry him along. The lion stopped snarling at me and cocked its head to the side in questioning.

"You want to know why, right?" I was answered with a nod. "Well first i need to explain some things. Firstly i live with my aunt as my parents left me awhile ago. I have grew up with a wolf pup as my protector, i named him Pyro when i was young. I grew up believing i was never to have a mate for reasons i will not explain. Then one day i look into Pyro's eyes and something clicked, i immediately flipped out thinking i was mated to an animal.

Pyro then shifted into a young man. To say i was surprised would be an understatement. I found out he was much older than me even though he looked my age. Although i was reluctant at first we decided to make it work. Well that didnt last long. I found out he had been lying to me about some important things and then he called me a pathetic, sad little child. I cut him off and rejected him. Then i-" i let out a sob i was holding back, being reminded of the rejection caused the pain to spread throughout my body again.

"Then i tel-...walked myself out of the house and ran through the woods until i got here." I nodded my head and swept my arms out around me to make the point that i had filled him in on everything that led to this point. I left out a few things so he wouldnt know who i was.

The lion looked saddned and shook its head in shock. Then a golden light surrounded him. He was shifting! Here! With no clothes! Infront of me!!?

Once the light was gone i looked away blushing. "Aww sweetheart theres no reason to blush" he chuckled and soon enough i felt a rough hand under my chin pulling my face towards him. I closed my eyes, my blush getting darker. "Im dressed darling, no need to look away" his deep husky voice caused me to shudder involuntarily. "Come on love, open those beautiful eyes of yours." this time i could hear the smirk, that is now resting on his face, in his voice. His minty breath fanned across my face.

I opend my eyes towards the ground and slowly allowed my eyes to travel up his body. He was indeed wearing tan shorts but he had no shirt. My eyes lingered hungerly on his eight pack of abs. Oh what a lovely sight they were. My eyes raked up and down his body and my breath came out in huffs. "Darling i know i look good, but my eyes are up here." He managed to chuckle out, but i could hear the husky undertone which told me he was enjoying my looking.

I once again felt the heat of my blush as my eyes snapped up to his. Oh what a wonderful honey brown they were! They were framed by midlength black hair, a sharp small nose, puffy pink lips, and the strongest jawline i have ever seen. All in all this man has to be the hottest thing i have ever seen in my life. As soon as my eyes managed to capture his for longer than a second, one word uttered from his puffy pink lips shocked me to the core.

"Mate" his husky, and now lust filled voice whispered as his honey brown eyes met my golden.