
Rejected (A Werewolf Story)

Rosalyn Ambrose is a regular high school girl who has a crush on Ethan Campbell. When she finds out that he is her mate, her excitement is short-lived as he rejects her on sight. As the days go on, he torments her and she is abandoned by everyone. Becoming too much for her, she runs away to her cousins' pack and becomes head warrior and gets engaged to her second-chance mate. When she has to train Ethan's pack, what will happen? Will sparks fly again? Or will she prove to him that she is stronger than he could ever imagine? Find out in Rejected (A Werewolf Story)

adaezexo · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

I ran into my room and slammed the door, falling to the floor. I buried my head into my knees as I sobbed. It felt like someone had taken my heart, ripped it to pieces, and stomped on it repeatedly.

I continued crying as I huddled into a corner, feeling like a complete failure.

Why me?

Why did he do that?

Why did no one stand up for me?

Why am I such a failure to everyone?

What did I do to make me deserve this?

Why did the Moon Goddess let this happen?

Why didn't I get the perfect pairing like everyone else?

I heard my wolf cry out in betrayal and pain, making me cry harder.

All I could see was the image of him kissing her over and over again playing through my head like a video.

I wanted to slam my head into the wall.

"STOP! STOP PLEASE, PLEASE please ..." I whimpered through my tears.

"Why Moon Goddess? WHY? WHY ME?" I screamed at the sky while pulling at my hair.

"You ruined my life, are you happy?!"

"I asked ARE YOU HAPPY?" I cried and screamed through the tears.

I lay on the floor and bawled my eyes out, feeling completely heartbroken and torn


'Everybody around you eventually leaves. What's wrong with you?' a voice spoke in my head, sounding disgusted.

The sad part was that I felt the same way.

'Nobody wants you, heck even your mate rejected you.' I thought bitterly to myself, curling up into a ball.

It felt like hours as I laid there, crying my broken heart out.

"Rosie, you can't stay here."I heard the warm voice of my wolf speaking to me.

I slowly pulled myself up, crawled into my bed, and closed my eyes.

The last thing I remember hearing was the sound of my sniffling and my wolf saying 'We will make him regret doing that, I promise you Rosalyn.'